![]() | Research analysis: CleanseJoy Editorial Team Main references: Dr. Alex A. Volinsky, Ph.D Dr. Nikolai V. Gubarev, Ph.D Dr. Elena Marchenko, M.D. |
Research | Symptoms | Protocol | References
Did you find out that you have parasites? Or did you see something in your stool that looked like a rope worm?
In this article, we’ll address the rope worms controversy, once and for all.
Learn what exactly are rope worms, how to know if you have them, and natural safe home remedies to get these critters out of your body.
Will also review some risky enema recipes you should never do, and other parasite cleanse mistakes to avoid.
Are Rope Worms Real?
Let’s start with a quick disclaimer. We are an evidence-based community.
As such, we stick to proven facts, and try the best we can to stay away from controversial topics.
The research on rope worms is new (2013). It is entirely based on the work of a few researchers that discovered rope worms. This doesn’t mean, however, that rope worms are not real. But, when we look at the evidence, we must ask ourselves if there’s enough data to suggest that rope worms pose a threat.
The question of parasites in human is another story, however. With hundreds of million Americans infected with parasites, even the CDC (US centers for disease control) released an official statement about parasites.
Dr. Tom Frieden, M.D., CDC Director stated that:
“Parasitic infections affect millions around the world…they’re more common in the US than people realize and yet there is so much we don’t know about them. We need research to learn more about these infections and action to better prevent and treat them.”[1]
So, parasites in humans are real, and there’s enough evidence to suggest we should all take them seriously. But what about rope worms? Are we going to wait a few more decades for more studies to appear, or are there a few things we can do now to address the rope worm concern.
Time to look at the evidence.
What Are Rope Worms?
According to Dr. Alex Volinsky and Dr. Nikolai Gubarev, the two researchers that discovered rope worms, rope worms are human intestinal parasites that affect most humans, cause many health issues, yet, they are often overlooked.[2]
Here are their main claims.
Rope worm appearance
Rope worms (also known as: funis vermis, helminths), look like twisted fibers of a rope with irregular cylindrical shape. In its early stages a rope worm resembles slimy viscous mucus. In its adult stage, it can be over one meter long.
Rope worm diagnosis
Rope worm looks like human feces and intestinal lining. For this reason, they are often are overlooked or mistaken for the remains of other parasites. For example, roundworms.
DNA analysis results of rope worms were inconclusive. In their published paper, Dr. Volinsky and Dr. Gubarev mentioned that “further research is required to identify what the rope worms are.”
Simply put, they could not prove that what they discovered was indeed parasites.
Rope worm inside the body
Rope worm parasites can attach to the intestinal walls using suction cup-like bubbles. Once an adult parasite attaches itself to the intestinal wall, the human body does not have mechanisms to get rid of it.
Rope worms feed on semi-digested food remains in the intestines, and move by utilizing jet propulsion by releasing gas bubbles.
Rope worm symptoms may include
- Digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea, indigestion.
- Food allergies.
- Stomach pain.
- Skin rashes.
- Headaches.
- Weight gain or weight loss.
- Increased common colds.
- Coughing.
- Hair loss.
- Back pain.
Dr. Gubarev Rope worm enema recipe
In their research, Dr. Volinsky and Dr. Gubarev reported that they were able to eliminate rope worms in multiple pateints by using a very specific protocol of a back to back enemas. In fact, this is how they initially discovered rope worms to begin with (cleansing enemas).
Dr. Gubarev rope worm enema recipe include a series of enemas right after another:
- Start with water enema to cleanse the colon.
- Proceed with enema with baking soda and eucalyptus oil
- Continue with lemon juice enema
- Complete the process with milk enema with salt.
We do not think the evidence on rope worm justifies doing such an aggressive extreme protocol. Furthermore, essential oil enemas or enemas with the other substances they used can cause side effects and harm your intestines.
Even more, while enemas are very common in the natural health world, practitioners rarely use these ingredients in enemas. Water enemas, coffee enemas, in comparison, are much more common. So at least you can read anecdotal reports from thousands of people and practitioners who use them daily.
How to Remove Rope Worms
For your consideration, below is a safer approach that holistically and naturally supports your body’s ability to eliminate parasites.
This protocol specifically addresses parasites that attach themselves to the intestinal wall.
Many people that have parasites usually report seeing them in their stool in the first week. With that said, It is important to continue the plan for six weeks to stop the parasite life cycle.
Step 1: Intestinal cleanse
Oxy-Powder (Ozonated Magnesium Oxides).
Take 4 capsules before bedtime, on an empty stomach for 5 days (and when needed).
Many intestinal parasites and candida yeast have the ability to attach themselves to the intestinal wall. Nothing new about the rope worm ability to do so, btw, as this is a known mechanism of parasites.[3]
Oxy-Powder releases natural oxygen in the colon that can help to loosen the parasites attachments as well as colon waste buildup that serves as their food source.
Many people report eliminating large amounts of waste often with dead candida and parasites. So be prepared to see these critters in the toilet. As disturbing as it may be, it is much better to have them out of your body.
Keep in mind, when you detox or deal with parasites or other harmful organisms, it is essential to to clear the colon as a first step, so your body can eliminate the dying parasites, candida (and their toxins) quicker.
This can prevent or minimize what is commonly known as a healing crisis or die off symptoms.
2: Take antiparasitic herbs
Take 3 capsules twice a day, before your biggest meals for 4-6 weeks.
Paratrex is a blend of organic and wild grown antiparasitic herbs known for their ability to kill different types of worms, parasites, bacteria and fungus.
The formula also helps to eliminate parasite eggs and larvae in the body, which is essential to stop the reproduction and the parasite life cycle.[4,5]
Due to the combination of antiparasitic herbs in paratrex, the parasite cleanse may work against a large number of parasites in humans. This includes: intestinal worms, tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, and candida.
3: Parasite cleanse diet
With the parasite cleanse diet you:
(see link for the complete plan)
- Avoid foods known to feed parasites such as processed foods, high in carbs, fried foods, sugars, gluten, wheat, dairy, and alcohol.
- Eat antiparasitic foods that kill parasites such as pumpkin seeds, garlic, papaya seeds (mix in smoothies), turmeric, ginger, coconut oil.
- Eat foods that supports detoxification and organs of elimination such as cruciferous vegetables, and broccoli sprouts In particular.
- Intermittent fasting and a lower carb approach may help to augment your results.
4: Tailor your cleanse
Some people may need to further support their body during the parasite cleanse. For example, parasites often cause nutritional deficiencies or other imbalances.
So, if you suspect that you have had parasites for a while, we highly recommend to read our parasite cleanse protocol overview. This way, you can educate yourself about these different steps, the reason behind them, to tailor your plan with the options that you may find relevant.
To learn more, see: parasite cleanse protocol.
Is it Rope Worm or Something Else?
So, you are on your third day of the parasite cleanse. You just had a bowel movement and see weird looking long green-brownish rope-rubbery fibrous strands with mucus in your stool. Is it rope worm or something else?
Many natural health experts believe that rope worm is nothing but accumulated waste buildup in the colon. Here you may read about another controversial term, mucoid plaque, which appears to be another term for intesential waste.
And both, rope worm and mucoid plaque have one thing in common. They tend to stick to the colon wall to a point the body may not effectively eliminate them. Thus, they can cause more waste to accumulate.
To sum up, (and save you some precious time before you go into this rabbit hole of looking into rope worms pictures online), a few things to keep in mind.
- Dr. Gubarev research DNA analysis did not prove that “rope worm” is actually a parasite.
- The goal of natural cleansing is to improve our health and wellness, not to be consumed by it.
Therefore, continue with the plan and rather than counting how many parasites or waste you eliminate, focus on healthy eating, and avoid those foods that feed parasites. More importantly, be consistent and see how you feel.
Rope Worm Stages
One more thing. According to Dr. Gubarev, rope worms can develop into five different stages. Thus, they may look completely different.
- The first stage starts as mucus, almost anywhere in the human body.
- The second stage looks like slimy viscous mucus, and start to emit bubbles.
- The third stage looks like branched jellyfish.
- The fourth stage start to look like the 5th adult rope stage, but has a softer slimier body.
- The fully developed human rope worm looks like twisted fibers of a rope and resemble human feces.
Moreover, rope worms color depends on the food a person eats, and varies from white to black. In other words, rope worms in stool may look like mucus, waste buildup, or other parasites.
- US centers for disease control and prevention (CDC). Parasitic Infections also occur in the United States. Millions of people infected.
- Development stages of the “rope” human intestinal parasite
- Disruption of the intestinal mucosal barrier in Candida albicans infections
- Therapeutic efficacy of Artemisia absinthium against Hymenolepis nana: in vitro and in vivo studies in comparison with the anthelmintic praziquantel.
- Antioxidant potential of Juglans nigra, black walnut, husks extracted using supercritical carbon dioxide with an ethanol modifier.
- Adrenal Fatigue Supplements: The 5 Basics Everyone Should Know About - October 12, 2020
- Sugar Cleanse: Naturally Detox Sugar From Your Body in 14-21 Days - June 22, 2020
- Rope Worm Parasite: Health Concern or Pseudoscience Term? - May 7, 2020

In this article, we’ll address the rope worms controversy, once and for all.
Learn what exactly are rope worms, how to know if you have them, and natural safe home remedies to get these critters out of your body.
Will also review some risky enema recipes you should never do, and other parasite cleanse mistakes to avoid.