Cleanse Joy Research TeamResearch analysis:
CleanseJoy Editorial Team
Supplements reviewed:
Dr. Edward Group, DC, NP
Dr. Emek Blair, Ph.D


In this review: evidence based vitamins, minerals & herbs known to support the immune system, including the ability the fight infections.

Notice that certain deficiencies in vitamins and minerals have been linked to a compromised or weak immune system. So rather than waiting until you feel you may be "coming down with something", it is best to have your levels tested.

Plant-Based Immune Boost
Organic Herbal Complex

immune system support complex supplement

Traditional evidence based blend of organic herbs and medicinal mushrooms that support a strong immune system function and help defend the body against harmful organisms such as viruses and bacteria.

  • Certified Organic
  • One Year Money-Back Guarantee

Natural Organic Vitamin C
Whole Food, Plant-based


100% natural complex that enhances key immune system cells including phagocytes and t-cells. Vitamin C deficiency has been linked to a reduced resistance against certain pathogens.[6

  • Certified Organic
  • One Year Money-Back Guarantee

Organic Oregano Oil
Mediterranean, 80% carvacrol

Oregano Oil Immune System

The Mediterranean variety of oregano oil demonstrated potent antiviral and antimicrobial effects in multiple studies, contributed to its active ingredient, Carvacrol.[1]

  • Source: Mediterranean variety
  • 80% carvacrol
  • Certified organic
  • One Year Money-Back Guarantee

Organic Natural Zinc Orgen-Zn®
Superior Bioavailability


Plays a central role in the immune system, studies show a link between zinc deficiency and increased susceptibility to infections.[2]

Zinc deficiency is very common

  • Source: guava leaves
  • Patented extract: Orgen-Zn®
  • Certified organic
  • One Year Money-Back Guarantee

Organic Vitamin D3
Vegan Society Approved

Vitamin D

One of the most important vitamins that play a critical role for a healthy immune system function.

Stimulates production of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that act as the body's defense against bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased susceptibility to infections.[4]

Over 50% of Americans have vitamin D deficiency.[5]

  • Source: Lichen
  • Certified organic
  • One Year Money-Back Guarantee

Elderberry & Echinacea
Certified Organic

organic Elderberry & Echinacea complex Support for a Strong Immune System

A certified organic complex of two of the most popular traditional herbs for immune system support, optimized for fast acting superior absorption in the body.

Studies have shown that echinacea may offer a promising overall wide-spectrum immune system support that can modulate both innate and adaptive immune responses.[5a].

Further research suggests that elderberry may significantly reduce the duration and severity of cold.[5b]

  • Certified Organic
  • One Year Money-Back Guarantee

25-Strain Probiotic & Prebiotic
Super Strength, 75 billion CFUs

Probiotics immune system Supplements

80% of the immune system resides in the gut. Probiotics promote growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.

Prebiotics are nondigestible food ingredients known to promote the growth of probiotics by serving as a food source for the probiotics.[8]

  • Source: 100% vegan
  • Patented strains
  • Super strength: 75 billion CFUs
  • One Year Money-Back Guarantee

Organic Reishi Powder
Super Strength, Full-spectrum

reishi immune system

Key medicinal mushroom with a long history of use confirmed by studies. A potent natural immune system booster with antiviral and antimicrobial properties.[9,10]

Reishi has an earthy flavor which works well in smoothies, as a coffee substitute or coffee add-on.

  • Source: certified organic
  • Super strength, full spectrum
  • Money-Back Guarantee

Organic Natural Selenium
Superior Bioavailability

Immune System Support Supplements selenium

Essential mineral shown in studies to boost the immune system and protect the body against certain pathogens.

Selenium deficiency has been linked to impaired immune system.[11,12]

  • Source: mustard seeds
  • Patented extract: Orgen-SE®
  • Certified organic
  • One Year Money-Back Guarantee

Organic Tulsi (Holy Basil)
Immune & Stress Support

Immune System Supplements Tulsi Stress Anxiety

Ayurveda medicine prized herb, confirmed by modern research as a potent antiviral and antimicrobial against multiple pathogens responsible for human infections.[13]

Very useful as a natural relief from physiological stress.[13]

  • Source: certified organic
  • Liquid formula, superior bioavailability
  • One Year Money-Back Guarantee

Is your favorite immune boosting supplement out of stock?

As any high demand organic or wild grown ingredients, some of these immune boosting supplements may not always be available.

To help support your need of high quality supplements for your cleansing protocols, we are constantly researching for additional effective and safe options. To get our latest research, supplements promos and natural health updates directly to your inbox, subscribe to our newsletter below.

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How we conduct our research

In our extensive research for the best natural ways to optimize people’s health, we are constantly reviewing the available products on the market.

We test all the products that we recommend, making sure they are top of the line, and meet our high standards for exceptional quality, efficiency, safety and customer service.

A few of the key things we are looking for when we evaluate a product include:

The Must Haves

  • Know the Source:
    Highest quality ingredients, best sources
  • Evidence Based:
    Only ingredients supported by clinical studies
  • Potency & Safety:
    Patented extracts used in studies
  • Customer Support:
    Exceptional support, US based

Critical Watch-Outs

  • Organic & Natural:
    Absolutely no synthetic ingredients or GMOs
  • Clean Label:
    Absolutely no artificial binders or fillers
    (Magnesium Stearate, Silicon Dioxide, etc.)
  • Vegan:
    Absolutely no animals or animal by-products

All the products we recommend must meet all these criteria