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Best Anti Aging Supplements: The Longevity Protocol for Graceful Aging

Best Anti Aging Supplements
Heidi Moretti Author circle Heidi Moretti, MS, RD
Certified Clinical Dietitian
Anti-Aging Researcher

Products | ProtocolDiet | Snacks | Smoothie | Lifestyle | Caloric Restriction | Intermittent Fasting

I am often asked for my opinion on anti aging supplements. As a clinical dietitian and a researcher, anti aging has always been one of my greatest passions, and as such, I spend a lot of time looking into the literature and studies.

The good news is that research in the field of epigenetics has shown us that our lifestyle choices can turn off “bad genes” and activate protective and longevity genes, allowing us to significantly extend our lifespan and improve our quality of life.

So based on your many requests, here it is! My latest anti-aging protocol, including my favorite anti-aging supplements, diet, recipes, and lifestyle strategies.

Voted as best supplements & diet guide for men and women over 40

“Beauty From Within”: My Natural Protocol for Graceful Aging

I like to think of anti aging beyond wrinkles and skin tightening.
Yes, these are all important, and we all want flawless skin! So obviously, my protocol supports healthy glowing skin.

But, I feel there’s much more to anti aging than making our skin look young.

When I approach anti aging, I look into graceful aging, beauty from within, with evidence-based anti aging strategies shown to:

When you support these key anti-aging pathways, you may notice:

Starting the Anti Aging Protocol

1. Best Anti Aging Supplements: Dr. Group’s Cell-Fuzion

I find that certain nutrients have impressive anti-aging potential. With that said, I like to focus on unique nutrients we can’t get from our diet, to compliment the anti-aging diet.

In other words, enrich your diet with anti-aging whole foods, and take supplements with those proven anti aging nutrients you can’t get from foods.

Cell-Fuzion by Dr. Group is my favorite overall anti-aging complex supplement. Just like you take a multivitamin for overall health, think about Cell-Fuzion as a multi anti-aging complex.

Cell Fuzion Summary

Cell-Fuzion Ingredients Analysis

Directions: take two capsules two times daily.

Cell-Fuzion Product Page On Dr. Group Website.

2. Anti Aging Diet

While there is no one anti-aging diet that works best for everyone, there are a few basic principles shown to play a significant role in aging, which most people can benefit from.

Simply put, we limit damaging foods shown to accelerate aging, and introduce more foods with anti-aging properties.

My Top Anti-Aging Foods

Make sure to check my favorite anti aging snacks and smoothie recipe below!

Reishi, the Longevity Mushroom

Reishi has been viewed as a longevity elixir since Chinese ancient times. According to research, reishi contains unique bioactive components with potent life extending potential. In particular, the polysaccharides, triterpenes and peptides found in reishi have demonstrated powerful antioxidant, immune system support and anti-neurodegeneration effects in studies.[14]

Just like any herb, the source matters. There are many moving parts that have to be taken into consideration to make sure you get a high quality, effective and safe Reishi.

From the location it was grown, the parts of the plant used in making the extract, how the extract was made, freshness, purity, and more. So, always get your reishi (or other herbs) from a source you trust.

A good source of reishi I use: Hawaiian Medicine Foods Organic Reishi.

Anti-Aging Foods You Should Eat Every Day

The Ultimate Anti Aging Snack

Many chocolate bars on the market are heavily processed or full of sugars, even the natural vegan ones. So you end up with a ton of sugar and very little polyphenols or antioxidants.

If you are a dark chocolate fan that is passionate about anti-aging, always look for dark, raw, low sugar, and organic options.

Hawaiian Medicinal Foods Lovers Bar is one of my favorite anti aging chocolate bars. I find it a tasty powerful anti-aging treat that helps to support my mood, energy levels, and anti-aging living. Low in sugar, yet tasty enough to satisfy my picky chocolate loving taste buds.

A little deeper analysis of the ingredients:

My Anti-aging Chocolate Smoothie

Just like any recipe, feel free to experiment and modify based on your unique needs. Personally, I find it a better fit for the earlier parts of the day as it does boost my physical and mental energy.

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Anti-aging Chocolate Smoothie

Course Breakfast
Keyword Anti-aging Chocolate Smoothie
Prep Time 5 minutes
Servings 1
Author Cleanse Joy


  • 1 cup mixed berries, my favorites: blueberries antioxidants
  • 2 oz fresh nuts, my favorites: walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts healthy fats, flavor
  • 1 scoop Hawaiian Medicinal Foods Cacao Elixir antioxidants, polyphenols, energy, mood, and chocolate flavor
  • 1 scoop Hawaiian Medicinal Reishi Mushroom high in polysaccharides shown to extend lifespan
  • 1 cup almond milk unsweetened
  • 1 medium banana flavor, texture, energy, fiber
  • 1 cup spinach phytonutrients
  • 1/2 cup broccoli sprouts sulforaphane, optional


  • Throw everything into the blender, drink, and enjoy!

3. Calorie Restriction: Eat Less, Live Longer

Calorie restriction is the most studied experimental intervention for extending lifespan. The idea with calorie restriction is to reduce energy intake (calories), but still supply the body all the nutrients it needs. So we are not risking nutritional deficiencies.

Since humans live longer and are more complex, it is easier to test caloric restriction on animals. So far, studies have shown that a 20 – 50% reduction in caloric intake was able to extend lifespan by up to 50%.

Even more exciting, is the fact that caloric restriction data in humans (while still limited), show the same metabolic and molecular adaptations.[18].

So what’s the catch? Calorie restriction can be unpleasant and difficult to sustain. With less calories, we may lack the needed energy and motivation to thrive and reach our full potential. We can still function and even live longer, but, our quality of life and way of living may not be the same.

Bottom line:

4. Intermittent Fasting & Time-Restricted Eating

New research has emerged showing that intermittent fasting may offer some of the benefits of calorie restriction, without the discomforts. According to the data, not only does intermittent fasting tend to reduce calories naturally, it can also turn on Sirtuin longevity genes.[19]

In fact. many people find they feel even better with intermittent fasting despite consuming less calories.

A few examples of popular intermittent fasting protocols:

To get started, it is best to ease yourself into intermittent fasting by simply skipping breakfast for a few days. Also limit processed foods and high carb foods as much as you can. The cleaner your diet, the easier it usually is to practice intermittent fasting.

If you are pregnant, on medication, have diabetes or other conditions, use caution with intermittent fasting and consult with your healthcare provider before.

5. Anti-aging Lifestyle

The basics pillars of healthy aging:

Get enough sleep

Sleep is deeply essential to every process in your body. Lack of sleep can lead to premature aging and chronic disease. While most adults need at least seven hours of sleep, you may find you need up to nine hours to be at your best. So listen to your body and make sure you are prioritizing sleep in order to optimize your anti-aging potential.

Manage stress

In the past, the fight or flight stress response was essential in order to survive. Think about our ancestors hunting and gathering when all of a sudden a saber tooth tiger showed up.

That stress response, however, doesn’t serve us well if we are under constant stress, which is a known issue in our modern life. With so many studies linking chronic stress to disease, it is essential to have it under control.

Healthy stress management tools include: breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, exercise, spending more time in nature, and many others. The key takeaway: be mindful about your stress levels and include some stress management activities in your daily routine.

Exercise & movement

Exercise is shown to activate the body’s anti-aging genes, reduce inflammation, balance mood and stress, support healthy sleep, boost immunity, and so much more.

The great thing about exercise, is that to get these benefits, you don’t need to join a gym or do a physically challenging routine. So long gone are the days where you need to trudge on a treadmill, (unless this is what you love).

Just find something you love, and get started.  Here are some examples:

In my case, I personally fell in love with a gentle dance class at the age of 43. And I had never danced before. Remember, you’re never too old to try new things. Just imagine, and you might find your new favorite hobby!

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