
Soy Sauce Colon Cleanse Challenge: What Was I Thinking?

Soy Sauce Colon Cleanse
Casey authorCasey Rollins
Health & Wellness Author
Master of Education (M.Ed.)

What is it? |  Origin  | Healthy Cleansing

Soy sauce colon cleanse, really? The viral spread of information via the internet and social media platforms is no surprise. Technology keeps steadily increasing with its efficiency, efficacy, and speed.

Disastrous and potentially dangerous health fads have gained popularity and mainstream support through the opinions of others. The problem is that social media often allows these trends to spread like wildfire. The soy sauce colon cleanse, below, is just one example.

It’s time that we raise our awareness around viral trends that circulate quickly, and be mindful before we let these influence our lives. Including: our physical health, our self image and our mental health.

The Soy Sauce Colon Cleanse

The soy sauce colon cleanse began with a 39-year-old woman who drank a liter of soy sauce in the time span of two hours or less.

The thought behind drinking the sodium rich condiment: your body’s toxins will follow the sodium as it passes through your body, leaving you with a toxin free gut.

This idea of course is not supported by science or has any reliable evidence. In fact, according to all the evidence, it is rather risky.

You see, one of the primary roles that sodium plays in our body is regulate fluid balance both in and around your cells. When an abundance of sodium is thrown down the hatchet, it completely throws that equilibrium off.

Due to the high amount of salt, you may experience electrolyte imbalance and dehydration, which can cause muscle weakness, muscle cramping, or in the case of the soy sauce colon cleanse, brain damage.

Dangerous Colon Cleanse Leaves Woman Brain Dead

The middle-aged woman referred to above attempted the soy sauce cleanse and went into cardiac arrest shortly thereafter. While in the hospital, the woman began to stabilize, but she continued to doze in and out of consciousness.

When she finally woke up, the lady was pronounced “brain dead”. She was unable to speak, swallow, or move, all from the Asian inspired sauce, that had a viral claim to fame for weight loss response.

She was later diagnosed with severe irreversible nerve damage. If she or her closest family member could speak up, I am certain they would say she was beautiful and worthy in her own skin, and would give anything to have her back in the same consciousness.

Drinking a whole Liter of Soy Sauce, “What Was I Thinking?”

I write all of this to protect you from the viral spread of information we see on the Internet every day. From conspiracy theories, political agendas, to health and nutrition fads.

All last as long as we give them attention. We live in a world that you must be hyper aware about the credibility of the source. Not everyone who proposes ideas, diet regimens, or faux health fads, has your best interest at heart. In social media, they are probably more fixated with getting the most likes, comments, shares, and reactions.

Always consult with a medical professional before starting a new diet or cleanse.  Especially if you have any medical condition.

Healthier Ways to Cleanse the Colon

colon cleanse detox

Modern diets that are loaded with processed foods, chemicals from our environment and the high stress lifestyle have shown by many studies to completely alter our gut bacteria and weaken our digestive systems.

In fact, according to the U.S. department of national institutes of health, it is estimated that 70 million Americans experience various digestive diseases [1].

Multiple studies have suggested a strong connection between gut health to overall good health, immune system function and the ability of the body to fight and prevent disease [2].

Fortunately, there are healthy evidence based ways to cleanse your colon and promote gut health, that are both safe and effective. Not surprisingly, all these methods involve consuming healthy whole foods and herbs.

To learn more see:

  • Overnight Colon Cleanse:
    this simple recipe combines lemon juice, raw apple cider vinegar and ozonated (oxygen) magnesium to cleanse your colon while you sleep.
  • One Day Cleanse:
    an effective and safe natural plan designed to help your body cleanse and detox in 24 hours. Most people notice more energy, higher clarity, a clearer complexion, and better bowel movements and digestion. It is also common to see improvements in digestive issues such as bloating, gas and occasional constipation.
  • Gut Cleanse:
    a slower “deeper acting” natural plan designed to detox, flush and cleanse the entire digestive system, reduce gut inflammation, and promote gut health using whole foods, recipes, meal plans and natural supplements.

The Soy Sauce Colon Cleanse Origin

Just to show you how dangerous health trends are born, let’s look at a possible origin, the Tide Pods fiasco challenge. In this challenge, teenagers make YouTube videos of them challenging one another to eat the candy shaped detergent pods. So today the challenge is Tide Pods, tomorrow, soy sauce colon cleanse?

Everyday I see more and new cleanses and health fads on social media. More and more nonsensical approaches and “challenges” to weight loss, detoxes, or other cosmetic benefits. Most are not supported by any evidence.

Final Thoughts: Dangers of Viral Social Media Content

There’s no doubt that the Internet is a powerful tool nowadays. But, with great power, comes great responsibility. It’s time we start to look out for one another and ourselves, and prevent those that we love from doing the soy sauce colon cleanse (or other risky challenges).

Unfortunately, the number of risky trendy health fads grows every day. I am sure you have heard about the master cleanse. Drinking nothing but a mixture of water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup doesn’t sound like to much fun, right? Yes, you may lose a few extra pounds in a week, but do you really think this is healthy? How many of these pounds are actually fat?

There are no shortcuts. Several studies found that when people lose weight quickly, it comes back with a vengeance. So you suffered for a week drinking lemon water with maple syrup, only to gain back all the weight.

It’s time that we raise our awareness around viral trends that circulate quickly, and be mindful before we let these influence our lives.

Liver Cleanse Recipe : Safe Evidence Based Flush Without Side Effect

liver cleanse recipes

In this guide, we gathered the best liver cleanse recipe options for the liver and gallbladder cleanse.  Use these to enhance your liver cleanse results, or as a natural way to promote healthy liver and gallbladder health.

These liver cleanse recipes are also a great fit for people who want to do a liver cleanse without epsom salts or would like to avoid the liver flush side effects. Safety should always come first.

Liver Cleanse Recipes & Main Ingredients

See the different options and the complete ingredients list of each liver cleanse recipe. You may want to adjust based on your personal preferences.

  • Drink: apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, grapefruit juice, coconut oil.
  • Juice: apple juice, beet juice, carrots, ginger.
  • Tea: ginger, lemon, cinnamon, cloves.
  • Salad dressing: olive oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, turmeric, garlic.

Additional resources:

  • Complete liver cleanse protocol, see: protocol.
  • Liver cleanse diet, see: diet.
  • List of liver cleansing foods & evidence, see: foods.

Liver Cleansing Foods and Herbs Grocery List:

Gallbladder flush/liver cleanse recipe
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Liver Cleanse Recipe

List of all the Ingredients you need for one day of liver cleanse. See the different options and the complete ingredients list for each liver cleanse recipe. You may want to adjust based on your personal preferences.
Prep Time10 minutes
Total Time10 minutes
Course: Juice, Salad
Cuisine: American, Chinese
Keyword: liver cleanse recipe
Servings: 1
Author: Cleanse Joy


  • 2-4 tablespoon 1 raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar 15 ml
  • 2 medium apples
  • 1-2 medium lemons
  • 1 large grapefruit
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil extra virgin cold pressed
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil extra virgin, raw
  • 2 medium beetroot
  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 inch ginger root
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 2 stalks celery
  • ½ bunch spinach
  • 2-4 cloves garlic
  • dash ground black pepper
  • himalayan salt to taste
  • 2 medium cucumbers optional
  • dash cinnamon optional
  • stevia optional


  • See the different options and the complete ingredients list for each liver cleanse recipe. You may want to adjust based on your personal preferences.

Liver Cleanse Drink

Liver Cleanse Drink

The liver cleanse drink recipe is a true staple for the liver and gallbladder cleanse. It makes a great option for people who wants to avoid the high sugar liver cleanse juice recipes many protocols include.

This recipe uses apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and liver cleanse herbs to cleanse, detox and help the body to flush out toxins from the liver and gallbladder.

Please see below the tops tips from our members and popular add-ons, as these can boost the liver cleanse recipe, and help you to tailor it based on your needs.

When to drink: drink first thing in the morning and up to four times a day. Always drink on an empty stomach, one hour before or after other meals or drinks.

Liver Detox Drink Cleanse Recipe
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Liver Detox Drink Recipe

Prep Time1 minute
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: American, Chinese, Indian
Keyword: Liver Detox Drink Recipe
Servings: 1
Author: Cleanse Joy


  • 1 liter distilled or spring water (33 ounces)
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar (15 ml)
  • liver cleanse herbs (see below)


  • Squeeze the juice of 1/2 organic lemon.
  • Add to 1 liter of distilled or spring water.
  • Shake the bottle of the apple cider vinegar until the cloudy part ("the mother") is well mixed.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of organic raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. 
  • Shake and drink.
  • Drink first thing in the morning and up to four times a day. Always drink on an empty stomach, one hour before or after other meals or drinks.

Liver Cleanse Drink Recipe : Top Tips and Add-Ons

Here are the most popular options you may want to add to the liver cleanse drink:

  • Liver cleanse herbs (4 full droppers of Dr. Group’s LivaTrex) to improve the liver cleanse. The formula combines science proven herbs such as Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) and Chanca piedra (Phyllanthus niruri) that can help to repair and regenerate the liver, as well as to dissolve and soften liver and gallbladder stones (gallstones).
  • Grapefruit juice (from one grapefruit) is a very popular option instead or with the lemon juice.
  • Coconut oil (1 tablespoon) to boost energy and additional liver support.
  • Beet juice (1 cup) 30 minutes before your workout. If you choose to use this option, do not add the coconut oil.
  • Stevia (a few drops) to add sweetness if needed. Stevia with alcohol free vanilla extract is the most popular option.

Liver Cleanse Juice

Liver cleanse Juice

The liver cleanse juice recipe offers an easy quick way to provide your body with many liver cleansing foods and nutrients.

The nutritional profile of this juice is exceptional. This goes above and beyond the liver cleanse protocol. You can actually feel the difference. For this reason, many of our members who love how this juice make them feel, drink it on an ongoing basis. See the complete recipe.

  • Ingredients: celery, spinach, carrots, beetroot, ginger root, lemon, apple, cucumbers, stevia, cinnamon.
  • When to drink: drink the juice on an empty stomach, when you still didn’t eat solid foods that day. Ideally 1-2 hours after you had your liver cleanse drink.

Liver Cleanse Tea Recipe

Liver Cleanse Tea Recipe

In addition to the liver cleanse drink and juice recipes, we also include a hot tea version for the winter. This is when you may prefer to drink something hot and shooting during the liver cleanse.
See the complete recipe.

  • Ingredients:  lemon, ginger root, cloves, cinnamon, raw honey, stevia.
  • When to drink: drink the tea anytime during the day as a part of your liver flush or cleanse, or by itself as a natural way to support liver and gallbladder health.

Liver Cleanse Salad Dressing Recipe

Liver Cleanse Salad Dressing Recipe

The liver cleanse salad dressing recipe is one of the best liver cleanse remedies that actually taste really good. This allows you to easily turn any salad into a liver detox salad, due to the many liver cleansing foods and herbs we combined in this recipe.

Notice that this recipe also has potent antiparasitic properties. Don’t be surprised if you see dead parasites in your stool as a part of the cleanse.

Liver and kidneys Cleanse foods
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Apple Cider Vinegar Parasite Cleanse Salad Dressing

Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Course: Salad
Cuisine: Italian, Mediterranean
Keyword: Apple Cider Vinegar Parasite Cleanse Salad Dressing, Lemon Vinaigrette
Servings: 2
Calories: 240kcal
Author: Cleanse Joy


  • 1-2 tablespoons raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil unrefined cold pressed extra virgin
  • 1 medium lemon
  • 2 cloves raw garlic
  • ¼ tsp himalayan salt to taste
  • ¼ tsp ground black pepper optional
  • ½ tsp mustard optional
  • ¼ tsp turmeric powder optional
  • stevia optional


  • Shake the apple cider vinegar bottle to mix the cloudy part at the bottom.
    ("The mother").
  • In a glass bottle or a mason jar, place 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon and add to the bottle.
  • Add 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Shake the bottle.
  • Mince the garlic, add to the bottle and shake well.
  • To make the healthy lemon vinaigrette version, add ½ tsp of mustard.
  • Add himalayan salt and black pepper to taste. Shake well.
  • If you like turmeric, add ¼ tsp of ground turmeric and shake well. To add a little sweetness to balance the turmeric flavor, add a few drops of stevia.
  • Add to your salad. Enjoy!


Calories: 240kcal

This recipe works with any veggie salad.
A good example is our colon cleanse detox salad.

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Homemade Energy Drinks: Natural Recipes – Power, Focus & Speed

Homemade Energy Drinks
Heidi Moretti Author circleHeidi Moretti, MS, RD
Clinical Registered Dietitian
Functional Medicine

Instant | athletes | coffee substitutes | students | smoothie | reviews | lifestyle tips

Homemade Energy Drinks, Story in a Nutshell

  • In this post, I will share with you some of my favorite homemade energy drinks recipes using natural whole foods and herbs.
  • Products covered: Ginseng Fuzion drops, Tulsi tincture, Coffee Break, Cordyceps, Living Greens, Cacao Elixir.
  • We’ll also discuss some of the key fundamental lifestyle consideration for good healthy energy.

All these DIY recipes are easy to make using common natural ingredients that also caffeine free. Some of these natural ingredients are very well studied and shown to help boost energy and support:

  • Physical and mental performance
  • Brain function
  • Focus and memory
  • Better cope with stress.

If you are a fan of energy drinks such as red bull, monster, or others, make sure to read my thoughts on common store bought sports drinks and energy drinks. (Towards the end of this article).

Long story short, making your own  homemade energy drinks is always a much better idea in terms of health, effectiveness, safety, and budget. In this guide, we’ll focus on your time with quick options.

Reasons You’re Feeling Low In Energy

Reasons You're Feeling Low In Energy

Before we dive into the recipes, an important note about energy drinks.

I see SO many clients who desperately seek out energy just so they can stay awake and focused through the day.

When seeking energy to fuel the day, I like to think beyond just an energy drink or coffee, and consider if there’s an actually problem that may cause low energy.

If you always feel you need “something” to energize you, then perhaps it’s time to look deeper, and find the cause. Possible causes of fatigue or low energy may include:

  • Diet (for example low calories, sugar crashes, food sensitivities)
  • Nutritional deficiencies (for example B12 or iron who play a major role in energy production)
  • Sleep (not enough or poor quality)
  • High stress
  • Depression
  • Mitochondria issues: especially as we get older.
    If you are above 40, make sure to read my guide on: mitochondria supplements.

Bottom line: if you have been battling with low energy for awhile, I highly recommend you should go and see your doctor to make sure there’s an underlying issues causing it.

Homemade Energy Drinks Recipes

Homemade Energy Drinks Recipes

Here are some of my favorite homemade energy drinks recipes that can help to naturally boost your energy levels and support your physical and mental performance.

Keep things simple: Energy drinks don’t need to be complex to be effective. They need to be easy and quick with easy to use items. So you can use these as effective tools when needed, rather than spending hours in your kitchen.

Listen to your body: Just like any food, or supplement,  not everyone responds the same. So always allow room for variations to find the magic formula that works best for you. The recipes below do offer a great starting point.

The Instant Energy Drink: The Power of Ginseng

The Instant Energy Drink: The Power of Ginseng

Looking for a quick “natural lift” (caffeine-free), but are at work, on the go, or away from your kitchen?

I’m so impressed by ginseng health potential and research data, I think it may very well be the (caffeine free) coffee of the future. While completely caffeine free, most people who try ginseng really love how it improves energy, stamina, and mental performance.

So here’s is a quick homemade energy drink recipe with some options.
I will also share some more info on the different types of ginseng and the main way they work. You are likely to know them by different names. Maca and Ashwagandha for example, are actually different types of ginseng.

The Instant Energy Drink

My favorite when I am on the go:

Instant Energy Drink

  • Ginseng Fuzion drops (1 dropperful)
    a combination of five types of organic ginseng shown to support energy, stress, focus, mood.
  • Purified or spring water (300-500 ml, hot/cold)

When I am out: I often replace water with 300-500 ml coconut water for electrolytes and hydration support. You can simply add the one dropperful of Ginseng Fuzion in your coconut water bottle and carry with you.

Keto diet: if you are doing Keto: replace the coconut water with:

  • 300-500 ml of unsweetened almond milk
  • 15 ml of coconut oil or MCT oil (start with 5 ml to avoid digestive issues due to too much MCT)

Know your herb: Ginseng

While all the types of ginseng are known to support energy, each may work a little different with additional capabilities. You can try each type by itself, or combine them together, as they tend to complement each other.

  • Korean Ginseng: Energy & Fatigue
    also known as asian ginseng, red ginseng, or panax ginseng
  • Ashwagandha: Energy, Endurance & Stress
    also known as indian ginseng
  • Maca: Energy & Mood
    also known as peruvian ginseng.

Ginseng Fuzion drops are easier to add to drinks or water, saving you the need to make tea, or buy each kind separately. Its not always easy to get good sources of organic ginseng. This formula only uses organic extracts.
All you need is to carry the small bottle with you.

Homemade Energy Drink for Athletes

Homemade Energy Drink for Athletes 

Athletes and people who are more active often need more nutrients, electrolytes and calories to support performance.

When working with athletes, we always pay special attention to what happens after the workout, to help the body heal and recover afterwards.

The homemade energy drink recipe below may offer a great starting point.
Take 30 min before your workout.

For ideal athletic performance, note that the ingredients and serving size may be different from one person to another. (Think of a 120 pounds female runner, vs. a 250 pounds bodybuilder).

  • Ginseng Fuzion drops (1 dropper)
    for energy, performance, balance the stress response of intense workout.
  • Coconut water (300-500 ml, electrolytes and hydration)
  • ½ lemon juice (alkaline forming in the body)
  • ¼ tsp Himalayan salt (helps support muscles and hydration. Bodybuilders may notice better “pump” during the workout)

Endurance athletes:  add 1 scoop of Cordyceps Mushroom.

The research suggests that cordyceps can improve oxygen uptake into tissues, delay fatigue by improving oxygen kinetics and and increase training volume, particularly in endurance athletes.[1,2]

As with all herbs and medicinal mushrooms, the source matters. If you consider cordyceps, it is best to get yours for an organic source that guarantees it is grown under the best conditions, including third party testing.
A good example is cordyceps by medicinal foods.

Coffee Substitute Energy Drink

Coffee Substitute Energy Drink

Coffee substitutes are everywhere now and for a good reason: coffee is perhaps the most abused substance in the world!

Don’t get me wrong. There are still  many benefits reported from drinking coffee. The problem is the abuse. Many people find themselves in trouble after consuming way too much caffeine.

Below is my favorite homemade recipe, using the famous Hawaiian Medicinal Foods Coffee Break. It’s a mix of medicinal mushrooms and herbs shown to boost your energy, support your immune system, help your body cope with stress, reduce inflammation and even have some anti-aging benefits.

Combine all ingredients and enjoy.  This is probably my favorite drink of the day.

energy drink homemade coffee

  • Coffee Break (1-2 tablespoon)
  • 1 cup hot water
  • Iced coffee lovers: mix 1-2 tablespoon with your favorite nut milk.
  • For added brain support, add 15 ml of coconut oil or MCT oil (start with 5 ml)

Trying to stop drinking coffee is not always easy and can cause nasty withdrawal symptoms. If this sounds like you, you may want to see my article on how to stop drinking coffee.

Homemade Energy Drink for Studying

Homemade Energy Drink for Studying

Got an important test or an important deadline to meet? When it comes to studying, always consider the type of energy you need to help you get the job done.

Mild & long lasting: Rather than that explosive energy and alertness you would normally need before a workout, for studying you probably want a more mild energy that will keep you focused for several hours.

Calm: Almost everyone these days experience some sort of anxiety or stress before a test or a deadline; certain adaptogenic herbs can help to ease the stress. So you feel calm yet focused.

Also, get enough sleep: According to research, sleep deprivation can prevent the encoding of items in short-term memory and can impair your entire decisioning making and reaction time. So not sleeping enough before an exam in order to achieve more can significantly backfire.

For this homemade recipe (hot or cold tea):

  • Tulsi Tincture (1-2 dropperful):
    Calming, yet energizing, tulsi (holy basil) is one of ayurvedic medicine most studied herb known for its ability to calm stress, balance mood, and naturally boost physical and mental energy.[3]
  • 1 cup of spring or purified water (hot or cold)

Use before and during studying. May work very well together with Coffee Break.

Homemade Energy Drink Smoothie

Homemade Energy Drink Smoothie

Brain, energy, and gut health, this recipe has it all. It may require a little more time compared to the previous recipes, but if you like to make smoothies at home, you may find this recipe very rewarding and quite easy to make.

Homemade Energy Drink Smoothie

Brain, energy, and gut health
Prep Time5 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Homemade Energy Drink Smoothie
Servings: 1
Author: Heidi Moretti, MS, RD


  • Blender


  • ¼ to ⅓ cup wild frozen blueberries neuroprotective and antioxidant effects in the brain
  • 20-25 grams organic vegan protein powder such as hemp or pea protein
  • 1 medium banana energy and flavor
  • 1-2 cups almond milk or your favorite plant based milk
  • 1 scoop Hawaiian Medicinal Foods Living Greens energy, detoxification, gut health with probiotics, live enzymes
  • 1 scoop Hawaiian Medicinal Foods Cacao Elixir energy, mood, and chocolate flavor


  • Blend all ingredients and enjoy

Popular variations:

  • One tablespoon of  chia seeds with less nut milk (one cup) to make a pudding (soak chia overnight or at least for 15 min with the nut milk).
  • Add other fresh nuts and seeds.

My Energy Drinks Review: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

My Energy Drinks Review: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

In our fast-paced world that is infused with a load of stress, extra calories, yet plenty of nutritional imbalances, it is no wonder we all reach a point where we have some sort of an energy crisis. So we look for energy drinks.

In this article, we covered some great and healthy homemade options (“The good”). But…you are now out and about and need a lift. What about store bought options?

The Ugly:

There’s a reason why we often carry these natural drops of Tulsi and Ginseng when we are out. Most energy drinks on the market today give people more than just energy: synthetic ingredients and additives that may do some long-term damage. Not to mention, most have loads of refined sugar, high-fructose corn syrup which are linked to disease.

Excuse my sarcasm, but the irony here, is that even the sugar free energy drinks that claimed to support fat loss have artificial ingredients that may be linked to diabetes, or disrupt your gut microbiome.

The Bad:

What about the all natural energy drinks or bars? They often have too much sugars or have stimulants that can cause side effects and may be unhealthy.

Stimulants can increase your heart rate and blood pressure, make you feel jittery, and while you may have a great few hours of energy and focus, you are likely to crash hours later. Then what? Take another of these energy drinks?

Another common issue with stimulants, is that the energy you get is not always consistent, and can completely backfire. Especially when abused or used long term.

Beyond Energy Drinks: Lifestyle Tips

Beyond Energy Drinks: Lifestyle Tips 

To get more energy in your life, the fundamentals of health should always be your starting point.  A balanced lifestyle can fuel your day with long and lasting energy, and prevent the afternoon slump in energy.

1: Your diet: nutrients & calories

When it comes to energy, food is the best medicine. While a topic by itself, here are some key dietary guidelines for good energy:

  • Avoid sugar spikes: Stay away from high carb foods or processed foods that can cause blood sugar spikes and energy fluctuations.
  • Key foods for sustained energy include low glycemic fruits (berries), fresh nuts and seeds, and fatty fruits like avocados.
  • Eat enough calories: I see many people who undereat due to busy lifestyle. When we don’t eat enough, the body naturally goes into survival mode and slow things down. The result: low energy.
  • Watch for nutritional deficiencies: always best to have your levels tested. Low levels of B12, or iron for example, may cause low energy.

2: Sleep is the best energy drink

Sleep is essential to good energy, and both quantity (at least 7 hours for most people) and quality matter. So you may miss an hour here and there, but it doesn’t take long before lack of sleep catches up and affect every aspect of our life.

3: Manage Stress

Initially stress causes us to be alerted and energized. Overtime, however, chronic stress can drain our adernals leading to extreme fatigue.

Have your stress under control, and be mindful to how it affects you. Try to include meditating, yoga, stretching, and getting some movement during the day.

Exercise is a known potent natural way to energize the body and mind. While a good challenge is always a great, avoid overtraining as it can have the opposite effect.

Read Next

Herbs for Energy: for a natural clean energy that lasts. No caffeine, no jitters, no crashes.

How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels: Best Supplements, Foods & Herbs

How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels
Heidi Moretti Author circleHeidi Moretti, MS, RD
Functional Medicine Nutritionist
Herbal Medicine Expert

Iron | Cordyceps | Chlorella | Foods | Breathing | Exercise | Indoor Plants

In this article: learn how to increase blood oxygen levels naturally using supplements, foods, herbs and other evidence based methods.

How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels With Supplements

Every cell in our body needs oxygen to properly function. As a part of this mechanism, certain vitamins and minerals are required to deliver oxygen to the cells.

Ideally you should get these nutrients from the foods you eat. Some people however, have low levels and may need to take supplements.

1. Make Sure You Get Enough Iron

Iron is a key component of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body.

It is important to make sure you meet your daily requirements of Iron from your diet, and take iron supplements if needed. Below are some of the best ways to get iron from your diet, and a few important facts you should know about iron supplements.

Eat Iron Rich Foods

Iron Foods Oxygen

The best iron rich foods include: oysters, chicken liver, beef liver, bison, and beef. Plant-based sources include pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, parsley, spirulina, and spinach.

If you eat a vegan or vegetarian diet, you may want to look more carefully into your iron levels. The research suggests that plant-based sources of iron (nonheme iron) don’t absorb as well as animal sources. One method that can improve the iron absorption, is to eat vitamin C rich foods with foods that contain iron.[1]

Iron Supplements: More is Not Better

Iron Supplements

Despite eating iron-rich foods, some people may still need iron supplements. Risk factors for iron deficiencies include vegan or vegetarian diets, pregnancy, heavy periods, digestive issues, blood loss and certain conditions.

I know this first hand. My iron deficiency went for decades unchecked. Since iron in its storage form (ferritin) is not routinely screened when you go to the doctor, low iron levels may be overlooked.

I remember this very clearly. Being low in iron affected my energy levels to a point that going up the stairs made my tired.

Taking excessive amount of iron from supplements on the other hand, is not a good solution either, as too much iron can cause issues as well. For this reason, if you suspect you have low iron levels, go and see your doctor and have your levels tested. This way you know if you need iron supplements and the right amount for you.

Iron Supplements Side Effects

If you consider taking iron supplements, go for natural sources. Synthetic iron supplements are well known for their side effects, especially digestive issues such as constipation.

A good example of a natural iron supplement is Iron Fuzion made from organic Murraya koenigii leaves (Curry tree).

2. Cordyceps: The Oxygen Mushroom

How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels Cordyceps Mushroom

I find the evidence on cordyceps medicinal mushroom fascinating. Especially its ability to improve oxygen use in the body.

The research suggests that cordyceps can improve oxygen uptake into tissues, delay fatigue by improving oxygen kinetics and and increase training volume, particularly in endurance athletes.[2,3]

In fact, some researchers believe that cordyceps may also be useful in cases of Hypoxia, a condition where there’s reduced supply of oxygen in the tissues to sustain normal functions.[4]

As with all herbs and medicinal mushrooms, the source matters. If you consider cordyceps, it is best to get yours for an organic source that guarantees it is grown under the best conditions, including third party testing.
A good example is cordyceps by medicinal foods.

Chlorella,  Chlorophyll & Oxygen

Chlorella,  Chlorophyll & Oxygen

In my top detox foods article, we discussed how this dark green nutritious single-celled algae can bind and help to remove heavy metals from the body.

The connection to oxygen? According to research, it turned out that chlorella can also help to increase oxygen saturations in the blood. A clinical study showed that 4 weeks of chlorella use improved oxygen lung capacity during exercise in young men and women.[5]

I am pretty sure we’ll see more studies in the upcoming years that will further explore the effect of chlorella on oxygen uptake and exercise performance.

Chlorella is also one of the highest natural sources of chlorophyll, the pigment that gives plants their dark green color. Chlorophyll shares many similarities to hemoglobin, the red blood that carries oxygen in the blood.

How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels with Foods

Diet, I know. Why can’t we just get that magic pill that makes everything right? Well, until that day comes, the foods we eat and avoid still play a key role in every single aspect of our health.

Below are some of the key oxygen boosting foods you can easily introduce into your diet:

Foods That Increase Nitric Oxide

Nitric oxide (NO) is a molecule that is naturally produced by the body, that plays a key role in vasodilation.

Simply put, nitric oxide relaxes the inner muscles of your blood vessels, causing them to widen and increase circulation. Your blood moves freely and can deliver oxygen and nutrients to your whole body more efficiently.

This is a known mechanism that many pre workout supplements target, by using ingredients that increase nitric oxide in the body.

Eating certain foods that are high in dietary nitrates, can help to increase your nitric oxide levels as well. One you eat these foods, your body can convert nitrates into nitric oxide.

Beetroot Juice

Beetroot Juice Oxygen

In addition to its high nitrates content, beetroot is rich in red and yellow pigments called betalains. According to research, betalains can increase nitric oxide availability in the blood and subsequently increase blood flow and oxygen delivery.[6]

Multiple human studies suggest that beetroot juice can increase nitric oxide in the body, promote oxygenation of muscle tissue and support mitochondrial function.[7]

And it doesn’t take long for you to feel the effect. One study that had recreational runners take beetroot juice for 3 days, found it was able to increase maximum oxygen uptake and peak speed.[8]

Other good sources of dietary nitrates include green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, lettuce and arugula.[9]

Raw Cacao & Dark Chocolate

Raw Cacao & Dark Chocolate

If you need a reason to add dark chocolate to your diet, here’s a good one. In addition to their many health benefits, the flavonoids in cacao can also increase nitric oxide in the body in as little as 4 days.[10]

Not all chocolate products are made the same, though.
Chocolate is made from the beans and seeds of the cacao tree. Most of the chocolates you see at the stores are heavily processed and have very little cacao content.

In its natural unprocessed form, raw cacao is a very good source of minerals, antioxidants, and other health promoting nutrients. So for best results, look for raw organic cacao.
A good example is raw chocolate lover bar.

Another easy option is to add raw cacao powder to your smoothies, nut milks or pre workout shakes. For an example of a homemade raw cacao recipe, see: Low Carb Chocolate Mousse.

Avoid Processed Carbs

Processed carbs create more carbon dioxide and as a result, less oxygen is available. These unhealthy food options can also lead to the infamous sugar crashes and make you feel tired and fatigued.

How to Increase Blood Oxygen Levels With Lifestyle

Lifestyle can play a big role in your blood oxygen levels. The more you can stay active and have a healthy lifestyle, the better your body will use oxygen. As they say, use it or lose it.

Here are a few evidence based methods you can do to increase oxygen:

Exercise & Oxygen Levels

Exercise & Oxygen

When you exercise, your lungs bring more oxygen into the body. This is essential in order to provide energy and remove carbon dioxide, the waste product created when you produce energy. The heart then pumps the oxygen to the muscles to support the exercise.[11]

And we are talking about a lot of oxygen. Depending on the exercise, the increase in oxygen levels can be 100-fold higher than resting values in the contracting skeletal muscle.[12]

With that said, the best exercise to increase blood oxygen levels may be different according to your fitness levels and personal preferences. Choose an activity that you love that you can easily incorporate in your daily routine so it is sustainable. If you have a medical condition, always speak with your doctor before.

Does Deep Breathing Increase Oxygen Blood?

Deep Breathing Increase Oxygen Blood

Looking for a safe and effective way to increase blood oxygen levels that doesn’t require you to eat, drink or even exercise?

Now I am not trying to encourage people not to be active, but the evidence on deep breathing potential benefits to our health and life is truly remarkable.

According to research, slow deep breathing techniques such as ones you may see in traditional yoga practice, can improve oxygen saturation in the blood, lower blood pressure, and even reduce anxiety.[13]

And here’s the big difference compared to exercise. Both exercise and deep breathing can increase blood oxygen levels. With deep breathing, however, you increase your oxygen saturation but not your heart rate.

Indoor Plants to Increase Indoor Oxygen

Indoor Plants to Increase Indoor Oxygen

Plants have the ability to remove carbon dioxide and return oxygen to the air. That’s basic photosynthesis, I know.
But did you know that certain plants can also remove toxins from the air?

In fact, NASA has done a lot of the research on plants use as a natural air filtration system to support the long-term space habitation.

I personally have at least 5 plants per room in my home. Beautiful and functional! Since each plant can remove different toxins, it is best to grow multiple species of houseplants.

If this is an option you want to explore, here are the top ten most effective indoor plants that purify the air according to research:[14]

(Thank you NASA!)

  • Areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)
  • Lady palm (Rhapis excelsa)
  • Bamboo palm (Chamaedorea erumpens)
  • Rubber plant (Ficus elastica)
  • Dracaena (Dracaena deremensis ‘Janet Craig’)
  • English ivy (Hedera helix)
  • Dwarf date palm (Phoenix roebelenii)
  • Ficus (Ficus maclellandii ‘alii’)
  • Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata bostoniensis)
  • Peace lily (spathiphyllum wallisii).

Herbs for Energy: Natural Clean Boost without Stimulants

Herbs for Energy
Heidi Moretti Author circleHeidi Moretti, MS, RD
Functional Medicine Nutritionist
Herbal Medicine Expert

Ginseng | Korean Ginseng | Ashwagandha | Maca | Rhodiola | Schisandra | Peppermint | Recipes

When seeking natural herbs for energy to fuel my day, I like to think beyond coffee. Don’t get me wrong. Coffee has its benefits and can offer a quick boost. The problem is that ongoing caffeine use takes its toll on our body’s sleep-wake cycle.

Eventually we end up feeling stressed out, exhausted and fatigued. Then we need to drink more coffee. It’s that famous caffeine vicious cycle so many people fall into.

Time to take a deeper dive into one of my favorite topics: natural herbs that promotes clean energy that lasts. No caffeine, no jitters, no crashes.

Adaptogenic Herbs for Energy

The herbs I’m going to mention here are adaptogenic herbs, meaning they can naturally help the body adapt to stress.

Adaptogenic herbs regulate energy in the body and improve the cellular energy transfer. Simply put, they allow the body better utilize oxygen, glucose, lipids and proteins to provide us with a steady supply of energy.[1]

The amount of research on these herbs is very impressive. It’s exciting how natural herbs have so much to offer to improve our energy, quality of life, health and wellbeing.

Last thing before we get started: while all the herbs I will mention are found to be both safe and effective, as with any nutritional changes, always check before use with your healthcare provider.

The King of Herbs for Energy: Ginseng

Best Herbs for Energy

I’m so impressed by ginseng health potential, I think it deserves a separate article, one article for each benefit. And there are many of them.

To summarize the evidence, ginseng has a long traditional use with thousands of studies that evaluated its different capabilities. In this article, we’ll focus on its benefits for energy, physical, and mental performance.

Traditional use:
Known as a general tonic, ginseng has been used to boost physical performance, enhance sexual function, encourage general vitality, and promote longevity.

Modern science:
According to research, ginseng and its active constituents, ginsenosides, can increase energy production and improve physical and mental performance. In In addition. ginseng has been extensively studied for its ability to promote healthy immune system function, support central nervous system health, control diabetes, and even benefit neurological disorders.[2]

The Three Types of Ginseng You Need to Know

Best Herbs for Energy Ginseng

Ginseng is a powerhouse herb for energy. Most people who try ginseng really love how it improves energy, stamina, and mental performance.

And the best part? Ginseng doesn’t have any caffeine. It won’t disrupt your sleep. In fact, according to some studies, ginseng can actually improve sleep.

In this article I will discuss the three most popular types of ginseng and their pronteital benefits for energy. All types are so common, chances are you see them under different names every day:

  • Korean Ginseng also known as asian ginseng, red ginseng, or panax ginseng
  • Ashwagandha also known as indian ginseng
  • Maca also known as peruvian ginseng.

While all these types are known to support energy, each have additional different capabilities. You can try each type by itself, or combine them together, as they tend to complement each other.

Ginseng Fuzion which includes all the three types of ginseng is a great example. The liquid drops make it really easy to use, so you can add it to your water, teas or other drinks while on the go.

See the recipes section in the end of the article for some easy to do recipes. No blender is required.

One more thing. Make sure to give ginseng some time to work. As in any natural herbs for energy, not everyone responds the same or need the same serving size. Start low, see how your body responds, and go from there. Especially if you are trying to reduce your coffee intake.

Korean Ginseng: Herb for Energy & Fatigue

Korean Ginseng Herbs for Energy Fatigue

The most common ginseng type used for energy is korean ginseng, also known as asian ginseng, red ginseng, or panax ginseng.

Several studies found that korean ginseng stimulates energy consumption in skeletal muscle and liver. In fact, due to its potent yet gentle effect on energy, the medical community considers korean ginseng as a promising treatment for fatigue in people with chronic illness.[3,4].

In addition to its ability to increase energy levels and reduce fatigue, ginseng may also support healthy weight loss. According to research, ginseng can promote fat metabolism, regulate blood sugar and reduce appetite.[5]

Ashwagandha: Herb for Energy, Endurance & Stress


My personal favorite of the adaptogen herbs is ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) also known as indian ginseng.

I often encourage my clients who battle with stress and fatigue to try this herb as a natural way to support their energy and calm their stress levels. They usually come back and report a resounding love for this wonderful plant.

Ashwagandha is a traditional ayurvedic medicine that has become very popular nowadays as a natural supplement for our stressful lifestyle.
Most people who try ashwagandha like its balancing effects. It can relax you and at the same time give you energy.

Due to its potential as a natural herb for energy, ashwagandha is a well studied herb as well. Several studies found that ashwagandha can improve endurance, cardiorespiratory fitness and sense of wellbeing. [5,6].

The benefits of ashwagandha go above and beyond energy. Additional human studies showed that ashwagandha was able to normalize the stress hormone cortisol, improve quality of sleep, reduce food cravings, and even strengthen the muscles.[7,8]

You can supplement ashwagandha as a whole root or in an extract form.  I personally like to have ashwagandha powder added to my tea or as a part of my coffee substitute recipes. You can also mix ashwagandha into your smoothies or foods.

Ashwagandha is a very clean and safe herb with very few side effects reported. With that said, there were a few individual cases of hyperthyroid. While it wasn’t clear if these were actually related to its use, it is always best to speak with your doctor before. Especially if you have hyperthyroid concerns.[9]

Maca: Herb for Energy & Mood

Maca Herbs for Energy

Perhaps most popular for its purported sexual enhancing effects, maca (Lepidium meyenii) is also known as a potent herb for energy. I like to combine maca together with ashwagandha due to their synergistic effect.

According to research, maca contains a group of carbohydrate molecules called polysaccharides (MPS1 and MPS2) that have anti-fatigue effects.[10]
A large clinical trial found that red and black maca enhanced energy and increased overall mood and sense of well-being.[11]

Maca is available in both powder or extract form. If you consider using maca powder, make sure it is either boiled or gelatinized for best absorption.

Fun fact about maca: this herb is actually a cruciferous vegetable!

Rhodiola rosea: Herb for Energy & Stress & Brain Function

Rhodiola Herbs for Energy

Any review of the best clean herbs for energy will never be complete without the adaptogen herb Rhodiola rosea. Originating in Russia and cold european climates, rhodiola has long been used to battle stress, reduce fatigue, boost energy and promote mental clarity.

On top of these traditional uses, rhodiola is another example of a natural herb for energy that is extensively studied. And I mean, a lot of studies. Rhodiola truly shines in its ability to boost energy, enhance exercise performance and improve cognitive function. Yes, we are talking about one herb that does all these together.

To give you an idea, here is a quick summary of some of the research:

Boost energy

Rhodiola supports natural energy by increasing AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), an enzyme that plays a role in cellular energy. In clinical studies, Rhodiola was able to effectively reduce fatigue related to stress.[12,13]

Improve exercise performance

Rhodiola rosea was able to improve exercise endurance performance as well as lung capacity in a clinical study. This includes an ability to reduce the perceived effort of exercise, making it seem easier.[14, 15]

In addition to its ability to boost exercise performance, Rhodiola can help the body better adapt to the exercise. Muscles had less damage and less lactate after exercise in male athletes who received Rhodiola.[16]

Improve cognitive function

A meta-analysis of 36 studies found that Rhodiola was able to optimize key neurotransmitters and improve learning and memory function.[17]

Schisandra: Tonic Herb for a Balanced Overall Energy

Schisandra Herbs for Energy

Next on the list of herbs for energy is one of chinese medicine famous tonic herbs, Schisandra. Also known as magnolia berry, this powerful adaptogen herb is recognized by its ability to promote a well balanced energy.

Several studies have suggested that schisandra can improve physical endurance and cognitive/behavioural functions, which can be linked to a general anti-aging potency. In fact, many researchers believe that schisandra can regulate mitochondrial biogenesis. Mitochondria are the parts in our cells responsible for making energy.[18]

In general, schisandra is a great herb to add into your daily routine.  Many people combine it with ashwagandha and rhodiola for a balancing overall effect. While schisandra is considered safe for most people, you may want to avoid if you have reflux, intracranial pressure, or epilepsy.

Fun fact: the name schisandra translates to five-flavor-fruit due to its unusual combination of five flavors.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential Oil

If you haven’t noticed how peppermint awakens the senses, you should give it a try.  Simply inhale its aroma and feel how it energizes you almost instantly!

Several studies actually explored the potential of this aromatic herb to boost energy. According to research, peppermint essential oil enhanced exercise performance and improved memory and focus.[19,20,21]

While a little bit of peppermint is good, more is not always better.  You only need to inhale a little bit of the essential oil and see how you feel. While everyone may respond different, if you find that peppermint does give you more energy, then you definitely want to have a small bottle of peppermint in your gym bag!

Peppermint sensitivity can occur in some people, so always use caution.

Herbs for Energy – Recipes

You can combine all these herbs for energy in your water, drinks, teas, smoothies, juices and even meals.

Ginseng Fuzion which I mentioned earlier makes it easy due to its liquid form. Here are some easy recipes you can use while on the go.

Try to mix 1 ml of Ginseng Fuzion with:

  • Pre workout:
    Beet juice or pomegranate juice to enhance exercise performance, increase blood flow and improve focus
  • Cutting down coffee?
    Mix with green tea (hot or cold) to support your body as you reduce your coffee intake
  • Coffee alternatives:
    Mix with chicory root
  • Post workout:
    Mix with coconut water, a vegan protein powder and BCAAs to help balance cortisol levels, hydrate your body and support protein synthesis and recovery
  • Gentle energy during cleansing:
    Cleansing doesn’t mean low energy. Mix Ginseng fuzion with your favorite detox tea.
    See: Candida Tea Recipe for an example of a detox antifungal tea recipe that includes green tea, coconut oil, cinnamon, ginger, and lemon.

Final Thoughts

Adaptogenic herbs offer a safe and effective natural way to power your day, improve your physical and mental performance, and help your body to better adapt to stress.

As in all herbs, the source matters. Make sure to choose reputable brands that stand behind the quality and purity of their herbs. Always check with your doctor before using. If you are pregnant, you should generally avoid herbs, since most herbs weren’t tested on pregnant women.

Mitochondria Supplements: Best Natural Options Supported by Science

Mitochondria Supplements
Heidi Moretti Author circleHeidi Moretti, MS, RD
Clinical Registered Dietitian
Mitochondria Research

CoQ10 | PQQ | L-carnitine | Alpha Lipoic Acid | Magnesium | B vitamins | Creatine | Lifestyle | Diet

In this article, I will go over some of the best mitochondria supplements, foods, and steps you can take to optimize your mitochondrial function.

Related post: herbs for energy.

Mitochondria & Your Health

Also known as the cell powerhouse of energy or the cell battery, mitochondria play a key role in energy production, keeping us energetic, focused, and youthful.

But there’s more.

More and more studies show that the mitochondria are involved in almost every cellular level in the body. And because of that, they may hold the key to better overall health and longevity.

In fact, many researchers believe that poor mitochondria health may lead to chronic disease and on the flip side, can protect and extend our life when properly function.

Best Mitochondria Supplements

The mitochondria are very metabolically active and as such, they are susceptible to damage from toxins, inflammation, free radicals and oxidative stress.

Luckily, certain antioxidants and nutrients found in both food and supplements can help the mitochondria work optimally.

CoQ10 Supplements To Protect Mitochondria

A true staple in any mitochondria supplements stack, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) truly stands out when it comes to the level of evidence.

The research on CoQ10 effect on mitochondria health is very extensive and quite promising. According to the data, CoQ10 can protect the mitochondria from oxidative stress and even from mitochondrial tissue death.[1,2]

CoQ10 plays such a key role in energy, that you can find it everywhere in our body. In fact, our body can actually make CoQ10. Why then, so many researchers recommend to take CoQ10 supplements?

It turned out that CoQ10 levels decline as we age. Other factors such as toxins exposure and certain medication (statins) can also reduce CoQ10 levels.

By now, we have a lot of research to support CoQ10 supplement use and it has a long track record of safety as well. With this amount of evidence, I feel compelled to recommend it for my friends, family, and patients as a natural way to support their mitochondrial health.

Best CoQ10 mitochondria supplements

Best CoQ10 mitochondria supplements

CoQ10 supplements are very popular, but not all forms of CoQ10 are created equal. This means both effectiveness and purity. For best results, make sure to use the forms of CoQ10 that are supported by clinical studies such as the patented Kaneka Q10 Ubiquinone.

Dr. Group’s COQ10 & PQQ is a good example of Kaneka Q10 Ubiquinone supplement that also combines BioPQQ, another potent mitochondria booster. As all Dr. Group line of supplements, there are no artificial fillers or binders which so many supplements still have these days.

To improve absorption, take CoQ10 with a meal that includes healthy fats like olive oil, coconut oil, or a few nuts. If you take omega 3 supplements or other oil based supplements, it is best to take them together with CoQ10.

PQQ Supplements To Help Grow Mitochondria

A recent study found that PQQ can help the body grow new mitochondria in liver cells.[3]
Interestingly enough, PQQ is also found in high levels in human breast milk where it functions as a powerful growth factor.

Another benefit of taking PQQ, is that it can increase Nrf1 & Nrf2 genes. These genes can help protect our body from oxidative stress and toxins and reduce inflammation. All key factors that can influence mitochondria health.[4,5].

PQQ is naturally found in small amounts in foods like natto, spinach, tofu, mustard greens, green tea, parsley, and green peppers. These are very small amounts however, which perhaps is one of the reasons PQQ is such a good option for mitochondria supplements. We just can’t get enough of it from our diets.

Best PQQ mitochondria supplements

Similarly to CoQ10, avoid cheap unknown sources of PQQ and look for forms of PQQ that are supported by clinical studies from a trusted source.

The patented BioPQQ is one of the best options for a natural PQQ that is heavily studied and have a FDA’s GRAS status (Generally Recognized as Safe).

To improve absorption, always take PQQ  with a meal.

L-carnitine Supplements To Energize Mitochondria

L-carnitine is an amino acid that helps transport fatty acids into the mitochondria so they can be used as fuel.

Foods rich in carnitine include animal sources like grass fed beef, bison, chicken, eggs, and fish. Genetics, medications, diet, and other lifestyle factors can lead to low levels of carnitine that may affect mitochondria health.

Based on my experience, I find that for many people, L-carnitine supplements might be the “missing link” to their mitochondria health. When my clients suffer from chronic fatigue, or have to take certain medication that deplete L-carnitine, I often consider the use of l-carnitine in their mitochondria supplements plan.

Magnesium to Support Mitochondria Function

Among its many functions, Magnesium is required to support a healthy mitochondrial function. The body needs to have enough magnesium in order to make key enzymes in the process of producing ATP in the mitochondria.[6]

Foods are the best way to get magnesium, although many people still struggle to get enough through their diet.  In fact, according to research, around 50% of Americans don’t get enough magnesium from their diets.[7]

Foods rich in magnesium include leafy greens like spinach, dark chocolate, asparagus, pumpkin seeds, and legumes. Making a green smoothie with spinach or other greens with some raw cacao is a great way to naturally increase your magnesium levels.

In my experience, many people feel a lot better when they get enough magnesium through foods and supplements. Sleep quality and better bowel function are two things they often notice fairly quickly.

Supplemental magnesium powders or liquids are my favorite way to add extra magnesium.  Make sure to avoid magnesium oxide, as it is poorly absorbed. Try to find natural magnesium glycinate or chelated magnesium forms.

B vitamins to Spark Mitochondria Function

I like to think of B vitamins as the sparks that power our mitochondria. Each and every B vitamin is required to keep the mitochondria functioning well. The most well-researched of these are niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin.[8,9,10]

People who eat a lot of processed foods, drink alcohol, or are on very restrictive or low-calorie diet are at risk for having low B vitamin levels. Vegans and vegetarian diets, are another risk factor as they do not supply vitamin B12.

So it is best to take a vitamin B complex as a part of your natural mitochondria supplements plan. Due to genetics, some people do not metabolize synthetic types of B vitamins well. For these cases, it may be better to get B vitamins supplements in their methylated form.

I know this first hand. I do have gene variants in MTHFR and I speculate that is why I always had a hard time taking synthetic vitamins. They made me feel jittery and nauseated. I started to feel much better when I took methylated forms, as do many of my clients.

Creatine Supplements To Energize Mitochondria

When people think of creatine, they often think of bodybuilding and athletes.  It is however, a valid option to consider for your natural mitochondria supplements.

So while creatine can help to promote muscle gains for athletes, I believe the bigger story is that creatine can help to increase energy production in your mitochondria.

Some research suggests that creatine can even help protect the structure of and the function of the mitochondria from oxidative damage.[11,12]

Food sources of creatine are red meats and fish. The body can make creatine, but often not enough to optimize creatine levels.  Hence, the effectiveness of creatine supplements to improve exercise performance.

Powdered creatine monohydrate supplements are generally safe for healthy people. Just make sure to choose pure creatine monohydrate, such as the patented Creapure. Also, many creatine supplements contain sugars, synthetic additives and chemicals. So always read the label.

Alpha Lipoic Acid Supplements: Brain Mitochondria Support

Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that serves as an enzymatic cofactor that can help improve and preserve mitochondrial function.

According to research, alpha lipoic acid may offer an effective natural way to support age-associated decline of memory, improve mitochondrial structure and function, and reduce oxidative damage.

If brain aging is a concern for you, one study suggested to combine acetyl-L-carnitine, CoQ10 and alpha lipoic acid. According to the study, these may work in synergy that can help for cognitive issues and oxidative mitochondrial dysfunction.[13,14]

Beyond Mitochondria Supplements: Lifestyle

Mitochondria supplements can help support our mitochondria health. With that said, as the name suggests they should always supplement a healthy diet and lifestyle.

I am talking about inflammation, oxidative stress and toxins. All well known to negatively affect our mitochondria health. All things we can control.

Lifestyle wise, make sure you get enough sleep, and try to keep your stress levels in check. Meditation, yoga, and other mind-body practices can all help to balance your stress levels.

Exercise regularly, (but don’t overtrain) to stimulate a healthy stress response that can challenge and improve your mitochondria function.

This is really important: based on so many studies, sleep, exercise & stress are the top lifestyle factors you can control. All can improve your mitochondria and overall health. Ignore these, on the other hand, and you increase your risk for chronic disease. The choice is yours.

Mitochondria Diet

Speaking of inflammation, oxidative stress and toxins, the foods we eat can increase or decrease these as well.

So while it is always best to work with a qualified healthcare professional to tailor the diet to your body (including testing for food sensitivities), there are still many powerful steps you can take today! Especially:

  • Avoid excess calories, carbs and processed foods. You don’t need to starve yourself or go keto though. The idea is to make sure you don’t overdo. Most people in the western world do overeat or consume too many carbs.
  • Eat from the rainbow. Especially colorful whole fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants.
  • Balance omega 3-6 balance to help control inflammation.
  • Eat more healthy fats. Avocados, fresh flaxseed and chia seeds, and wild caught salmon are great options.
  • Intermittent fasting may also help decrease aging processes in the mitochondria.[15]

Read Next

Herbs for energy: an expert review on the best supplements & herbs for energy without stimulants or caffeine, to naturally calm stress, fight fatigue, boost motivation & mood.

Detox Foods: 8 Most Powerful Options For The Best Body Cleanse

Detox Foods
Heidi Moretti Author circleHeidi Moretti, MS, RD
Clinical Registered Dietitian
Detoxification Expert

Broccoli Sprouts | Protein | Lemon | Cilantro | Garlic | Apples | Chlorella | Turmeric

In this article, I will share with you 8 powerful foods with unique natural properties in them that are backed up by science to help your body detox naturally, effectively and safely.

We all know that we need foods to nourish our body, repair and rebuild damaged tissues. The detox foods I am about to share with you, have both: nourishment and toxins elimination.

On that note, very often people get excited with detox diets and cleansing, and perhaps think less about eating well. I want to remind you that for a healthy body, it is essential to find that balance between detoxification and nourishment.

Related posts:

Is It Necessary to Detox Your Body?

Detox Foods how to detox your body

“We live in a modern world where new chemicals and toxins are being introduced all the time. Then the combination of those chemicals is making new chemicals that we’ve never seen before. Our bodies do not always identify these new toxins correctly or know how to effectively get rid of them”.

Dr. Jennifer Kessmann, MD, 
Functional Medicine Approach to Biotransformation

Never before were we exposed to so many potential toxins in our environment. These toxins may come from:

  • Air pollution
  • Foods such as processed foods, herbicides and pesticides in fruits and vegetables
  • Water
  • Common beverages that often contain various chemicals such as artificial sweeteners
  • Skin care products
  • Homes (cleaning products, pest control products, toxic mold growth).

How to Detox Your Body?

How to detox your body with foods
Toxins can enter the body through air, skin, food and water. Your body naturally releases toxins through the sweat, urine and stool. There are natural ways to strengthen and support these natural filtration systems and organs of elimination in the body to optimize health:

  • Liver:
    Converts toxic substances into harmless substances or makes sure they are released in the bowels so they can be eliminated throughout normal bowel movements.
  • Digestive System:
    Essential for eliminating toxins and waste through the stool.
  • Kidneys:
    Filter water soluble toxins so they can be eliminated through the urine.
  • Lymphatic system:
    Helps remove toxins from the interstitial fluid in between the cells.
  • Skin:
    Eliminates certain toxins through sweat

The Top 8 Detox Foods (Evidence Based)

Here are the top detox foods that are backed by science to help support your body’s natural filtration systems:

1: Broccoli Sprouts, My Favorite Detox Superfood

Broccoli Sprouts Detox Foods

Broccoli sprouts are not the same as a head of broccoli.  They are the sprouted seeds of broccoli that have 10-100 times the amount of cancer-fighting compounds compared to regular broccoli.[1]
As a functional nutritionist that works with many clients with toxicity issues, Broccoli sprouts are one of my favorite foods to support detoxification.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider eating Broccoli sprouts to help detox your body:

  • Broccoli sprouts can help clear air pollutant toxins from the body:[2]
    This was shown even in a population of people heavily exposed to excessive air pollutants! A Chinese study had 291 people consume broccoli sprouts or placebo for 12 weeks. The researchers found that the broccoli sprouts group had 61% less benzene and 23% less acrolein in their blood than the placebo group. Benzene and acrolein are both air pollutant toxins that can increase the risk of cancer.
  • Broccoli sprouts may promote enzyme production that protect against certain chemical carcinogens:[3]
    While you may get these cancer protection abilities from eating broccoli, research suggests that broccoli sprouts are much more effective.
  • Broccoli sprouts are packed with nutrients:
    In addition to these impressive toxins removal properties, several studies suggest that broccoli sprouts are much more concentrated compared to the mature broccoli. Even when eating small amounts, you will be getting much more.

How to Eat Broccoli Sprouts When Detoxing

Always eat broccoli sprouts raw; avoid cooking to prevent destroying the sulforaphane and other compounds.

While some people find that broccoli sprouts taste bitter, adding them in the following ways can help reduce the bitter taste.  I like to add a mustard vinaigrette to balance the flavors. You can add fresh raw broccoli sprouts to salads, blend into your morning smoothie, or add as a condiment to any dish.

2: Protein: A Forgotten Detox Pillar

protein detox foods

Many people make the mistake of following a juice or vegetable fast for a cleanse for several weeks and as a result, do not eat enough protein  Your body needs enough amino acids as they play a key role in the repair process including your muscles, skin, hair and other tissues.

You may be wondering then, why I consider protein as a detox food. Certain amino acids are also essential to support your detox pathways in the body. If you go too low, you may be at a risk for impaired detoxification.

For example, protein is the building block of the master antioxidant in the body known as glutathione. Glutathione is well known for its ability to reduce damage from toxic chemicals in the body. In fact, many researchers consider it as one of most potent natural detox agents in the body.[4]

How to Get Enough Protein During Your Detox Plan

Make sure to include healthy proteins each time you eat.  This can include grass-fed beef, wild game, organic eggs, spirulina, chlorella, poultry, nuts, and seeds. Caveat: many toxins are found in commercial animal proteins and fish, so choose organic and clean sources.

No need to get overboard, just make sure you eat enough. Your body’s protein needs depend on your age, health, weight, the amount of exercise you do, and other factors. A general rule of thumb is to eat around 60-100 grams of protein foods for an average weight person.

3: Lemon Detox

Lemon Detox

I am a big fan of the traditional Ayurvedic medicine practice of drinking warm water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach to promote healthy digestion. Besides the long traditional use, the cleansing and detoxifying effect of lemon has actually been studied and suggested by multiple studies.

To summarize the key evidence, the nutrients in lemon can help:

Liver & Kidney Cleanse:
The research data suggests that lemon and lime juices can prevent kidney stone formation due to their high citric acid content. Citrate has the ability to bind with urinary calcium and calcium oxalate crystals which may help to prevent crystal growth.[5,6]

As for the liver cleansing benefits of lemon juice, the data suggests that lemon juice can regulate elevated levels of serum ALT and AST liver enzymes as well to balance triacylglycerol and lipid peroxidation in the liver.[7]

Protect the digestive tract:
Limonene, one of the main antioxidants found in lemons, was shown in one study to restore and protect the stomach lining from toxins, including alcohol and ibuprofen.[8]

How to Use Lemons When Detoxing

I always like to bring fresh lemon slices to the table to squeeze onto vegetables, meats, and fish just before serving. Most of my clients are excited when their digestion improves with using lemons.

You can also add fresh squeezed lemon juice to your water in the morning.  For an extra healthy morning tonic drink, add a tablespoon of raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to the water.  Lemons can be added to just about any food to make them healthier and tastier: add to stir-fry dishes, stews, soups, salads, baked chicken, and more.

4: Cilantro: The Detox Herb You Have to Know

Cilantro The Detox Herb You Have to Know

Cilantro is a nutritious herb that can be very helpful as a natural way to remove excess heavy metals and help detoxify the body. These detox benefits  include:

According to research, Cilantro is able to bind, or chelate heavy metals, such as lead, in the digestive tract.[8] People with mercury toxicity were able to safely remove mercury from their bodies by taking cilantro capsules. The removal of mercury was actually observed through imaging called a SPECT scan.

Kidney detoxification:
Another toxic heavy metal, arsenic, may be reduced in your body by cilantro. Over an 8 week period, cilantro leaf given to mice was found helped with kidney detoxification by by removing arsenic from the kidneys.[9]

Antifungal actions:
According to research, this fresh herb has natural antifungal properties, which may be useful as a part of your candida cleanse.[10]

How to Use Cilantro

Cilantro is a delicious herb that you can add to many dishes, such as salsa, tacos, stews, soups, smoothies, and more. You can use cilantro to make a pesto that can be added as a topping at the table. Combine it with avocado to make a healthy guacamole.

5: Garlic, Raw Detox Power

Garlic: Raw Detox Power

It’s hard to think about parasite cleansing without mentioning one of nature’s most potent natural antibiotic, antifungal and antimicrobial detox foods, Garlic. Since the days of ancient healing systems such as the traditional Chinese medicine and ayurvedic medicine, to our modern days with multiple studies that backed up the detoxification power of garlic, this little allium vegetable can increase your body’s ability to detox in multiple ways, here’s a summary of some of the key evidence:

Parasite cleanse:
Several animal studies found that Garlic was able to eradicate parasites, including cryptosporidium, nematodes, and trematodes.[11,12,13,14]
This may happen by reducing trypanothione reductase, a vital compound for survival of parasites. The studies also found that garlic also supported healing and repair of intestinal function in these infected animals.

Liver detoxification:[15] According to research, eating garlic activates the Nrf2 gene, which plays a key role in detoxification and stimulate the production of both phase I and II liver enzymes. This gene also plays a key role in the body’s antioxidant stress response, which is also helpful when you detox and release toxins.

Candida and mold cleanse:
A clinical study of 40 patients with candida-related denture stomatitis in the mouth showed that garlic was as effective as antifungal nystatin medication at treating candida oral infection.[16]
Due to its potent antifungal properties, many fungi are sensitive to garlic, including Candida, Cryptococcus, Aspergillus, and Trichosporon. Garlic works to reduce the growth, oxygen supply, and stickiness of these molds in the body.[17]

On that note, before you chew garlic in your mouth to eradicate oral thrush, an important disclaimer: the research used garlic extract and did not have people hold garlic in their mouth. There are various reports of cases where prolong use of garlic inside the mouth caused oral damage, including a burn inside the mouth as a result of a topical application of crushed raw garlic.[18]

How to Use Garlic When Detoxing

You can add garlic to just about ANY lunch or dinner recipe to enhance the flavor and health of the food!

According to research, fresh raw garlic is more potent than cooked or boiled garlic[19], and is higher in bioactive components.[20]. Allicin becomes available when you cut, crush or chew the garlic, but is highly unstable, and may change quickly.[21] For this reason, try to eat garlic shortly after you crush it.

Popular dishes using a lot of garlic include marinara sauce, poultry, Asian stir-fries, pesto, hummus, and more.  Fresh garlic is extra potent in salad dressings, hummus, pesto, spreads, and more. Garlic’s pungent smell on you for a day or so is well worth the health benefits you will receive.

6: Apple, Detox Food Rockstar

Apple: Detox foods Rockstar

Apples have long been known as potent gut cleansing and liver detox foods. In traditional medicine, raw apples have been used for their cooling and astringent properties, to aid heartburn, prevent gallstones, and support liver health.

Research is catching up, here’s a q quick summary of some of the key evidence on the detox power of apples:

Heavy metal cleanse:
Pectin, a naturally occurring fiber found in Apples was able to reduce the blood levels of the toxic radioactive metal cesium 63% more than placebo in 67 children exposed to radiation in the Chernobyl nuclear accident.[22]

Further studies actually found that pectin was able to bind to heavy metal and therefore, the researchers concluded that pectin may offer a natural way to remove heavy metals from the body.[23,24]

Liver Cleanse:
The science on apples and liver health has shown to be very promising. Several studies suggested that the polyphenols and antioxidants in apples can protect the liver from damage due to toxins and prevent fat accumulation that may lead to fatty liver.[25,26,27].

In his book “The Amazing Liver Cleanse”, Andreas Moritz mentioned another naturally occurring detoxifying ingredient in apples, malic acid. According to Andreas:

“Malic acid in apple juice does exceptionally well in dissolving some of the stagnant bile and making the stones softer…The malic acid in the apple juice softens the gallstones and makes their passage through the bile ducts easy.”

Andreas Moritz, The Amazing Liver Cleanse

Amazing liver cleanse indeed! While there are no studies that tested these exact claims, the research data does suggest that cloudy apple juice (juice with the pulp) can regulate various liver enzymes, and therefore may protect the liver from damage.[28]

Digestive and gut cleanse:
Another reason many health professionals (including myself) are exciting about apples, has to do with the way apples can benefit your digestive health, with the research data keeps growing. Here are a few findings:

  • Apple polyphenol can prevent damage of toxins to the stomach lining.[29]
  • Quercetin in apples may reduce a colon damaging compound called nitrite.[30]
  • Malic acid, found in apples, increases saliva production, which is an important part of digestion.[31]
  • Apples may improve the microbiome and increase a gut healing nutrient called butyrate.[32]

How to Use Apples When Detoxing

Eat fresh organic raw apples, always with the skin, with cinnamon, mix raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar in water, or use apple cider vinegar, lemon and olive oil to make a delicious detoxifying salad dressing.

Personally, I find that eating a fresh apple every day truly does make my digestive tract feel cleansed.  If you prefer to drink apple juice, choose cloudy over clear. According to research, it has four times more the concentration of polyphenols than the clear juice.[33]. And as always with fruit juices, watch the sugar content.

7: Chlorella, Heavy Metal Detox Powerhouse

Chlorella Heavy Metal Detox Powerhouse

When I talk about detox, I always emphasize both nourishment and cleansing.

Chlorella, a single cell green editable algae that has a long history of use as food and medicine, is perhaps the perfect example of such detox food. As a food source, the nutritional profile of Chlorella is truly exceptional, with unique and diverse composition of nutrients including proteins, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, vitamins and minerals.[34]

As for its detox potential, multiple studies that evaluated cholera’s natural chelation properties, found that chlorella can enhance the elimination of toxic heavy metals from the body.[35,36] One study even found that Chlorella can help to reduce mercury levels in people who have amalgam dental fillings.[37]

Chlorella may also help remove other heavy metals like cadmium and lead from absorbing into the body and reduce radiation damage to the body.[38]

How to Use Chlorella When Detoxing

Because chlorella has a hard cell wall that humans cannot digest, make sure to get the broken cell wall chlorella for best results. Always find a clean source to make sure it is grown in a pure environment.  Chlorella is available in powder form or in capsules. You can add it to your morning smoothie or shake, or mix in your salad, kombucha or all-natural pudding.

Detox Reaction/Healing Crisis Alert:
Chlorella is a very concentrated source of nutrients with potent detoxification properties, so always go slow and follow the recommended serving size. If you have heavy metals concerns, chlorella can be a very powerful tool that can remove these toxins, so it is always best to consult with your doctor during this process.

8: Turmeric, A Golden Detox Food Miracle

Turmeric, A Golden Detox Food Miracle

The use of turmeric in Ayurvedic medicine dates back 4000 years where it was used to reduce the effects of poisoning from foods.  In Sanskrit, an ancient Indo-European language of India, turmeric has over 50 names![39]. Turmeric’s traditional uses include strengthening energy, reducing gas, treating worms, improving digestion, menstruation tonic, dissolving gallstones, reducing arthritis, and more. Turmeric is no stranger to health benefits according to research as well. In fact, It is one of the most studied natural food in the world. Here are some of the key findings regarding turmeric’s detox effects:

Digestive cleanse:
Turmeric was shown to improve gut microbiome diversity and reduce gut inflammation, which helps to support the gut cleanse natural processes.[40]. Even more, Turmeric may also help with digestive cleansing by decreasing damaging compounds, including NFkB, IL6, and tumor necrosis factor.[41].

Liver cleanse: In a meta-analysis of 4 clinical studies, turmeric improved liver enzymes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.[42]. The researchers found that Turmeric can help upregulate phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification enzymes in the liver, as well as Nrf2 gene, a potent transcription factor involved in detoxification in the body.[43].

How to Use Turmeric

When using turmeric as part of the spices in their foods, many of my clients are very pleased with the improvements of how they feel.

As a flavorful spice, use turmeric in you curries, meat dishes, soups, stir-fries, and more. You can add powdered turmeric to your smoothies and baked items as well. Turmeric may also combine well with lemon water for a cleansing boost in the morning.

A common issue with turmeric is its poor bioavailability in the body. A known traditional remedy to address this, is to consume turmeric with black pepper. According to research, piperine, the major active component of black pepper can increase the bioavailability of curcumin by 2000%[44].

A relative of turmeric, ginger, is also a great add-in to help any of your meals become healthier.


Eating foods for detoxifying your body is a great natural way to support your health.

As a part of the process, it is also important to become aware of your daily exposure to toxins and chemicals, and minimize this as much as possible.

Make sure to also avoid or minimize inflammatory foods such as processed foods, gluten, and dairy, and others. If you have a history of digestive issues, you may want to consider an elimination diet to determine which foods you may be sensitive to. This is best done under the supervision of a functional medicine doctor or a functional nutritionist, but you can always start to experiment yourself by eating healthy, eliminate inflaming foods, and see how you feel.

Keep in mind, eating these detox foods may be helpful to promote overall good health, but is not meant to treat illnesses. If you have any medical concern, make sure to speak with your physician or healthcare provider.