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The World’s Most Potent (and Safe) Herbs That Kill Parasites

Herbs That Kill Parasites
Dr. Donna Schwontkowski author Dr. Donna Schwontkowski, DC
M.S. Nutrition & Herbology
Parasite Cleanse Expert

Reviewed by:
CleanseJoy Editorial Team.

Black walnut | Epazote | Neem | Wormwood | Cloves | Oregano oil | Diatomaceous earth | Jatoba | Pau d’ Arco | Licorice

Did you find out that you have parasites from your doctor? Or did you realize by looking at the list of symptoms that it’s likely you have one? Some of the main reasons people use herbs that kill parasites include:

It’s important to know how different herbs kill parasites, which ones they kill, and how to properly use them. Although in some cases we may need more studies in order to completely understand how these herbs work against parasites, we know enough to safely get the critters out of your body (dead or alive) so you can feel healthy again.

Related protocols:
parasite cleanse, candida cleanse.

2 things You Should Know Before Taking Anti-parasitic Herbs

1: Cleanse your colon

When you get the critters out of your body, they are eliminated with the stool. Before you do that, you absolutely need to cleanse the colon first to avoid a healing crisis and die offs.

Ozonated Magnesium Oxides can help to clear the colon so your body can eliminate the dying parasites, candida (and their toxins) quicker during your parasite cleanse.

If you are new to cleansing or planning to take herbs for parasites or candida, I highly recommend to read my guide on how to prevent a healing crisis.

2: Diet for Parasites

Low carb diet that doesn’t feed the critters is also recommended. Sugar is the primary fuel source of many parasites.
See: parasite cleanse diet.

10 Top Herbs That Kill Parasites

Here’s the list of the top herbs that kill parasites and how they work. Have some of these daily or add to your natural parasite cleanse.

  1. Black Walnut (green hull)

Any plant that can live to be more than 300 years old has to be full of medicinal components that are anti-parasitic in nature. What parasites does it kill? According to the ancient herbal medicine literature, black walnut may kill over 100 different types of parasites. A must have in any parasite cleanse, and a definite option as one of the best herbs that kill parasites.

Black walnut is anti-helminthic according to the old monographs on herbs, which means it destroys parasitic worms or helminths. This category includes flukes, tapeworms or nematodes. Helminthes are the largest parasites.

It’s good to kill helminthes first in the human body because these ‘guys’ are eating and pooping in your intestinal tract and elsewhere. Lesser parasites eat their excrement. Thus black walnut ends up killing all types of parasites with one swoop.

Helminths are big enough to see with the naked eye. That means when you take black walnut extract, capsules, tincture or any form, you might see the parasites fighting for their life and squiggling in the toilet bowl. Sorry for being so graphic about it but who will tell you these things if we don’t?

A few more things to know:  black walnut can be used for cats and dogs as dewormers you make at home, but never give it to your horse. It makes their body and especially feet swell and they fall down, not getting up for several hours, a condition called laminitis.

The active ingredients of black walnut include juglone and a quinone called plumbagin.

  1. Epazote (leaf) (Chenopodium ambrosioides)

One report by the World Health Organization in the 1970s stated that a decoction of 20 grams of the leaves of epazote rapidly expelled parasites in humans without any apparent side effects.

This herb has a very impressive and specific data on its anti-parasitic effect.

A study that had 72 children and adults with intestinal parasites take Epazote, found it was 100% effective against Ancilostoma and Trichuris, and 50% effective against Ascaris. Stool analysis showed it only took 8 days for the treatment to kill the parasites.

In another study of 30 kids between the ages of 3 and 14 years old with roundworm, one dose given on an empty stomach for three days caused the disappearance of 88% of the eggs and overall parasite burden decreased by 60%. Epazote was 100% effective in eliminating human tapeworm.

  1. Neem (leaf) (Azadirachta indica)

With parasite killing properties that include anti-helminthic, antibacterial, antifungal (Candida), and antiviral, Neem is one of best herbs that kill parasites for adults.

It works great topically when kids get lice. That horrible hair parasite infection that travels quickly through a schoolroom. There’s nothing like a call from a teacher that your child has lice! But it’s a good thing that there’s a solution.

In one study of 60 heavily-lice-infested children, neem shampoo was found to be highly effective against all stages of head lice. Neem killed live adult parasites, inhibited eggs from hatching, and annihilated everything in between. A great parasite cleansing herb for school teachers who try to stay lice free.

Neem is also one of the best home remedies for scabies rash, a skin condition caused by tiny parasitic mites called Sarcoptes scabiei. The mites tunnel into the skin and can cause severe irritation as they move.

Kids or pregnant/breastfeeding moms should not take neem internally.

  1. Wormwood (leaf/stem) (Artemisia absinthium)

Now this next study is really one that gives herbal therapy its due credit.

Doctors tested and treated 780 patients that had Schistosoma mansoni infections. Schistosoma mansoni is a water-borne parasite in humans that belongs to the group of blood flukes.[1]

The researchers must have found a few villages that were seriously infected with this parasites. The patients all tested positive and had the parasite eggs in their stool.

Wormwood herb tea came to the rescue! 14 days later, all of them – hundreds of these patients, had no detectable parasite eggs in their stool. 28 days later, the eggs were still gone.

The doctors concluded that wormwood “provided faster effective treatment of schistosomiasis and should be considered for implementation on a global scale.”

  1. Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum)

Cloves are best known for their parasite egg killing action, although they are very effective against many types of parasites. If you have Giardia, Schistosoma, Fasciola gigantica (flatworm) or Haemonchus contortus (called barbers’ pole worm), cloves may become your new best friend. Studies have shown cloves are lethal to these parasites and won’t let them multiply.

Cloves may also be a good options for those who have Lyme disease. The tick that carries the Lyme bacteria can also be infected with the Babesia parasite.
Tucked away from many antiparasitic herbs, cloves can track the Babesia parasite down like a sniper.

Herbal medicine books often call cloves antiprotozoal. That means it is effective against parasites like Amoebas, flagellated, parasites with whip like ‘legs’, malaria, and Trypanosoma cruzi.[2]

The active components of cloves include eugenol, gallic acid derivatives, flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol, and phenolic acids.

  1. Mediterranean Oregano Oil

Six weeks of Mediterranean oregano oil supplementation were enough to kill several parasites. A US study found the oil effective against Entamoeba hartmanni (causes diarrhea), Endolimax nana (amoeba in GI tract) and Blastocystis hominis (GI protozoa). The GI symptoms of the patients that participated in the study improved greatly after the treatment.[3]

Oregano oil is also an antiprotozoal, and was able to successfully kill the protozoan parasites Leishmania donovani, malaria, T. cruzi, and Trypanosoma bucei rhodesiense.[4]

The active ingredients responsible for these potent antiparasitic effects were carvacrol, linalool, p-cymene, y-terpinene and thymol. There was no toxicity to the cells from the herb.

  1. Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is the fossilized remains of phytoplankton. There are two unique properties of DE that makes it one of the best herbs for parasites.

DE is high in silica. The molecular structure of silica is very sharp, which makes it a deadly weapon against parasites. When parasites are nearby, silica slices open the bodies of parasites without harming any of your own tissues.

As if that’s not enough, the structure of DE is sponge like and it can trap bacteria, microbes and smaller parasites inside, which are then carried out of the body. This means that if larger parasites are eliminated, you might see them in the toilet.

DE was shown effective against whipworms, hookworms and ascarids, killing these parasites in about 7 days in animals.

Although there are no human studies on whether or not DE kills parasites or their eggs, we do know is that if something can work so well on parasites in animals, it’s most likely going to work as well in humans.

Due to its high silica content, DE may promote healing to all connective tissues, and that includes the GI tract.

There’s no known toxicity from diatomaceous earth as long as you use DE that is meant for human consumption. DE can also be used as an insecticide or for pool cleaning, so make sure your DE comes from a reliable herbalist.
You can take one heaping tablespoon twice daily and may notice a lot of good things happening to your gut, skin, hair and nails.

  1. Jatoba (bark)

Jatoba (Hymenaea) is a huge canopy tree that grows in the Amazon rainforest. Its bark and leaves are used to expel intestinal worms and parasites. It contains medicinal diterpenes, sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, oligosaccharides that have the parasites and egg killing action.

People in the Amazon also use Jatoba for many stubborn fungal and yeast problems, especially Candida, athlete’s foot, nail fungus, and combine it with other herbs for parasites. Traditionally, Jatoba is known to make a person feel strong and ready to get to work.

  1. Pau d’ Arco (bark) (Tabebuia impetiginosa)

Pau d’ arco is is long known for its anti-parasitic as well as antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

What parasites does it work against? The list starts with some of the worst ones – malaria, schistosoma, trypanosome, and candida yeast (a fungus that is often thought to act as a parasite in some regards).

The active ingredients in Pau d’ arco are quinoids, benzenoids and flavonoids.

  1. Licorice (root)

Who doesn’t like a mixture of licorice root and mint for a cup of tea?

Well, research shows that glabridin, a polyphenol found in licorice root inhibits the growth of malaria parasites without killing cells. It does this by inhibiting an enzyme that acts on a binding site where the parasite attaches.

But that’s not all it does. Licorice root’s glabridin induces cell death of the parasites mitochondria and generates a type of stress that kills the parasites directly like deadly laser beams. The Researchers that discovered glabridin’s antiparsitic effects concluded it “exhibits antiplasmodial activity and is suitable for developing an antimalarial agent from a cheap and sustainable source.”[5]

Killing Parasites Regularly is A Good Move

Herbs that kill parasites are the first thing people think about when they plan their parasite cleanse. But, you can also use these herbs to kill parasites on an ongoing basis.

For example, why not add DE to your coffee in the morning. Start your day off right with a little caffeine for your mind and body, and dead parasites in the stool. Nothing’s better for a clear mind!

Or how about brewing up a few quarts of tea composed of water and 1 tablespoon each of Jatoba and Pau d’ Arco? Brew it for 30 minutes, add lemon to it and drink all day for energy – and parasite killing action.


There are so many things you can do to against parasites. Always remember that parasites are a fact of life. You aren’t going to make it to the grave without facing them once or more in your life. So now that you are armed with the list of the top herbs that kill parasites, it’s time to get these critters out of your body!

There’s one thing that always amazes many people in the field of natural healing. With these herbs work so effectively for parasites of all varieties, why aren’t medical professionals use them more often? God already put the answers on the earth for all of us, and we have plenty of evidence on their safety and effectiveness.

I truly hope more people can learn about these wonderful natural herbs, that can offer so much to our health and wellness.
Help and share this knowledge with anyone who may suffer from parasites.

I wish you all the best in your journey to better health.


  1. Munyangi, J., et al. Effect of Artemisia annua and Artemesia afra tea infusions on Schistosomiasis in a large clinical trial. Phytomedicine 2018 Dec 1;51:233-240.
  2. Batiha, G.E., et al. Syzygium aromaticum L. (Myrtaceae): Traditional uses, bioactive chemical constituents, pharmacological and toxicological activities. Biomolecules 2020 Jan 30;10(2).
  3. Force, M., Sparks, W.S., and Ronzio, R.A. Inhibition of enteric parasites by emulsified oil of oregano in vivo. Phytother Res 2000 May; 14(3):213-4.
  4. Tasdemir, D., et al. Antiprotozoal activity of Turkish Origanum onites essential oil and its components. Molecules 2019 Dec 3;24(23):4421.
  5. Singh Cheema, H., Prakash, O., et al. Glabridin induces oxidative stress mediated apoptosis like cell death of malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Parasitol Int 2014 Apr;63(2):349-58.
  6. Taylor, Leslie, N.D. The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs. A Guide to Understanding and Using Herbal Medicinals. Square One Publishers, NY. 2005.
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