
The World’s Most Potent (and Safe) Herbs That Kill Parasites

Herbs That Kill Parasites
Dr. Donna Schwontkowski authorDr. Donna Schwontkowski, DC
M.S. Nutrition & Herbology
Parasite Cleanse Expert

Reviewed by:
CleanseJoy Editorial Team.

Black walnut | Epazote | Neem | Wormwood | Cloves | Oregano oil | Diatomaceous earth | Jatoba | Pau d’ Arco | Licorice

Did you find out that you have parasites from your doctor? Or did you realize by looking at the list of symptoms that it’s likely you have one? Some of the main reasons people use herbs that kill parasites include:

  • They know they have parasites
  • A family member has a parasite and they don’t want to get infected
  • Frequently eat sushi (a common way people get parasites)
  • Pet owners who do a parasite cleanse as their own pets are treated with dewormers.

It’s important to know how different herbs kill parasites, which ones they kill, and how to properly use them. Although in some cases we may need more studies in order to completely understand how these herbs work against parasites, we know enough to safely get the critters out of your body (dead or alive) so you can feel healthy again.

Related protocols:
parasite cleanse, candida cleanse.

2 things You Should Know Before Taking Anti-parasitic Herbs

1: Cleanse your colon

When you get the critters out of your body, they are eliminated with the stool. Before you do that, you absolutely need to cleanse the colon first to avoid a healing crisis and die offs.

Ozonated Magnesium Oxides can help to clear the colon so your body can eliminate the dying parasites, candida (and their toxins) quicker during your parasite cleanse.

If you are new to cleansing or planning to take herbs for parasites or candida, I highly recommend to read my guide on how to prevent a healing crisis.

2: Diet for Parasites

Low carb diet that doesn’t feed the critters is also recommended. Sugar is the primary fuel source of many parasites.
See: parasite cleanse diet.

10 Top Herbs That Kill Parasites

Here’s the list of the top herbs that kill parasites and how they work. Have some of these daily or add to your natural parasite cleanse.

  1. Black Walnut (green hull)
    Herbs That Kill Parasites Black Walnut (green hull)

Any plant that can live to be more than 300 years old has to be full of medicinal components that are anti-parasitic in nature. What parasites does it kill? According to the ancient herbal medicine literature, black walnut may kill over 100 different types of parasites. A must have in any parasite cleanse, and a definite option as one of the best herbs that kill parasites.

Black walnut is anti-helminthic according to the old monographs on herbs, which means it destroys parasitic worms or helminths. This category includes flukes, tapeworms or nematodes. Helminthes are the largest parasites.

It’s good to kill helminthes first in the human body because these ‘guys’ are eating and pooping in your intestinal tract and elsewhere. Lesser parasites eat their excrement. Thus black walnut ends up killing all types of parasites with one swoop.

Helminths are big enough to see with the naked eye. That means when you take black walnut extract, capsules, tincture or any form, you might see the parasites fighting for their life and squiggling in the toilet bowl. Sorry for being so graphic about it but who will tell you these things if we don’t?

A few more things to know:  black walnut can be used for cats and dogs as dewormers you make at home, but never give it to your horse. It makes their body and especially feet swell and they fall down, not getting up for several hours, a condition called laminitis.

The active ingredients of black walnut include juglone and a quinone called plumbagin.

  1. Epazote (leaf) (Chenopodium ambrosioides)
    One report by the World Health Organization in the 1970s stated that a decoction of 20 grams of the leaves of epazote rapidly expelled parasites without any apparent side effects in humans.

One report by the World Health Organization in the 1970s stated that a decoction of 20 grams of the leaves of epazote rapidly expelled parasites in humans without any apparent side effects.

This herb has a very impressive and specific data on its anti-parasitic effect.

A study that had 72 children and adults with intestinal parasites take Epazote, found it was 100% effective against Ancilostoma and Trichuris, and 50% effective against Ascaris. Stool analysis showed it only took 8 days for the treatment to kill the parasites.

In another study of 30 kids between the ages of 3 and 14 years old with roundworm, one dose given on an empty stomach for three days caused the disappearance of 88% of the eggs and overall parasite burden decreased by 60%. Epazote was 100% effective in eliminating human tapeworm.

  1. Neem (leaf) (Azadirachta indica)
    With parasite killing properties that include anti-helminthic, antibacterial, antifungal (Candida), and antiviral, Neem is one of best herbs that kill parasites for adults.

With parasite killing properties that include anti-helminthic, antibacterial, antifungal (Candida), and antiviral, Neem is one of best herbs that kill parasites for adults.

It works great topically when kids get lice. That horrible hair parasite infection that travels quickly through a schoolroom. There’s nothing like a call from a teacher that your child has lice! But it’s a good thing that there’s a solution.

In one study of 60 heavily-lice-infested children, neem shampoo was found to be highly effective against all stages of head lice. Neem killed live adult parasites, inhibited eggs from hatching, and annihilated everything in between. A great parasite cleansing herb for school teachers who try to stay lice free.

Neem is also one of the best home remedies for scabies rash, a skin condition caused by tiny parasitic mites called Sarcoptes scabiei. The mites tunnel into the skin and can cause severe irritation as they move.

Kids or pregnant/breastfeeding moms should not take neem internally.

  1. Wormwood (leaf/stem) (Artemisia absinthium)
    Wormwood herb for parasite cleanse

Now this next study is really one that gives herbal therapy its due credit.

Doctors tested and treated 780 patients that had Schistosoma mansoni infections. Schistosoma mansoni is a water-borne parasite in humans that belongs to the group of blood flukes.[1]

The researchers must have found a few villages that were seriously infected with this parasites. The patients all tested positive and had the parasite eggs in their stool.

Wormwood herb tea came to the rescue! 14 days later, all of them – hundreds of these patients, had no detectable parasite eggs in their stool. 28 days later, the eggs were still gone.

The doctors concluded that wormwood “provided faster effective treatment of schistosomiasis and should be considered for implementation on a global scale.”

  1. Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum)
    Cloves are best known for their parasite egg killer action, although they are quite effective against many types of parasites.

Cloves are best known for their parasite egg killing action, although they are very effective against many types of parasites. If you have Giardia, Schistosoma, Fasciola gigantica (flatworm) or Haemonchus contortus (called barbers’ pole worm), cloves may become your new best friend. Studies have shown cloves are lethal to these parasites and won’t let them multiply.

Cloves may also be a good options for those who have Lyme disease. The tick that carries the Lyme bacteria can also be infected with the Babesia parasite.
Tucked away from many antiparasitic herbs, cloves can track the Babesia parasite down like a sniper.

Herbal medicine books often call cloves antiprotozoal. That means it is effective against parasites like Amoebas, flagellated, parasites with whip like ‘legs’, malaria, and Trypanosoma cruzi.[2]

The active components of cloves include eugenol, gallic acid derivatives, flavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol, and phenolic acids.

  1. Mediterranean Oregano Oil
    Mediterranean Oregano Oil herbs that kill parasites

Six weeks of Mediterranean oregano oil supplementation were enough to kill several parasites. A US study found the oil effective against Entamoeba hartmanni (causes diarrhea), Endolimax nana (amoeba in GI tract) and Blastocystis hominis (GI protozoa). The GI symptoms of the patients that participated in the study improved greatly after the treatment.[3]

Oregano oil is also an antiprotozoal, and was able to successfully kill the protozoan parasites Leishmania donovani, malaria, T. cruzi, and Trypanosoma bucei rhodesiense.[4]

The active ingredients responsible for these potent antiparasitic effects were carvacrol, linalool, p-cymene, y-terpinene and thymol. There was no toxicity to the cells from the herb.

  1. Diatomaceous Earth
    Diatomaceous Earth (DE) antiparasitic herbs

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is the fossilized remains of phytoplankton. There are two unique properties of DE that makes it one of the best herbs for parasites.

DE is high in silica. The molecular structure of silica is very sharp, which makes it a deadly weapon against parasites. When parasites are nearby, silica slices open the bodies of parasites without harming any of your own tissues.

As if that’s not enough, the structure of DE is sponge like and it can trap bacteria, microbes and smaller parasites inside, which are then carried out of the body. This means that if larger parasites are eliminated, you might see them in the toilet.

DE was shown effective against whipworms, hookworms and ascarids, killing these parasites in about 7 days in animals.

Although there are no human studies on whether or not DE kills parasites or their eggs, we do know is that if something can work so well on parasites in animals, it’s most likely going to work as well in humans.

Due to its high silica content, DE may promote healing to all connective tissues, and that includes the GI tract.

There’s no known toxicity from diatomaceous earth as long as you use DE that is meant for human consumption. DE can also be used as an insecticide or for pool cleaning, so make sure your DE comes from a reliable herbalist.
You can take one heaping tablespoon twice daily and may notice a lot of good things happening to your gut, skin, hair and nails.

  1. Jatoba (bark)
    Jatoba (Hymenaea) is a huge canopy tree that grows in the Amazon rainforest. Its bark and leaves are used to expel intestinal worms and parasites.

Jatoba (Hymenaea) is a huge canopy tree that grows in the Amazon rainforest. Its bark and leaves are used to expel intestinal worms and parasites. It contains medicinal diterpenes, sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, oligosaccharides that have the parasites and egg killing action.

People in the Amazon also use Jatoba for many stubborn fungal and yeast problems, especially Candida, athlete’s foot, nail fungus, and combine it with other herbs for parasites. Traditionally, Jatoba is known to make a person feel strong and ready to get to work.

  1. Pau d’ Arco (bark) (Tabebuia impetiginosa)
    Pau d’ arco best herbs for parasites

Pau d’ arco is is long known for its anti-parasitic as well as antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

What parasites does it work against? The list starts with some of the worst ones – malaria, schistosoma, trypanosome, and candida yeast (a fungus that is often thought to act as a parasite in some regards).

The active ingredients in Pau d’ arco are quinoids, benzenoids and flavonoids.

  1. Licorice (root)
    glabridin, a polyphenol found in licorice root inhibits the growth of malaria parasites without killing cells.

Who doesn’t like a mixture of licorice root and mint for a cup of tea?

Well, research shows that glabridin, a polyphenol found in licorice root inhibits the growth of malaria parasites without killing cells. It does this by inhibiting an enzyme that acts on a binding site where the parasite attaches.

But that’s not all it does. Licorice root’s glabridin induces cell death of the parasites mitochondria and generates a type of stress that kills the parasites directly like deadly laser beams. The Researchers that discovered glabridin’s antiparsitic effects concluded it “exhibits antiplasmodial activity and is suitable for developing an antimalarial agent from a cheap and sustainable source.”[5]

Killing Parasites Regularly is A Good Move

Herbs that kill parasites are the first thing people think about when they plan their parasite cleanse. But, you can also use these herbs to kill parasites on an ongoing basis.

For example, why not add DE to your coffee in the morning. Start your day off right with a little caffeine for your mind and body, and dead parasites in the stool. Nothing’s better for a clear mind!

Or how about brewing up a few quarts of tea composed of water and 1 tablespoon each of Jatoba and Pau d’ Arco? Brew it for 30 minutes, add lemon to it and drink all day for energy – and parasite killing action.


There are so many things you can do to against parasites. Always remember that parasites are a fact of life. You aren’t going to make it to the grave without facing them once or more in your life. So now that you are armed with the list of the top herbs that kill parasites, it’s time to get these critters out of your body!

There’s one thing that always amazes many people in the field of natural healing. With these herbs work so effectively for parasites of all varieties, why aren’t medical professionals use them more often? God already put the answers on the earth for all of us, and we have plenty of evidence on their safety and effectiveness.

I truly hope more people can learn about these wonderful natural herbs, that can offer so much to our health and wellness.
Help and share this knowledge with anyone who may suffer from parasites.

I wish you all the best in your journey to better health.


  1. Munyangi, J., et al. Effect of Artemisia annua and Artemesia afra tea infusions on Schistosomiasis in a large clinical trial. Phytomedicine 2018 Dec 1;51:233-240.
  2. Batiha, G.E., et al. Syzygium aromaticum L. (Myrtaceae): Traditional uses, bioactive chemical constituents, pharmacological and toxicological activities. Biomolecules 2020 Jan 30;10(2).
  3. Force, M., Sparks, W.S., and Ronzio, R.A. Inhibition of enteric parasites by emulsified oil of oregano in vivo. Phytother Res 2000 May; 14(3):213-4.
  4. Tasdemir, D., et al. Antiprotozoal activity of Turkish Origanum onites essential oil and its components. Molecules 2019 Dec 3;24(23):4421.
  5. Singh Cheema, H., Prakash, O., et al. Glabridin induces oxidative stress mediated apoptosis like cell death of malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Parasitol Int 2014 Apr;63(2):349-58.
  6. Taylor, Leslie, N.D. The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs. A Guide to Understanding and Using Herbal Medicinals. Square One Publishers, NY. 2005.

15 Ways to Prevent a Healing Crisis & Detox Symptoms

15 Ways to Prevent a Healing Crisis
Dr. Donna Schwontkowski authorDr. Donna Schwontkowski, DC
M.S. Nutrition & Herbology
Detoxification Expert

Causes | Symptoms | Prevention tips | Detox juice recipe

Hands down, the best way to prevent a healing crisis and detox symptoms is to address certain imbalances before you get started. Only then you can proceed cautiously with your body detox program.

Your Detox Checklist

In this article, we’ll review 15 things you must do (or stop doing) in order to prevent a healing crisis and detox symptoms.

Will also look into natural ways to support your detoxification pathways and organ of elimination using foods, supplements, herbs, and a detox juice recipe.

Healing Crisis Causes

What causes a healing crisis could be one of three things:

  1. Parasite die-off
  2. Candida die-off
  3. Toxin overload that your body can’t handle

If you kill too many parasites too fast, it’s called a parasite die-off. Your body gets overwhelmed with cleaning up the wreckage.

If you have candida overgrowth, the yeast are literally everywhere in your body – in the vaginal tract, in the GI tract, residing in different organs, and hanging out in stubborn biofilms that serve as their refuge caves.

A candida die-off occurs when you consume something that is extremely potent against Candida. Many of them die off at the same time. Their dead ‘yeast bodies’ have to be dealt with by the immune system scavenger cells, and it may take a few days to come up to par to deal with the huge numbers. Those few days are when you get detox symptoms.

Related: Parasite cleanse, candida cleanse.

What Does a Healing Crisis Feel Like?
Common Detox Symptoms

What Does a Healing Crisis Feel Like? Common Detox Symptoms Detox symptoms can affect your entire body and may include: Flu-like symptoms, fever Nausea Bloating "Brain fog" Muscle pain, joint pain Dizziness Headache Fatigue Chills Elevated heart rate Skin breakouts.

Detox symptoms can affect your entire body and may include:

  • Flu-like symptoms, fever
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • “Brain fog”
  • Muscle pain, joint pain
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Chills
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Skin breakouts.

These are common when people don’t do detox right and parasite die-off and candida die-off occurs.

What Happens During A Healing Crisis

What happens inside your body when you have a healing crisis is similar to what happens in the nation when there’s been a disaster.

In the first few days, the initial rescue teams go in and take care of life-threatening situations. (This is equivalent to you adding some detox compounds initially).

Meanwhile, rescue organizations have to spend time organizing their efforts to get to the site where the relief is needed. Similarly,  your body has to step up its detoxification systems so the process can work more smoothly. During the wait, the rescued people are suffering for those first few days or week. Likewise, you experience detox symptoms.

In any disaster, the biggest blocks to quick relief are:

  • Trained staff are not ready to be deployed. (Equivalent to your immune system and your detoxification systems are not operating at full capacity because your nutritional status is not good enough)
  • The staff deployed have no equipment. (Equivalent to your body’s colon, liver, kidneys and skin unable to deal with toxin removal)
  • Another disaster happened somewhere else. (Your body has to battle systemic inflammation or a few different diseases simultaneously)

Do you see the parallels?

You may prevent, minimize or ease detox symptoms during candida cleanse, parasite cleanse, and overall body detox once these three issues are addressed first:

  1. Boost your vitamin / mineral status before starting.
  2. Decrease systemic inflammation easily without stirring up too much detox in the body.
  3. Increase your exit routes for the toxins. Especially the intestines, kidneys and liver who play a key role in toxin elimination.

When you do this, you avoid parasite die-offs and candida die-offs. This is important because if you do feel bad, you will not continue. And if you don’t continue your detox cleanse, then the toxins will win. So not only you will not get better, you may even get sicker.

Forget the Myth About Having a Healing Crisis

You don’t need to feel bad before you feel good! And whoever started that whole Herxheimer reaction philosophy had to be someone that had limited knowledge of the process![1]

No blame here, as there was very little information on the proper way to do detox cleanses 40-60 years ago, but things are different now! It’s known how to prevent candida die-off and parasite die-off symptoms

So think about this for a minute. What are you doing right now in your life – in your daily or weekly habits – that is contributing to your toxin loads or to inflammation in your body?

10 Ways to Avoid Detox Symptoms from Parasites and Candida

Here’s a list of common habits that may cause a healing crisis:

  1. Smoking

Even cutting down your cigarette smoking to half of what you normally do is an improvement. Not doing this means you can expect a Healing crisis.

  1. Drinking alcohol

Again, if you’re almost addicted, you could try cutting the amount down to half and make progress.

  1. Not drinking enough water

Even adding only two cups daily in the morning when you wake up makes your body smile. Water dissolves the toxins so they can be moved out of the body. Hydration is essential for proper kidney function.[2]
Not drinking enough water will cause a Healing crisis.

  1. Drinking 4 or more cups coffee a day

This one you have to be a bit careful about, and decrease the number of cups by only 1 cup every 4-5 days, or decrease the amount of coffee grounds you use by one-fourth. Cutting out coffee too fast will give you a headache and can contribute to a Healing crisis.

  1. Not eating enough fiber during the day

Adding an apple, a pear and ½ cup black beans every day will bump up your fiber by another 12-15 grams, which is significant! Fiber can bind to certain toxins and also supports healthy bowel movements. Leaving toxins in the body is one of the biggest reasons of a Healing Crisis.

  1. Not eating enough veggies each day

Almost every grocery store has ready-to-go salad ingredients calling out to you, “Choose me!” from the produce section. Adding a 1-quart salad to your daily meals adds only 3-4 minutes of food prep, yet it does more good for your body than you can imagine! These life-giving foods bind to toxins in your digestive tract and nourish your body with phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

  1. Coming to grips with constipation

Cleansing your colon with ozonated magnesium oxides before the detox is especially helpful and you’ll feel more emotionally stable afterward and during your detox.

  1. Never addressed any potential vitamin or mineral deficiencies if you have been pregnant

Babies eat up your own body’s nutrients. Your body sees the developing fetus as the #1 priority and will rob all your nutrient stores to fulfill this priority. This is why moms can easily lose teeth during and shortly after pregnancy. The calcium goes for the baby!

The antidote here is to take a multivitamin at double the regular dose.
There’s only one precaution in this: stay at 15 mg iron/day if you’re female (and 9 mg/day if you’re male). Also, keep the calcium <2300 mg daily for females and <1200 for males.

  1. Eating foods you are allergic to or sensitive to

Cut them out and you’ll be amazed at how good you will feel. They can increase systemic inflammation and take a toll on your immune system.

  1. Eating GMO foods

Eat more high-quality, non-GMO and non-commercial farmed protein, which supports your liver’s detoxification function.

Can you prepare for your cleanse by stopping a few of the things on your list, or changing to the new suggestions? Sure!

How many of them can you do in the two weeks prior to your candida or parasite cleanse? Since many of these can be done simultaneously, you could even choose 4 or five of them and not have to worry about any reactions. Instead you’ll just feel better and better.

Or you could take a longer period of time – say three weeks to initiate these changes if you feel you need more time. These changes are so positive that they are some of the best prep you could do for your cleanse. Yes, this slows down your cleansing goals but actually what you’re doing is concentrating on the overall picture of health and steadily making progress BEFORE CLEANSING.

4 Ways to Prevent Candida Die-Off, Parasite Die-Off and a Healing Crisis

Now that we covered the basics, the next thing to know is what to actually do to prevent and decrease any possibility of having a Healing Crisis. This can be thought of as a phase 2. It’s before you start any antiparasitic agent, antifungal agent, and liver cleanse.

Here’s the list:

  1. Activated charcoal tablets

Taking two charcoal tablets a few hours before bed with a large 12 ounce glass of water goes a long way to suck up toxins and inflammation in your body. It works better than turmeric for most people.

Charcoal is so good at absorbing toxins that it’s good enough to use for blood poisoning. Imagine what it will do for those who have candida. Parasites also are absorbed and deactivated with charcoal in the body.

Active Charcoal can prevent the absorption of other supplements. Always take it on an empty stomach by itself.

It may lead to constipation, so always make sure you drink enough water. Cleansing your colon with ozonated magnesium oxides may help to prevent constipation and support the toxin elimination throughout normal bowel movements.

  1. Liposomal Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the best detoxification methods to do. Not only is it detoxifying but it’s also a potent natural anti-aging agent. Vitamin C boosts the immune system, too.

Taking 1 teaspoon of liposomal vitamin C in ½ cup pineapple juice twice daily gives you over 2000 mg extra per day. It increases your energy levels too. Liposomal delivery system offers higher absorption compared to traditional vitamin C supplements.[3]

  1. Sauna sessions

A sauna session is only about 15 minutes long but it does much to open up your pores. Toxins are eliminated through your pores. Using an infrared sauna is good because you slip into the 120 degrees Fahrenheit sauna with a towel and washcloth to soak up the sweat. You’ll notice smells come out of your skin; these are toxins. Doing a sauna session three times a week is helpful not only for detoxification but also strengthens your heart and makes your skin glow.

  1. Sulforaphane

This amazing supplement turns on all the body’s detox pathways. The problem is that many of them have been turned off by exposure to glyphosate, the pesticide on just about every food these days. Glyphosate is even used on some crops to speed up the dehydration process after harvesting. Only one capsule 30 mg is needed daily.

  1. Glutathione

Glutathione is one of the most potent antioxidants and cellular detoxifiers found in every cell in the body. It has the ability to neutralize and bind to water-soluble toxins, so they are marked or targeted to be removed by the body and in the liver.[4]

You Can Use Juice To Stay Away from A Healing Crisis, Too

The Healing Crisis Detox Juice recipe: A special juice recipe you can make that may help you prevent healing crisis and detox symptoms. Drinking 12 ounces of this juice can also help you detox gently before you start your parasite or candida cleanse.

And here’s a special juice you can make that is loaded with antioxidants. Drinking 12 ounces of this juice can also help you detox gently before you start your parasite or candida cleanse.

Print Recipe
5 from 3 votes

Tomato Veggie Internal Detox Nutritional Drink

A special juice recipe you can make that may help you prevent healing crisis and detox symptoms. Drinking 12 ounces of this juice can also help you detox gently before you start your parasite or candida cleanse.
Prep Time10 minutes
Course: Juice
Cuisine: Chinese
Keyword: Healing Crisis Detox Juice Recipe
Servings: 1 people
Author: Dr. Donna Schwontkowski, DC


  • 2 large heritage tomatoes
  • 1 bunch green onions
  • 1-2 cloves garlic
  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 1 bunch cilantro
  • 4 ribs celery
  • 1 handful kale
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup ice
  • pinch celtic salt
  • pinch pepper


  • Juice all ingredients.
  • Add a pinch of celtic salt and pinch of pepper.
  • Pour over ice.
  • Add a celery rib for garnish. Enjoy!

Enjoy the Benefits Of Safe Cleansing Without a Healing Crisis

Avoiding a Healing Crisis when doing a Parasite or Candida cleanse is easy these days. Make it an experiment and see what works for you. Keep a journal so you can use the information in the future, too.


  1. The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction: revisited.
  2. National Kidney foundation, 6 Tips To Be “Water Wise” for Healthy Kidneys
  3. Liposomal-encapsulated Ascorbic Acid: Influence on Vitamin C Bioavailability and Capacity to Protect Against Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury
  4. Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal, Glutathione! Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, ND, Editor in Chief.

How to Get Rid of Parasites: Natural, Evidence-Based Parasite Cleanse

How to Get Rid of Parasites
Cleanse Joy Research TeamResearch analysis:
CleanseJoy Editorial Team
Products reviewed:
Dr. Edward Group, DC, NP
Dr. Emek Blair, Ph.D

A step by step how to get rid of parasites guide.

Guide | Aunt Mary’s Recipe | SymptomsResearch | References

Parasite Cleanse Protocol, Summary

  • Eliminate parasites naturally with parasite cleanse home remedies, herbs that kill parasites, antiparasitic foods and diet.
  • Protocol creates an environment in your body that disrupt the life cycle of parasites and fungus so they can’t survive or reproduce.
  • Due to the combination of antiparasitic herbs used, the parasite cleanse may work against a large number of parasites in humans including: intestinal worms, tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, and candida.

Below are the entire steps of the program to naturally and safely eliminate parasites. Use it as a reference. To learn more, read the relevant protocols so you understand the logic behind the steps you do, and the different options you may have.

How to Get Rid of Parasites

  1. Cleanse your intestines. (5 days, and when needed).
    Oxy-powder: 4 capsules before bedtime.
    Oxy-powder releases oxygen in the intestines to remove waste buildup and undigested food particles that can feed parasites.
    Cleansing your intestines from waste buildup can also help the body to eliminate the dead parasites and their toxins quicker. This is a very effective natural and safe way that may prevent parasite cleanse side effects, & die-offs during the parasite cleanse.
  2. Take herbs that kill parasites. (6 weeks).
    Paratrex: 3 capsules twice a day, before your biggest meals.
    Paratrex is a blend of organic and wild grown antiparasitic herbs known for their ability to kill different types of worms, parasites, bacteria and fungus.
    The formula also helps to eliminate parasite eggs and larvae in the body, which is essential to stop the reproduction and the parasite life cycle.[1,2]
  3. Support your gut with antiparasitic probiotics. (6 weeks)
    Floratrex: 2 capsules daily, 20 minutes before your first meal.
    Floratrex is a 75 billion CFUs professional strength 25-Strain Probiotic & Prebiotic complex. Promoting healthy bacteria in the gut is essential to control parasites, balance candida-yeast and support the immune system to fight future infections.[3,4]
  4. Start the parasite cleanse diet. (6 weeks)
    Parasite cleanse diet:  Starve the parasites, avoid foods known to feed parasites, eat antiparasitic foods that kill parasites. Intermittent fasting and a lower carb approach may help to augment your results.
  5. Continue the parasite cleanse protocol for 6 weeks.
    Then stop all antiparasitic herbs.
  6. Take natural home remedies for parasites. (Optional)
    Oregatrex, (Mediterranean organic oregano oil, 80% carvacrol).
    The Mediterranean variety of oregano oil demonstrated potent antiviral and antimicrobial effects in multiple studies against many different pathogens. These benefits were contributed to its active ingredient, Carvacrol.[5]

Recent Update on Oregano Oil

To clarify a common question we get. The oregano oil we use in our parasite cleanse protocol is very different from the oregano oil you see at your local stores. This oil is so concentrated and strong you have to put it in capsules before you swallow. The capsules are provided with Oregatrex.
Do not put the oil directly in your mouth.

Directions: place 6 drops in a vegetarian capsule.
Take at beginning of meal, 2-3 times daily

Specific Concerns During & After the Parasite Cleanse

Specific Concerns During & After the Parasite Cleanse

Digestive issues during the parasite cleanse

Veganzyme: 2 capsules a day with your biggest meal.
Veganzyme is a blend of full spectrum digestive enzyme designed to support the digestion of most common foods and meals.
Important: if you have digestive issues, you may end up with undigested food particles in your digestive tract. These can feed parasites and weaken your immune system. So while it may take you time to figure out which foods in your diet may cause these issues, digestive enzymes may be very helpful with this transition.

Immune Support during the parasite cleanse

This is especially important if you find that you easily catch viral infections such as the cold or the flu.

Risk factors for low immune function may include: nutritional deficiencies, chronic stress, lack of sleep, and certain medical conditions.
Always consult with your doctor if you are concerned about your immune system.

With that said, here are the best natural ways to support your immune system:

  • Avoid the most common nutritional deficiencies.
    All play a major rule in our immune system: Vitamin D, Zinc, Iodine.
  • Support with extra vitamin C.
    Vitamin C deficiency has been linked to a reduced resistance against certain pathogens. Liposomal delivery system offers higher absorption compared to traditional vitamin C supplements.[6,7].
    Dr. Blair’s Valimenta Liposomal C: A good clean source of liposomal C supplements that was clinically tested, made from non GMO European sunflower seed lecithin.
  • Take probiotics daily. 80% of the immune system resides in the gut.
    Floratrex: 2 capsules daily, 20 minutes before your first meal.
  • Avoid processed foods and simple sugars.

Candida Cleanse

Many people with parasitic infections also suffer from chronic candida overgrowth. Women may experience reoccuring yeast infections. Men can have candida issues too.

If you have candida yeast concerns:

  • Mycozil: 3 capsules twice a day before your meals for six weeks.
    Mycozil is a blend of wildcrafted and organic antifungal herbs known for their ability to kill candida yeast, natural systemic enzymes that break down candida cell wall, and soil-based probiotics to help balance the candida yeast imbalance in the gut.[8,9,10]
  • Floratrex: 2 capsules daily, 20 minutes before your first meal.
    75 billion CFUs professional strength 25-Strain Probiotic & Prebiotic.
    Promote healthy bacteria in the gut is essential to control parasites, balance candida-yeast
  • Candida diet: switch to the candida diet or limit the carbs in your parasite cleanse diet. intermittent fasting may help to augment the results.

For the complete protocol: candida cleanse.

Oxidative Stress & Organ Support

If you are over 40 or experience high level of stress and fatigue:

  • Cell-Fuzion: 2 capsules two times daily during the cleanse.
    A blend of patented natural antioxidants extracts shown in studies to protect the cells, organs and mitochondria from oxidative stress and free radicals damage. Taking cell-fuzion during your parasite cleanse may help to control the effect the released toxins may have on your immune system and organs.
  • Liposomal Glutathione: 4 ml a day, during the cleanse.
    Glutathione is one of the most potent antioxidants and cellular detoxifiers found in every cell in the body. Glutathione has the ability to neutralize and bind to water-soluble toxins, so they are marked or targeted to be removed by the body and in the liver. Liposomal delivery system offers higher absorption compared to traditional supplements.[11,12]

Liver & Kidneys

  • Livatrex: 1 dropper full with water or juice, 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks.
    Livatrex is a blend of organic and wild grown herbs and medicinal mushrooms known for their ability to detoxify and cleanse the liver, dissolve and soften liver and gallbladder stones and support the repair and regeneration of the liver.[13,14,15,16,17] For the complete protocol: liver cleanse.
  • Renaltrex: 1 dropper full with water or juice, 2-3 times a day for 4 weeks.
    Renaltrex is a  blend of organic herbs known for their ability to detox and cleanse the kidneys, enhance waste removal, dissolve kidney stones, relieve and soothe inflammation from the entire urinary tract and promote kidney health.[18,19,20].
    For the complete protocol: Kidney cleanse.

Parasite Cleanse Home Remedy

The parasite cleanse home remedy below is inspired by Aunt Mary’s famous detox salad recipe. The recipe that ran in her family for generations offers a simple, yet effective  support for the parasite cleanse diet.

Despite the “salad”, it is actually a complete meal with around 500 calories per serving. Very satisfying, very nourishing.

Estimated values for the recipe (2 servings):

  • 30 grams protein
  • Over 50% of your daily values of fiber, zinc, potassium, and vitamin B1, B2 and B6.
  • Over 100% of your daily values of: vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, copper, iron, magnesium, and manganese.

The parasite cleanse home remedy includes:

  • Antiparasitic foods & herbs. Long traditional use, backed up by modern science to work against a large number of parasites in humans.
  • Gut health fiber. Think about insoluble fiber as rough brooms inside your intestines that grabs accumulated waste buildup and toxins on their way out.

Parasite Cleanse Home Remedy

Parasite Cleanse Home Remedy Aunt Mary's
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Parasite Cleanse Home Remedy

Parasite Cleanse Home Remedy
Prep Time15 minutes
Course: Breakfast, Main Course, Salad
Cuisine: American, Chinese, Indian, Italian, Raw Vegan
Keyword: Parasite Cleanse Home Remedy
Servings: 2
Author: Aunt Mary & Cleanse Joy Team


  • 2 oz raw pumpkin seeds
  • 2 cloves minced raw garlic
  • 1 medium head raw purple cabbage
  • 4 medium raw carrots
  • 1 small beet root

Parasite Cleanse Dressing

  • ¼ tsp turmeric powder
  • 4 tbsp olive oil extra virgin cold pressed
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar raw, unpasteurized
  • 1 medium lemon
  • Pink himalayan salt  to taste
  • black pepper to taste (optional)
  • cayenne pepper powder for spicy food lovers (optional)

Antiparasitic Herbs Complex (before you eat)

  • 3 caspules Paratrex Black walnut, epazote, diatomaceous earth, organic neem, wormwood, clove, fulvic Acid


  • Soak the pumpkin seeds overnight (or 8 hours). If you prefer the pumpkin seeds "crunch", you can skip this step.
  • Peel the beetroot.
  • Shred or chop the cabbage, carrots and beets.
  • Place in a large bowl.
  • Add the minced garlic.
  • Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon and add to the bowl.
  • Shake the apple cider vinegar bottle to mix the cloudy part at the bottom (the mother).
  • Add the apple cider vinegar.
  • Add the olive oil and mix well.
  • Add the turmeric, pepper and cayenne pepper. Mix well.
  • Add the salt to taste.
  • Add the pumpkin seeds.

What are the Symptoms of Having a Parasite?

Parasite symptoms in humans are very common and can affect your entire body. They are often overlooked, however. As a result, symptoms may be treated individually where the source of the parasitic infection is left untreated. Common examples: chronic skin rashes and digestive issues that always come back.

Become aware of these signs of parasites and share them with your doctor.
Please note, do not use the list below to self-diagnose. There are other underlying causes that may lead to these symptoms.

The key takeaway when it comes to symptoms of parasites: educate yourself about the possible signs. Especially if you have multiple chronic signs you can’t explain. Then share all these with a qualified medical professional.

  • Digestive issues. Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  • Abdominal pain. Upset stomach, stomach cramps, stomach pain, tenderness.
  • Unusual stool appearance. Greasy loose stool, worms, parasites, mucus, eggs or candida yeast in stool.
  • Cravings for sweets. Constantly hungry, increased or loss of appetite.
  • Low energy. Feeling tired, fatigue, exhaustion.
  • Mood swings. Anxiety, depression.
  • Muscle and joint pain. Body aches.
  • Skin issues. Skin rashes and skin issues such as eczema, hives, rosacea.
  • Poor sleep. Insomnia, nightmares, night sweats, teeth grinding in sleep, anus itching at night.
  • Genitals issues. Vaginal itching around the vulva, anal itching, rash, vaginal infections.
  • Unexplained weight loss or weight gain.
  • Nutritional deficiencies. 

Why Doing a Parasite Cleanse?

“Parasites are more common in the US than people realize. We need more research to learn more about these infections and action to better prevent and treat them.”

-Dr. Tom Frieden, M.D., M.P.H, US centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) Director.

Just to give you a few examples:

  • More than 60 million people in the United States are chronically infected with Toxoplasma gondii alone.[21]
  • Almost 1 billion people worldwide, and up to 42 million Americans may be affected by pinworm infection.[22]

According to research, there may be a simple reason for these high numbers. Parasites are designed by nature to use our body as their host. To help them in the process, parasites have developed unique mechanisms to take advantage of our body[23]:

  • Attach the intestinal walls using suction cups or hooks.
  • Disrupt our immune system’s ability to recognize them as invaders and fight them.
  • Release chemicals to influence and manipulate the way the host behave.

Parasite Cleanse References

  1. Therapeutic efficacy of Artemisia absinthium against Hymenolepis nana: in vitro and in vivo studies in comparison with the anthelmintic praziquantel.
  2. Antioxidant potential of Juglans nigra, black walnut, husks extracted using supercritical carbon dioxide with an ethanol modifier.
  3. Probiotics for the Control of Parasites: An Overview.
  4. “Good” Bacteria Keep Immune System Primed to Fight Future Infections, According to Penn Study.
  5. Antiviral efficacy and mechanisms of action of oregano essential oil and its primary component carvacrol against murine norovirus.
  6. Liposomal-encapsulated Ascorbic Acid: Influence on Vitamin C Bioavailability and Capacity to Protect Against Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury.
  7. Vitamin C and immune function.
  8. Antimicrobial potential of some plant extracts against Candida species.
  9. Leaves Antimicrobial Activity of Glycyrrhiza glabra L.
  10. Antifungal and cytotoxicity activities of the fresh xylem sap of Hymenaea courbaril L. and its major constituent fisetin.
  11. Glutathione! Joseph Pizzorno, ND, Editor in Chief.
  12. Liposomal-encapsulated Ascorbic Acid: Influence on Vitamin C Bioavailability and Capacity to Protect Against Ischemia–Reperfusion Injury.
  13. Liver immunology and herbal treatment.
  14. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) for the therapy of liver disease.
  15. The use of silymarin in the treatment of liver diseases.
  16. Milk Thistle Extract and Silymarin Inhibit Lipopolysaccharide Induced Lamellar Separation of Hoof Explants in Vitro.
  17. Phyllanthus Niruri Standardized Extract Alleviates the Progression of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Decreases Atherosclerotic Risk in Sprague–Dawley Rats.
  18. Phyllanthus niruri inhibits calcium oxalate endocytosis by renal tubular cells: its role in urolithiasis.
  19. Total Coumarins from Hydrangea paniculata Protect against Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Damage in Mice by Suppressing Renal Inflammation and Apoptosis.
  20. Wound healing potential of Althaea officinalis flower mucilage in rabbit full thickness wounds.
  21. Parasitic Infections also occur in the United States.
  22. Epidemiology and control of enterobiasis in a developmental center.
  23. Immune defence, parasite evasion strategies and their relevance for ‘macroscopic phenomena’ such as virulence.

How to Know If Parasite Cleanse is Working? Parasite Cleanse Timeline

How to Know If Parasite Cleanse is Working

In this post, our editorial team will go over some of the top parasite cleanse questions. How to know if parasite cleanse is working, how long does it take, warning signs that may indicate you should stop your detox.

We’ll also touch on some of the safest best home remedies, herbs and diet tips you can use in your parasite cleanse.

Related post:

How to Know If Parasite Cleanse is Working?

While everyone may have a different parasite cleanse experience, there are a few common things we usually see in our parasite cleanse protocol.

If you notice any of the following signs, you may know that the parasite cleanse is working.

Week 1-2:

  • You see dead candida, yeast, or parasites in stool.
  • Digestive issues such as bloating and excess gas become better.
  • Stomach may appear flatter.
  • You notice better mood, energy and brain function.

Week 2-4:

  • Chronic symptoms such as skin rashes, acne and pain become better.

Week 4 and up:

  • Stubborn symptoms start to improve.
  • Common examples: fungal nail infections or unhealthy looking hair.
    Nails and hair grow very slow and as such issues can take months to fully heal. It is common to see more improvements months after the parasite cleanse.

Symptoms of parasite die off are not a sign that the parasite cleanse is working.

These can actually be warning signs that may indicate that:

  • You have a reaction to parasite herbs
  • The parasite cleanse is too aggressive for your body.

We try to stay away from the “you need to feel bad before you feel good” notion. In most cases, these discomforts are not necessary and cause more harm than good.

Safety should always be your number one priority. Especially when you self cleanse at home.

If you already experience parasite die off symptoms, see our guide:
How To Manage Parasite Die Off Symptoms.

Before and After Parasite Cleanse

Know the classic symptoms of parasites

Know the classic symptoms of parasites

When you have a parasitic infection,  there may be signs in your entire body. Some of the signs of parasites can be very specific to your body or the type of parasites you have. Other signs such as digestive issues may be more common.

Educate yourself as much as you can about these signs. If they are related to parasites, you should expect to see improvements. Notice that having these signs doesn’t mean you have parasites. They can be caused by other issues.
So it is always best to consult with a qualified health practitioner.

  • Digestive issues.
    Gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  • Nutritional deficiencies.
    Certain vitamins and minerals deficiencies may be linked to intestinal parasites such as soil transmitted helminthes, Giardia duodenalis, Entamoeba histolytica. Iron deficiency and anemia for example, were correlated to Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides and hookworm infections.[1,2]
  • Abdominal pain.
    Upset stomach, stomach cramps, stomach pain, tenderness.
  • Unusual stool appearance.
    Greasy loose stool, worms, parasites, mucus, eggs or candida yeast in stool.
  • Cravings for sweets.
    Constantly hungry, increased or loss of appetite. More common with candida overgrowth.
  • Low energy.
    Feeling tired, fatigue, exhaustion.
  • Mood swings.
    Anxiety, depression.
  • Muscle and joint pain.
    Body aches.
  • Skin issues.
    Skin rashes and skin issues such as eczema, hives, rosacea.
  • Poor sleep.
    Insomnia, nightmares, night sweats, teeth grinding in sleep, anus itching at night.
  • Genitals issues.
    Vaginal itching around the vulva (very common with candida infections), anal itching, rash, vaginal infections.
  • Unexplained weight loss.
    Common with tapeworm infections.
  • Unexplained weight gain.

How Long Does it Take for Parasite Cleanse to Work?

Based on our parasite cleanse protocol results, most people start to feel better during the first week. Especially when the intestinal cleanse flushes out waste buildup that feed parasites.

For best results it is very important to complete the parasite cleanse.
On average, it may take six weeks. The main reason: you have to stop the complete life cycle of the parasites.

The life cycle of human parasites varies and can take anywhere between several weeks to months from the egg phase to the adult parasite phase.
Some strains of P. vivax for example, the parasite that causes recurring malaria, can remain dormant in the liver for several months.[3]

The average time of parasite cleanse we recommend is 6 weeks.
After six weeks, you stop taking the antiparasitic herbs for at least six weeks. If any of your symptoms come back, you may want to redo the parasite cleanse again.

During the time when you stop the parasite cleanse, there are a few effective home remedies for parasites you can still take. We’ll cover these below.

Home Remedies for Parasites

1. Herbs that Kill Parasites

Herbs that Kill Parasites

  • Paratrex®3 capsules twice a day, before your biggest meals.
    Use: during the parasite cleanse, or 1-2 times a week after the cleanse.

Paratrex® is a professional strength organic and wild grown antiparasitic herbs that have a unique ability to kill different types of worms, parasites, bacteria and fungus. The formula supports the entire parasite life cycle including the larvae and eggs stage.[4,5]

Antiparasitic herbs in paratrex: organic and wild black walnut (green hull), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), clove, epazote, neem and diatomaceous earth. 

2. Mediterranean Oregano Oil

Mediterranean Oregano Oil

Oregatrex, 6 drops, 2-3 times daily, after the parasite cleanse.

Use: after the parasite cleanse. See special directions and warnings below.

Perhaps one of the most known all around parasite cleanse – immune support natural remedy, the Mediterranean variety of oregano oil has a long traditional use that is also backed by science.[6]

The research suggests that the active ingredient in oregano oil, Carvacrol, has the ability to break down the cell membranes of various bacteria and parasites, allowing our immune system to take over and eliminate them.

Special directions and warnings: The mediterranean oregano oil we use in our parasite cleanse protocol is very different from the oregano oil you see at your local stores. This oil extract contains 80% Carvacrol, the active ingredient.  It is so concentrated and strong you have to put it in capsules before you swallow. The capsules are provided with Oregatrex.
Do not put the oil directly in your mouth.

3. Parasite Cleanse Diet

Parasite Cleanse Diet

Just like any diet, you will need to tailor the parasite cleanse diet plan to your needs. To help you with the process, we published an entire guide with common healthy guidelines that can help support the body to detox and eliminate parasites during the cleanse.

Its a type of eating that avoid foods known to feed parasites and include antiparasitic foods. Intermittent fasting and a lower carb approach, two popular dietary protocols regardless of parasites, seem to augment the results for most people.

In fact, many of our members continued with the plan even after the cleanse due to the way it made them feel. Main benefits people reported include consistent, sustainable energy, mood and focus throughout the day, and better digestive health.

To learn more, see: Parasite cleanse diet.

Useful DIY anti parasitic recipes:


  1. Intestinal parasitic infections and micronutrient deficiency: a review.
  2. Association between Anaemia, Iron Deficiency Anaemia, Neglected Parasitic Infections and Socioeconomic Factors in Rural Children of West Malaysia.
  3. History of Human Parasitology.
  4. Therapeutic efficacy of Artemisia absinthium against Hymenolepis nana: in vitro and in vivo studies in comparison with the anthelmintic praziquantel.
  5. Antioxidant potential of Juglans nigra, black walnut, husks extracted using supercritical carbon dioxide with an ethanol modifier.
  6. Antiviral efficacy and mechanisms of action of oregano essential oil and its primary component carvacrol against murine norovirus.

Best Foods For Lung Health – Evidence Based Cleansing

Foods For Lung Health

As a part of our natural lung cleanse protocol, we highly recommend to consider the food you choose; you want to choose the best foods for lung health, and also avoid foods that are bad for lungs.

When it comes to foods for lung function and respiratory health, the research data is quite remarkable. Certain foods have the ability to naturally cleanse, detox and clean your lungs. The diet you eat can improve your breathing, repair and heal lung damage, and decrease your risk to develop lung disease.

In this post, we focused on common foods for lung health you can easily get in your local store. You don’t have to eat all of them of course. It is best to choose the ones you enjoy the most that agree with your body and taste buds.

For the complete lung cleansing protocol, including the best drinks, juices, recipes, and lung cleansing herbs, see: Lung cleanse.

Foods For Lung Health In This Post

Best Foods For Lung Health

Here are the best foods for lung health:


apples foods for lung health

Apples contain a variety of phytochemicals, including quercetin, catechin, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid, all of which are well known for their many health benefits.

Multiple studies suggest that quercetin, a major flavonoid in apples may play a key role in lungs and respiratory health. According to the evidence, quercetin has the ability to relieve asthma symptoms [1], and can also suppress growth of lung cancer cells [2,3].

Additional studies have specifically linked apple consumption with a reduced risk for asthma, lung cancer and better lung function [4]. One Australian study that observed the dietary habits of 1600 adults, found that those who consumed apples and pears had lower risk of asthma and bronchial hypersensitivity. The researchers didn’t see this connection with other fruits and vegetables [5]. For this reason, many experts consider apples as the best foods for lung health.


Berries foods for lung health

Anthocyanins, the blue, red, or purple pigments of berries, are well known for their health benefits. According to the research data, the anthocyanins in berries may benefit cardiovascular disorders, reduce oxidative stress, decrease inflammatory responses, improve neuronal and cognitive brain functions, and protect DNA integrity [6].

The benefits of berries don’t stop here. One study evaluated the connection between the food choices of 839 participants to their lung function. The study found that the participants that consumed more anthocyanins, showed less age-related decline in their lung function [7].

Other studies also supported these findings. The research data suggests that anthocyanins have a positive effect on lung health, with a natural ability to inhibit airway inflammation, prevent the risk to develop asthma [8], and suppress growth of some types of lung cancer. [9].


Pomegranate foods for lung health

Pomegranate has a long history of traditional use as food and medicine, with many of its potential health benefits supported by modern science. A large number of studies found that pomegranate can help prevent or treat various disease risk factors including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, oxidative stress, hyperglycemia, and inflammatory activities [10].

Specifically to lung health, research data suggests that pomegranate may offer an effective natural alternative to prevent and treat lung cancer [11]. Animal studies found that pomegranate juice can decrease the incidence of lung cancer, secondary to cigarette smoke, and may also prevent the formation of lung nodules. [12, 13]. Additional studies also concluded that the antioxidant activity of pomegranate juice was able to reduce acute lung injury [14].

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous Vegetables foods for lung health

Cruciferous vegetables contain unique nutrients and  phytochemicals that are suggested by the medical community to induce detoxification, stimulate the immune system and prevent oxidative stress. [15].

Specifically to lung cleansing, multiple studies report a connection between cruciferous vegetables intake and lung cancer risk. People who eat more  cruciferous vegetables have a lower risk to develop lung cancer. Furthermore, according to one study, this protective effect may also include people who smoke. [16].


Kale foods for lung health

As you can see above, the scientific community considers cruciferous vegetables among the best foods for lung health. Many people, however, still don’t enjoy the way cruciferous vegetables taste.

One easy way to still get cruciferous vegetables into your diet, is to make juices or smoothies recipes. Out of the cruciferous vegetables, we find Kale as the best fit for juices and recipes.

A good example is our lung cleansing juice recipe, which does include kale.


carrots Foods For Lung Health

A famous study (the Nurses’ Health Study) investigated the relation between cigarette smoking, dietary habits and lung cancer incidence among women for 16 years. The study found that women who ate five or more carrots per week had a lower risk, compared to women who never ate carrots [17].

From a nutritional perspective, carrots are one of the best food sources of vitamin A. One medium carrot provides over 300% of the daily recommended dietary allowance (RDA). For this reason, many nutrition experts recommend to eat at least one carrot a day.


Pineapple Foods For Lung Health

Perhaps one of the best foods for lung health, pineapple has been used as part of traditional folk medicine since ancient times. Bromelain, enzyme found in pineapple, is well known for its natural ability to reduce swelling and inflammation.

Multiple studies found that bromelain was able to reduce lung inflammation, decrease airway sensitivity to irritants, and improve sinus infection. A study that had sinusitis patients take bromelain, concluded that bromelain was able to resolve their breathing difficulties and inflammation. [18].

Raw Garlic

Garlic Foods For Lung Health

Multiple studies all over the world continually report the benefits of garlic use in order to treat several lung diseases, including common cold, bronchitis, tuberculosis, inflammatory disorders of the lungs and others [19].

A study that had chronic smokers consume 4 grams of raw garlic (2 cloves) per day, found that garlic significantly improved their lung function (Pulmonary function tests). The researchers noted that [20]:

Garlic may improve the clearance of mucus from the airways, hence can help relax the airways, and improve airflow into the lungs.

A chinese study that evaluated 1,424 lung cancer patients and 4,543 healthy individuals, found that those who ate raw garlic 2 times or more per week, had lower risk to develop lung cancer. For this reason, the study concluded that garlic may serve as a chemopreventive agent for lung cancer [21].


ginger Foods For Lung Health

Ginger has a long history of traditional use as a natural remedy to treat respiratory illnesses. Modern science was able to validate the traditional use of ginger in respiratory disorders and suggests that ginger can reduce allergic airway inflammation [22].

The research data also found that certain active components of ginger have a natural ability to suppress allergic reactions, and therefore may help to treat and prevent allergic diseases. [23].

Additional studies proposed ginger as a possible therapeutic application in allergic asthma. According to the data, [6]-gingerol, a major constituent of ginger, can prevent immune responses that lead to airway inflammation. [24].

Some research data also suggests that 6-Shogaol, an active constituent of ginger, may be useful as a chemopreventive agent against certain types of lung cancer. [25].


Turmeric Foods For Lung Health

Dating back nearly 4000 years ago, turmeric also has a very long history of medicinal use. Ayurvedic medicine practitioners often use turmeric to treat various respiratory conditions such as asthma, allergies, bronchial hyperreactivity, runny nose, cough, and sinusitis [26].

Most of the benefits and medicinal use of turmeric, are due to its natural anti-inflammatory activity. One study found that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, improved the airway obstruction in patients of Bronchial Asthma. For this reason, the study suggested that curcumin may offer an effective and safe natural add-on therapy to treat bronchial asthma.[27].

Additional evidence, suggested that curcumin might also alleviate airway inflammation in asthma [28], and may be helpful to prevent the development and deterioration of the allergic airway inflammation [29].
Animals studies also suggested that curcumin may also have anti-tumor effects in lung cancer [30].


Honey Foods For Lung Health

Honey is commonly used in folk medicine as a natural way to treat airway inflammation, cough, reduce and prevent asthma related symptoms. [31].

According to research data, a single dose of honey can help to reduce mucus secretion and reduce cough in children. Further studies also suggested that honey may help to relieve inflammation and irritation in men as well [32].

Consuming raw local honey is a well known home remedy for seasonal allergies many people swear by. The evidence on this topic, however, may not be as strong since most studies didn’t use local and raw honey. One study was able to show that honey can improve the symptoms of seasonal allergies (allergic, hay fever) [33].


A few studies found a link between low fiber intake to reduced measures of lung function. The researchers believe that a diet rich in fiber-containing foods may play a role in improving lung health. [34].

One study investigated this connection and observed the eating habits of 11,897 US participants. The findings of the study also confirmed that dietary fiber is independently associated with better lung function. Furthermore, the findings also suggest that enough fiber intake may also reduce the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). [35].

For this reason, and also for general health, we highly recommend to meet your daily fiber requirements. Not surprisingly, all the best foods for lung health are also high in fiber.

Parasite Cleanse Diet: Best Herbs & Foods That Kill Parasites

Parasite Cleanse Diet

Foods to eat | Foods to avoid | Herbs | Supplements | Recipes

The parasite cleanse diet plays a key role in the parasite cleanse; you want to choose the best foods that kill parasites, and also avoid problematic foods known to feed parasites or weaken your immune system.

Special consideration was given in the plan to both effectiveness and safety,  in order to avoid potential parasite cleanse side effects.

For the complete protocol, including the intestinal parasite cleanse, antiparasitic herbs, supplements, and gut health support with antiparasitic probiotics, see: parasite cleanse.

Parasite Cleanse Diet Plan

  1. Avoid foods known to feed parasites. See: foods to avoid.
  2. Eat foods that kill parasites: See: foods to eat.
  3. Take herbs that kill parasites to improve results. See: herbs.
  4. For ideas how to make parasite cleanse diet recipes, see: recipes.

Parasite Cleanse Diet : Foods To Avoid

To get the most out of your parasite cleanse, it is best to avoid certain foods that are known to feed parasites or weaken your immune system. Especially processed foods, foods that are high in carbs, fried foods, and sugary beverages.

We also recommend to limit gluten, wheat, dairy, and alcohol as much as possible, as these can also feed parasites in some cases. You may also want to watch for digestive issues and sensitivity to different foods you may eat, as these may weaken your immune system. If you suspect you have sensitivity to a certain food, eliminate it from your diet for a few days and see if it helps.

Most people do very well on a balanced medium protein, medium fat, medium carb diet. Unless you are also dealing with a candida infection, there is usually no need to drastically lower your carbs.

Foods That Kill Parasites

Based on our experience, what works for most people is to eat a clean, whole food based diet. Raw fresh fruits and vegetables play a key role in the parasite cleanse, as they are high in insoluble fiber that helps to promote healthy digestion and bowel movements. Think about insoluble fiber as rough brooms inside your colon that grabs accumulated waste, toxins and dead parasites on their way out.

Certain foods do have unique components in them that can kill different types of parasites and pathogens.

The list of foods that kill parasites is very long, although in many cases, the studies used extracts from these foods in a supplement form, and not the entire food. For this reason, in the list of foods below, we focused on the most potent anti parasitic foods.

If you make the effort and combine some of these foods as a part of your parasite cleanse diet, you rather want to choose the ones that have strong evidence on their effectiveness and safety.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds parasite cleanse diet

A chinese study used a combination of pumpkin seed and areca nut extract to treat the taeniasis tapeworm infections. The study found that 91 people out of 115 suspected taeniasis cases, were able to release whole tapeworms [1].

Another Brazilian study found pumpkin seeds as an effective way to treat helminths parasitic worms infection [2].

Pumpkin seeds are also very nutritious, especially in protein and essential minerals. When you eat just 2 oz of pumpkin seeds, you get your recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of:

  • 17 grams protein.
  • 63% iron.
  • 80% magnesium.
  • 40% zinc.

For this reason, we believe raw pumpkin seeds are one of the best foods that kill parasites you can eat. The combination of their overall nutritional profile, antiparasitic properties, flavor, and ease of use, make them a great fit for the parasite cleanse diet, or an ongoing basis.

Papaya Seeds

Papaya Seeds parasite cleanse diet

Papaya seeds have a long history of traditional use to treat parasites, and is one of the most known home remedies for various of parasitic infections.

Research data was also able to validate this use as well. A nigerian study had children with intestinal parasites infections take papaya seeds and honey, or honey alone, for 7 days. The study found that [3]:

77% of the children that received the papaya seeds and honey, had no signs of parasites in their stool. In comparison, only 17% of the children that received honey alone were able to recover from the parasitic infection

Additional studies also supported the potential of papaya seeds to treat parasitic infections. Papaya seeds demonstrated effectiveness against hymenolepis nana, one of the most common tapeworm infection worldwide [4], as well as against hymenolepis diminuta rat tapeworm [5].


Garlic parasite cleanse diet

Also known as nature’s antibiotic, garlic has a long history of traditional use to treat various conditions including parasitic infestation [6].

Research data also supports this traditional use. Allicin, the active component of garlic, demonstrated strong antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties in multiple studies [7,8].

It is important to know how to use garlic for parasites. According to research, fresh raw garlic is more potent than cooked or boiled garlic [9], and is higher in bioactive components [10]. Allicin becomes available when you cut, crush or chew the garlic, but is highly unstable, and may change quickly [11]. For this reason, we recommend to consume the garlic shortly after you crush it.


Turmeric parasite cleanse diet

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric demonstrated antiparasitic activity against Schistosoma mansoni, a blood fluke water borne parasite in humans. The researchers believe that Curcumin has the ability to disrupt the mating of the worms, hence, reduce the infection [12, 13].

The research data also suggests that Curcumin may be effective against plasmodium falciparum human parasite, which is one of the deadliest species of Plasmodium that causes malaria in humans [14].

The main challenge with turmeric, is poor bioavailability due to low absorption in the body. There are several natural components that can increase the bioavailability of turmeric, especially: black pepper and certain fats.

These have been applied for centuries as a part of the traditional use of turmeric. The research data was also able to validate these combinations. Interestingly, some of these ingredients that improve the bioavailability of turmeric, have also antiparasitic properties.

We’ll cover these next: black pepper, olive oil, and coconut oil.

Black Pepper – King of Spices

black pepper parasite cleanse diet

Black pepper, also known as the “King of Spices” has a very long history of traditional use as food (spice) and medicine.

Piperine, the major active component in black pepper, is known for its ability to enhance the bioavailability curcumin along with other herbs and spices. This combination has a long traditional use that is also backed up by science. According to one study, piperine increased the bioavailability of curcumin by 2000%. [15].

Another reason you may want to consider to add black pepper to the parasite cleanse diet, is its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. The research data suggests that certain compounds in black pepper have the ability to kill pathogens bacteria, destroy the bacteria cell wall integrity, alter the permeability of cell membrane, and inhibit the activity of intracellular enzymes [16].

Olive Oil

olive oil parasite cleanse diet

With thousands of years of traditional use as food and medicine, olive oil is well known for its remarkable nutritional value and health benefits [17].

Parasite cleansing wise, the research data does suggest that olive oil have natural antimicrobial and antiparasitic properties. In multiple studies, olive oil demonstrated antimicrobial activity against different types of bacteria, viruses, and other human infections. The researchers believe that different constituents of olive can slow down the growth of various types of bacteria and fungi [18].

Olive oil also combines very well with turmeric and black pepper. This combination can improve the bioavailability of turmeric, and may also increase the overall effectiveness against parasites. It also improves the overall taste.

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil parasite cleanse diet

Virgin coconut oil demonstrated strong antifungal activity against candida albicans, a well known fungal parasite in humans [19, 20]. The researchers identified that the naturally occuring capric and lauric medium-chain fatty acids in coconut can kill candida albicans very effectively [21], and also inhibit the growth of clostridium difficile bacteria [22].

Another study added coconut flakes and onions to the diet of horses and sheep that were infected by parasites. The researchers reported that: “feeding for 10 days led either to the full disappearance of the previously existing worm load or at least to an enormous reduction” [23].

Combing coconut oil or coconut milk with turmeric, is another effective way to improve the bioavailability of turmeric. We specifically use this strategy as a part of our lung cleansing golden milk tea (see recipe).

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar parasite cleanse diet

Vinegar has a long history of traditional use as a medicine to fight parasitic infections in humans. Historical records report that Hippocrates, the father of medicine, used apple cider vinegar with honey to treat infections.

Modern science was able to validate this use and the antiparasitic and antimicrobial properties of vinegar [24].

Specifically to apple cider vinegar, one study evaluated its antibacterial and antifungal activity against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Candida albicans. According to the study [25]:

Apple cider vinegar demonstrated multiple antimicrobial potential with clinical therapeutic implications. ACV was able to destroy the structural proteins and metabolic enzymes of the pathogens tested.

Apple cider vinegar is a very popular ingredient you can find in many home remedies for parasites. If you are looking for parasite cleanse diet recipes that use apple cider vinegar, you may want to see our:


ginger parasite cleanse diet

Ginger is a well known home remedy for parasites in humans. According to research data, ginger demonstrated significant antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal activity against different types of human pathogens, including Streptococcus mutans, Candida albicans, Enterococcus faecalis [26], E coli, Salmonella typhi and Bacillus subtilis [27].

Similar to turmeric, another study also found ginger as effective against S. mansoni [28].


Cinnamon parasite cleanse diet

Cinnamon is another natural spice that has a long history of traditional use to treat various infections.

The research data also supports the antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal properties of cinnamon. Multiple studies suggested that cinnamon may be effective against different types of pathogens, including MRSA bacteria, streptococcus mutans, mycoplasma hominis, and others [29].

Additional evidence suggests that the combination of cinnamon and ginger extracts may offer a natural alternative therapeutic agents to treat the Giardia lamblia human parasite [30]. Giardia lamblia is a known human parasite which is a common cause of diarrhea in humans throughout the world [31].

Additional Foods That Kill Parasites

Cruciferous Vegetables parasite cleanse diet

In the list of foods that kill parasites above, we covered the most common foods that have the strongest evidence of effectiveness, safety, and ease of use.

There are of course many other options of foods that kill parasites. While the evidence may not be as strong, these are still healthy foods you may want to add into your diet.

Vegetables, such as carrot,cruciferous vegetables, brassicas, onions and berries have had widespread use against parasites in nordic countries [32].

We get many questions on the use of pineapple for parasites. Bromelain, the enzyme found in pineapple, demonstrated antimicrobial properties in multiple studies against different types of pathogens [33]. Since the majority of the studies used Bromelain and not pineapple, it is unclear how effective eating or drinking pineapple would be for parasites.

Herbs That Kill Parasites

There are a number of unique herbs known to kill parasites that can further improve the parasite cleanse due to potent antiparasitic properties in them.

One of the most common combination of antiparasitic herbs, is the wormwood – black walnut – clove combination:


Wormwood parasite cleanse diet

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) is well known for its ability to kill different types of roundworms and tapeworms. One study that evaluated the effectiveness of wormwood to treat Hymenolepis nana dwarf tapeworm infection, found it to be highly effective. According to the researchers [34]:

Wormwood was able to induce worm paralysis, death and ultrastructural alterations, and destroy vital organs and eggs of the worm.

Another study was able to confirm wormwood effectiveness against roundworms. According to the findings, wormwood was able to cause paralysis and death of the worms [35].

Black Walnut

Juglans Nigra Black walnut parasite cleanse diet

Black walnut (Juglans nigra) is well known for its ability to kill different parasites, bacteria, fungus and other pathogens [36]. According to the research data, black walnut contains six different antibacterial bioactive compounds [37] that are responsible for antimicrobial activity.


clove parasite cleanse diet

Clove is widely known for its ability to inhibit parasite eggs and larvae in the body, which is essential in order to disrupt the parasite life cycle.

Research data suggests clove as one of the potent antimicrobial ingredient among other spices. Clove demonstrated potent antimicrobial activities against several bacteria and fungal strains in multiple studies [38]. The researchers believe that the antimicrobial activity of clove is attributable to eugenol, oleic acids and lipids found in its essential oils [39].

Parasite Cleanse Supplements

Many parasite cleanse supplements contain aggressive antiparasitic herbs with very little evidence on their effectiveness and safety. For this reason, always get your herbs for parasites from a trusted source.  So you get the best results without the negative adverse side effects.

This is usually the main reason behind the parasite cleanse side effects people report. Safety should always come first.

A good example of a safe and effective of an herbal antiparasitic complex we use in our parasite cleanse protocol, is Dr. Group’s Paratrex

Parasite Cleanse Diet Herbs That Kill Parasites.

  • Ingredients: black walnut, wormwood, clove, epazote, diatomaceous earth, neem, fulvic acid.
  • Directions: take 3 capsules 20 minutes before breakfast and 20 minutes before lunch during the parasite cleanse. If you have never used Paratrex before, start with 1 capsule twice a day and gradually increase each day.

Parasite Cleanse Diet Recipes

As you can see from the list of foods that kill parasites, there are many healthy options to make parasite cleanse diet recipes.  Here are a few popular recipes for the parasite cleanse diet:

Parasite Cleanse Salad Dressing

Parasite Cleanse Diet Recipes Salad Dressing

The parasite cleanse salad dressing is probably one of the best home remedies for parasites you can make, that also tastes really good. Most of our members like to use it as is, or add their favorite herbs such as parsley, basil, oregano, thyme and others.
See the complete recipe.

Parasite Cleanse Drink

Parasite Cleanse Diet Recipes Drink

Since we published the parasite cleanse drink recipe several years ago, it has become one of our most popular home remedies. Many of our members like to drink it as a part of their parasite cleanse diet and also by itself.
See the complete recipe.

Detox Salad Colon Cleanse Recipe

Parasite Cleanse Diet Recipes Salad

The detox salad recipe was developed after many years of research, testing and collaboration with our partners. This recipe uses many potent foods that kill parasites, and is also very rich in insoluble fiber to promote healthy digestion and bowel movements. These are are essential during the parasite cleanse. To further boost its effectiveness, add 2 oz of pumpkin seeds.
See the complete recipe.

Cauliflower Rice Detox Meal Recipe

Cauliflower Rice Cleanse Meal parasite cleanse diet recipes

The cauliflower rice detox meal is one of our our most popular parasite cleanse diet recipes. Its ability to effectively cleanse, detox, its superior nutrition profile and flavor, make many of our members also use it on an ongoing basis.

Similar to our recommendation for the detox salad recipe, to further boost its effectiveness, add 2 oz of pumpkin seeds.
See the complete recipe.

Best Anti Aging Supplements: The Longevity Protocol for Graceful Aging

Best Anti Aging Supplements
Heidi Moretti Author circleHeidi Moretti, MS, RD
Certified Clinical Dietitian
Anti-Aging Researcher

Products | ProtocolDiet | Snacks | Smoothie | Lifestyle | Caloric Restriction | Intermittent Fasting

I am often asked for my opinion on anti aging supplements. As a clinical dietitian and a researcher, anti aging has always been one of my greatest passions, and as such, I spend a lot of time looking into the literature and studies.

The good news is that research in the field of epigenetics has shown us that our lifestyle choices can turn off “bad genes” and activate protective and longevity genes, allowing us to significantly extend our lifespan and improve our quality of life.

So based on your many requests, here it is! My latest anti-aging protocol, including my favorite anti-aging supplements, diet, recipes, and lifestyle strategies.

anti aging award
Voted as best supplements & diet guide for men and women over 40

“Beauty From Within”: My Natural Protocol for Graceful Aging

My Natural Protocol for Graceful Aging
I like to think of anti aging beyond wrinkles and skin tightening.
Yes, these are all important, and we all want flawless skin! So obviously, my protocol supports healthy glowing skin.

But, I feel there’s much more to anti aging than making our skin look young.

When I approach anti aging, I look into graceful aging, beauty from within, with evidence-based anti aging strategies shown to:

  • Activate longevity genes
  • Protect from DNA damage
  • Reduce oxidative stress
  • Support healthy mitochondria function
  • Support a stronger immune system

When you support these key anti-aging pathways, you may notice:

  • Look and feel younger
  • Glowing skin, better complexion
  • More energy
  • Better focus and cognitive function
  • Higher sense of well-being and mood
  • Feel healthy and vibrant

Starting the Anti Aging Protocol

  • The anti-aging supplements below offer one of the immediate ways to activate the body’s natural longevity pathways.
  • My protocol goes above and beyond anti-aging supplements, though.
    I also cover my favorite anti-aging diet, snacks, smoothie and lifestyle, all backed up by the latest research to support longevity.
  • With that said, there’s no need to start with all of these steps at the same time. Choose the ones you feel more comfortable with, and gradually include more steps as a part your transition to anti-aging living.

1. Best Anti Aging Supplements: Dr. Group’s Cell-Fuzion

Anti Aging Supplements Cell Fuzion

I find that certain nutrients have impressive anti-aging potential. With that said, I like to focus on unique nutrients we can’t get from our diet, to compliment the anti-aging diet.

In other words, enrich your diet with anti-aging whole foods, and take supplements with those proven anti aging nutrients you can’t get from foods.

Cell-Fuzion by Dr. Group is my favorite overall anti-aging complex supplement. Just like you take a multivitamin for overall health, think about Cell-Fuzion as a multi anti-aging complex.

Cell Fuzion Summary

  • Formula includes some of the top studied extracts, in the same patented extracts used in studies. The source of active ingredients matters in terms of effectiveness, potency and also safety.
  • Ingredients support multiple longevity pathways, saving you the need to stack dozens of anti aging supplements, or having to worry about interactions between ingredients.
  • Clean label: 100% natural, organic or wild grown ingredients, no artificial fillers, or chemicals.
  • One year money back guarantee. That’s a big one, considering it is pricey.

Cell-Fuzion Ingredients Analysis

  • Orgen-P®‡ (Organic Pomegranate Extract).
    Potent antioxidant with a high ORAC value of 187,900 µmoleTE/ 100gm.[1]
    Rich source of Urolithin, a molecule that enables muscle cells to protect themselves against aging.[2]
  • Organic Astragalus.
    Can help to increase telomerase activity which may help delay or reverse the cellular aging process.[3]
  • Trans-Resveratrol.
    Shown in studies to mimic caloric restriction, which is the most known anti aging strategy suggested to extend lifespan.[4]
  • Trans-Pterostilbene.
    A potent neuromodulator in aging, supports healthy cognitive function and memory as we age.[5,6]
  • Bio-Enhanced® Na R-Lipoic acid.
    Shown to activate the basic cellular defenses of the body, including some of those that naturally decline with age.[7]
    The Bio-Enhanced form is shown to have superior absorption and improved oral bioavailability.
  • CoQ10 (ubiquinone).
    The primary antioxidant in human cells that protect and support mitochondria function. May also have cardioprotective effects.[8]
  • BioPQQ® (pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt).
    Shown to stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis, the cellular process that produces new mitochondria.[9].
  • Orgen-GT®‡ (Organic Green Tea Extract).
    Potent antioxidant, standardized for 90% polyphenols, very high ORAC value of 1,000,000 μmoleTE/100gm. Shown to lower DNA damage in humans.[10,11].
  • Rhodiola Rosea extract.
    Shown to have natural anti-stress, anti-aging effect, may also support DNA repair and healthy immune function.[12].

Directions: take two capsules two times daily.

Cell-Fuzion Product Page On Dr. Group Website.

2. Anti Aging Diet

Top Anti-Aging Foods 

While there is no one anti-aging diet that works best for everyone, there are a few basic principles shown to play a significant role in aging, which most people can benefit from.

Simply put, we limit damaging foods shown to accelerate aging, and introduce more foods with anti-aging properties.

  • Avoid: processed foods, processed meat, sugary drinks, and fried foods. All related to chronic disease and decreased lifespan. All make us look old and tired. Yes, it’s that simple!
  • Limit common inflammatory foods: especially: dairy and gluten (wheat). While every person may be sensitive to different foods, many people have problems digesting dairy and gluten. So, try to eliminate both for four weeks. There’s a good chance you will notice dramatic improvements in the appearance of your skin, and the way you feel.
    Generally speaking, if you experience digestive issues on an ongoing basis despite eating healthy, I highly recommend you should work with your doctor and get tested for food sensitivities.
  • Eat less carbs: a growing body of evidence link low insulin levels to increased longevity. So, the less carbs you eat, the better. This doesn’t mean going full blown ketosis, however.
  • Focus on nutrient dense plant-based whole foods: simply put: these plants have more nutrients and antioxidants, yet, contain less carbs and calories. Most people can benefit from eating more: veggies, dark leafy greens, and low glycemic fruits. See my top anti-aging foods section below for my favorites.
  • Eat from the rainbow: look for colorful fruits and veggies, each color represents a different plant pigment that offers different nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Cut meat intake: studies that looked into eating habits of adults in North America and Europe, found that very low meat intake is associated with greater longevity.[13]
    These findings correlate with the research data on the Mediterranean diet, a traditional way of eating that also practices low meat intake, well known for its anti-aging benefits.

My Top Anti-Aging Foods

Make sure to check my favorite anti aging snacks and smoothie recipe below!

Reishi, the Longevity Mushroom

Reishi, the Longevity Medicinal Mushroom

Reishi has been viewed as a longevity elixir since Chinese ancient times. According to research, reishi contains unique bioactive components with potent life extending potential. In particular, the polysaccharides, triterpenes and peptides found in reishi have demonstrated powerful antioxidant, immune system support and anti-neurodegeneration effects in studies.[14]

Just like any herb, the source matters. There are many moving parts that have to be taken into consideration to make sure you get a high quality, effective and safe Reishi.

From the location it was grown, the parts of the plant used in making the extract, how the extract was made, freshness, purity, and more. So, always get your reishi (or other herbs) from a source you trust.

A good source of reishi I use: Hawaiian Medicine Foods Organic Reishi.

Anti-Aging Foods You Should Eat Every Day

  • Dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, and dandelion greens. Simply put, go to your local store, and get the freshest preferably organic greens you love eating.
  • Cruciferous vegetables and my favorite, raw broccoli sprouts, are very high in sulforaphane, which may help to increase cellular lifespan and prevent neurodegeneration.[15]
  • Berries: blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and strawberries.
    One cup a day or more. Always choose organic to avoid herbicides and pesticides.
  • Mediterranean healthy fats. Essential for brain longevity, beautiful skin and to support healthy aging overall including a decreased risk of chronic disease. Good options include raw fresh sprouted nuts, seeds, avocados, olive oil, and wild small fatty fish such as salmon.
  • Brazil nuts & Selenium:
    Selenium is an essential trace mineral shown to have potent anti-aging properties, mainly due to its ability to reduce DNA damage and prolong telomere length.[16].
    Brazil nuts are by far the richest source of Selenium. One nut a day (5 grams) provides 150% of your daily value of selenium. If for some reason you can’t eat brazil nuts, consider taking natural selenium supplements.
    Dr. Group Organic selenium is a good example made from from certified organic mustard seeds.
  • Fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi help to promote a healthy gut microbiome. 80% of our immune system resides in the gut, so as a part of our anti-aging living, it is essential that we nourish our gut with healthy nutrients that promote good bacteria growth. When needed, take probiotics.
  • Dark raw chocolate: high in polyphenols shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Can also release nitric oxide (NO) which may offer vasodilation and cardioprotective effects.[17]

The Ultimate Anti Aging Snack

The Ultimate Anti Aging Snack

Many chocolate bars on the market are heavily processed or full of sugars, even the natural vegan ones. So you end up with a ton of sugar and very little polyphenols or antioxidants.

If you are a dark chocolate fan that is passionate about anti-aging, always look for dark, raw, low sugar, and organic options.

Hawaiian Medicinal Foods Lovers Bar is one of my favorite anti aging chocolate bars. I find it a tasty powerful anti-aging treat that helps to support my mood, energy levels, and anti-aging living. Low in sugar, yet tasty enough to satisfy my picky chocolate loving taste buds.

A little deeper analysis of the ingredients:

  • Made from the highly prized Arriba cacao beans variety in a process that preserves the nutrients and antioxidants.
  • Longevity medicinal mushrooms: reishi
  • Adaptogens herbs such as maca and ashwagandha that helps to control stress.
  • Mucuna that helps to naturally boost dopamine levels, known to support a youthful sense of well-being.

My Anti-aging Chocolate Smoothie

Anti-aging Chocolate Smoothie

Just like any recipe, feel free to experiment and modify based on your unique needs. Personally, I find it a better fit for the earlier parts of the day as it does boost my physical and mental energy.

Anti-aging Chocolate Smoothie
Print Recipe
5 from 1 vote

Anti-aging Chocolate Smoothie

Prep Time5 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Keyword: Anti-aging Chocolate Smoothie
Servings: 1
Author: Cleanse Joy


  • 1 cup mixed berries, my favorites: blueberries antioxidants
  • 2 oz fresh nuts, my favorites: walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts healthy fats, flavor
  • 1 scoop Hawaiian Medicinal Foods Cacao Elixir antioxidants, polyphenols, energy, mood, and chocolate flavor
  • 1 scoop Hawaiian Medicinal Reishi Mushroom high in polysaccharides shown to extend lifespan
  • 1 cup almond milk unsweetened
  • 1 medium banana flavor, texture, energy, fiber
  • 1 cup spinach phytonutrients
  • 1/2 cup broccoli sprouts sulforaphane, optional


  • Throw everything into the blender, drink, and enjoy!

3. Calorie Restriction: Eat Less, Live Longer

Calorie Restriction Eat Less Live Longer Anti Aging Supplements

Calorie restriction is the most studied experimental intervention for extending lifespan. The idea with calorie restriction is to reduce energy intake (calories), but still supply the body all the nutrients it needs. So we are not risking nutritional deficiencies.

Since humans live longer and are more complex, it is easier to test caloric restriction on animals. So far, studies have shown that a 20 – 50% reduction in caloric intake was able to extend lifespan by up to 50%.

Even more exciting, is the fact that caloric restriction data in humans (while still limited), show the same metabolic and molecular adaptations.[18].

So what’s the catch? Calorie restriction can be unpleasant and difficult to sustain. With less calories, we may lack the needed energy and motivation to thrive and reach our full potential. We can still function and even live longer, but, our quality of life and way of living may not be the same.

Bottom line:

  • I believe we can all benefit from some degree of mild caloric restriction, but I am not sure it is realistic long term.
  • Certain ingredients found in Cell-Fuzion, are shown to stimulate the same longevity pathways that are activated during caloric restrictions, without you actually having to restrict your calories.

4. Intermittent Fasting & Time-Restricted Eating

Intermittent Fasting & Time-Restricted Eating

New research has emerged showing that intermittent fasting may offer some of the benefits of calorie restriction, without the discomforts. According to the data, not only does intermittent fasting tend to reduce calories naturally, it can also turn on Sirtuin longevity genes.[19]

In fact. many people find they feel even better with intermittent fasting despite consuming less calories.

A few examples of popular intermittent fasting protocols:

  • 16 hours fasting each day, 8 hours eating: for example, you eat between 9am to 5pm, or skip breakfast, and eat between 11am-7pm
  • OMAD: one meal a day, may sound extreme, but it is getting very popular, especially if you prefer to eat larger meals.

To get started, it is best to ease yourself into intermittent fasting by simply skipping breakfast for a few days. Also limit processed foods and high carb foods as much as you can. The cleaner your diet, the easier it usually is to practice intermittent fasting.

If you are pregnant, on medication, have diabetes or other conditions, use caution with intermittent fasting and consult with your healthcare provider before.

5. Anti-aging Lifestyle

Anti-aging Lifestyle

The basics pillars of healthy aging:

Get enough sleep

Sleep is deeply essential to every process in your body. Lack of sleep can lead to premature aging and chronic disease. While most adults need at least seven hours of sleep, you may find you need up to nine hours to be at your best. So listen to your body and make sure you are prioritizing sleep in order to optimize your anti-aging potential.

Manage stress

In the past, the fight or flight stress response was essential in order to survive. Think about our ancestors hunting and gathering when all of a sudden a saber tooth tiger showed up.

That stress response, however, doesn’t serve us well if we are under constant stress, which is a known issue in our modern life. With so many studies linking chronic stress to disease, it is essential to have it under control.

Healthy stress management tools include: breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, exercise, spending more time in nature, and many others. The key takeaway: be mindful about your stress levels and include some stress management activities in your daily routine.

Exercise & movement

Exercise is shown to activate the body’s anti-aging genes, reduce inflammation, balance mood and stress, support healthy sleep, boost immunity, and so much more.

The great thing about exercise, is that to get these benefits, you don’t need to join a gym or do a physically challenging routine. So long gone are the days where you need to trudge on a treadmill, (unless this is what you love).

Just find something you love, and get started.  Here are some examples:

  • Join gentle yoga or dance classes.
  • Take a stroll with your dog (or cat!).
  • Find joy in household chores that get your heart rate up.

In my case, I personally fell in love with a gentle dance class at the age of 43. And I had never danced before. Remember, you’re never too old to try new things. Just imagine, and you might find your new favorite hobby!

Read Next

Mitochondria Supplements: Best Natural Options Supported by Science

How To Clean Out Bowels Quickly: The One Day Natural Detox

How To Clean Out Bowels Quickly

Drink | Diet | Probiotics | Enzymes

In this guide: learn how to clean out bowels quickly, naturally and safely without the use of harsh laxatives.

This protocol also includes additional meals, probiotics and enzymes to promote better gut health. These are optional, but can augment the bowel cleanse results and benefits.

So while the plan can be as quick as one day, people with a history of digestive issues benefit the most from doing the complete protocol. For best results, see the diet, probiotics and enzymes options below, to see if they may be relevant to you.

On that note, an important note about digestive issues. While they are common, they may also be a sign of an underlying medical condition.
If you are concerned about your digestive health, it is always best to speak with your doctor. Functional medicine practitioners are usually very well educated when it comes to gut health issues.

Bowel Cleanse Summary

Target: entire digestive tract, including the stomach, colon, intestines and bowels.

Natural Colon Cleanse Drink.
The protocol is based on our popular overnight colon cleanse.
It is a natural colon cleanse drink you take before bedtime designed to clean out bowels quickly, safely and effectively while you sleep.

What to Expect.
Expect 3-5 bowel movements the next day.
First time users usually report eliminating a large amount of stored waste.
These are not your typical bowel movements, so it is best to stay at home the next day. 

The protocol offers an effective all natural remedy for digestive issue such as gas, bloating and occasional constipation. Most people report feeling “lighter after meals” with much better digestion and energy. You may also notice a flatter stomach and better complexion.

How To Clean Out Bowels Quickly

3 practical steps for better gut health:

1. Drink The Overnight Colon Bowel Cleanse Recipe

When: right before bed time. Duration 1-5 days.

Gut Cleanse Drink
Print Recipe
5 from 18 votes

Overnight Colon Cleanse

Natural, fast, instant safe colon detox benefits while you sleep.
Prep Time2 minutes
Total Time2 minutes
Course: Drinks
Cuisine: American, Chinese, Indian
Keyword: Overnight Colon Cleanse Recipe
Servings: 1
Calories: 1kcal



  • Shake the apple cider vinegar bottle to mix the cloudy part at the bottom.
    ("The mother").
  • Add 1 teaspoon of organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar into 16 ounces of distilled or spring water at room temperature.
  • Squeeze the juice of ½ organic lemon, and add to the drink.
  • Drink before bedtime with 4 capsules of oxy-powder on an empty stomach away from any foods or other supplements.
  • Go to sleep.


Calories: 1kcal

Oxy-powder: Clean Out Bowels Quickly Using Oxygen

Clean Out Bowels Quickly Using Oxygen

Oxy-powder releases natural oxygen in the bowels and colon to loosen accumulated waste buildup. The body then eliminate the waste through normal bowel movements.

This is done in a completely natural and gentle way, and it has shown to be both safe and effective. For this reason, it is the preferred way of many natural practitioners to clean out the bowels.

What to Expect

The easiest way to take Oxy-powder is by itself or with the overnight colon cleanse drink. The lemon and apple cider vinegar in the recipe simply enhance the results.

Start with 4 capsules of oxy-powder with a big glass of water (or the drink) on an empty stomach before bedtime. Always away from any foods or other supplements.

Expect to have 3-5 bowel movements the next day. First time users usually report eliminating a large amount of stored waste. Most people feel a significant “relief” as they eliminate the stored waste buildup. Common reports include:

  • “Feeling lighter” after meals
  • Better bowel movements
  • Flatter stomach
  • Improved digestion. Especially with people who have a history of digestive issues such as constipation, bloating, body odor and gas.
  • More energy
  • Better focus
  • A clearer complexion.

Dr. edward Group, the inventor of Oxy-powder is so confident about the effectiveness of Oxy-powder, he offers one year money-back guarantee.

Just make sure to order it directly from Dr. Group website.

Bowel Cleanse & Accumulated Waste Buildup

How To Clean Out Bowels Quickly Before and After

Processed foods and unhealthy diets often lead to scenarios where the body can’t digest the foods properly. As a result the food can stay in the digestive tract for too long, even days, starts to ferment and accumulate.

Overtime this accumulated waste buildup becomes drier and harder and sticks to the colon wall to a point the body can’t eliminate it through normal bowel movements.

We all know the results: digestive issues such as bloating, excess gas, occasional constipation, and stomach pain. Many people also notice skin breakouts, fatigue, low energy, body odor, and many other unpleasant discomforts.

Yes, all of these problems may be related to what’s happening in your gut!

Oxy-powder helps to remove the waste buildup very effectively. If you have plenty of waste buildup, chances are you will feel much better very quickly.

While Oxy-powder with the colon cleanse drink is the first step in our protocol, for best results, we highly recommend to follow the colon cleanse diet, probiotics and enzymes steps below.

2. Eat The Colon Cleanse Diet

Duration: 1-5 days.

Colon Cleanse Diet

Eat foods that cleanse the bowels and intestines

  • High fiber foods.
    Raw non-starchy vegetables such as cabbage, beets and carrots are rich in insoluble fiber. This fiber doesn’t dissolve in water, and can pass through the gut largely intact. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stool which can promote regular healthy bowel movement. Think about insoluble fiber as rough brooms inside your bowels that grab waste and toxins on their way out.
  • Healthy Oils.
    Cold pressed oils such as olive oil have natural bowel cleansing properties. They can help to lubricate the bowels, add moisture to the stool, and increase the production of certain digestive enzymes which can improve digestion.
  • Good Fats.
    Fresh raw nuts and seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sunflowers seeds, chia and fatty fruits like avocado provide you both the fiber and natural oils.
  • Stay Hydrate.
    Make sure to drink enough water. Dehydration is one of the common causes of constipation. As a rule of thumb, drink half your body weight in ounces of water. A good indication that you drink enough, is having a strong urine flow, with clear urine color.

Examples of our most popular recipes with bowel cleansing foods:

Foods to Avoid

In addition to common allergens such as soy and peanuts, you may want to limit or avoid the following foods during your bowel cleanse:

  • Processed foods.
  • Fried foods.
  • Refined oils and sugars.
  • Alcohol.
  • Gluten & Dairy. Most people have sensitivity to at least one of these. Most functional medicine doctors recommend to eliminate these two in addition to soy.
  • Hard to digest foods such as beans and legumes. Unless they agree with you.
  • GMOs.

3. Take Probiotics & Prebiotics For Gut Health

When: before your big meals. Duration: 3-6 weeks.

Probiotics For bowel cleanse

When you clean out your bowels from waste buildup, you create an ideal environment in your gut that can encourage friendly probiotic growth, hence making probiotic supplements much more effective.

So now may be a great opportunity to take probiotics to further support your gut health.

What about Prebiotics?

Prebiotics are a type of fiber that the human body cannot digest. Prebiotics serve as a food source for probiotics that can help and support the good bacteria growth in your gut. In fact, taking prebiotics together with probiotics is a common best practice that according to research, can enhance the effectiveness of the probiotic supplements.[1,2]

How To Clean Out Bowels Quickly with Probiotics
Dr. Group Floratrex
is  the probiotics & prebiotics complex we use in our gut cleanse protocol. This is not your average probiotic supplement you get at your local store and not sure if its even working.

The formula combines 25 highly studied probiotic strains, 75 billion CFUs strength, with organic and patented prebiotic blend.

4. Digestive Enzymes & Your Bowels

Digestive Enzymes & clean your bowels

Who may benefit? digestive issues after eating, or food sensitivities. 

If you experience digestive issues despite eating clean, you may want to try and take digestive enzymes with your meals to support your digestion.

The reason is simple. When we eat, our body produces digestive enzymes to support the digestion and nutrients absorption from the foods. Each type of enzyme breaks down different types of foods. If for some reason your body doesn’t have enough enzymes during the time you eat, you may notice digestive issues when eating certain foods, even healthy ones.

So if this sounds like you, try and take digestive enzymes complex with your meal.

Digestive Enzymes & bowel cleanse

VeganZyme is the enzymes complex we use for all our gut cleanse protocols to help promote healthy digestion and gut health. It also became one of our most popular supplement to promote a flat stomach.

The biggest advantage we see in VeganZyme has to do with its versatile formula. With a total of 20 plant based digestive and systemic enzymes, it can support the digestion of a wide variety of foods, which makes it ideal for many different diets, and cuisines.

The addition of the systemic enzymes supports the body’s ability to break down allergens, excess yeast, candida, mucus and other toxins.

Read Next

One Day Cleanse: How To Detox Your Body in 24 Hours.

How To Clean Out Bowels Quickly

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How To Clean Out Bowels Quickly

Liver and Kidney Cleanse: How to Strengthen Liver and Kidneys Naturally

Liver and Kidney Cleanse_ How to Strengthen Liver and Kidneys Naturally

ProtocolDrink recipeHerbsDietFoods | Recipes

Since we published our liver and kidney cleanse protocols, we got many requests to combine both. The result is below: a practical, easy to do, 5-day protocol designed to detox and strengthen liver and kidneys naturally and safely.

The protocol is based on some of our most popular detox recipes using potent foods and herbs known to support the liver and kidneys.
The drink and diet are required. Tea, juice and smoothie recipes are optional.

How to Strengthen Liver and Kidneys Naturally

How to Strengthen Liver and Kidneys Naturally

Here’s a quick summary of the liver and kidney cleanse 5-day detox protocol:

  1. Make the liver and kidney cleanse drink. 2-3 times a day
    Traditional recipe with natural ingredients shown in multiple studies to help flush the kidneys and strengthen the liver. Ingredients include apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and liver and kidneys detox herbs.
    See full recipe and details below.
  2. Limit simple sugars and processed foods.
    Give your liver and kidneys a vacation from having to process these toxic foods. When you eat processed foods, your liver and kidneys work extra hard in order to filter and eliminate toxins, chemicals, hormones and antibiotics often found in these foods.
  3. Follow the liver and kidney detox diet.
    The diet focuses on liver and kidneys cleanse foods known to detox, nourish, and strengthen both organs.
    See the full list and recipes below.
  4. Drink enough liquids.
    The liver and kidney cleanse can increase the amount of toxins released and filtered through both organs. Make sure to drink enough liquids to support the kidneys ability to filter and eliminate toxins released during the cleanse.
    As a rule of thumb, drink half your body weight in ounces of water. You should drink enough so you have a strong urine flow, with clear urine color.
  5. Cycle off your liver and kidney cleanse herbs. 1 week
    The 5 days liver and kidneys detox helps to naturally flush out toxins and nourish these organs. After the cleanse, it may be beneficial to “cycle off” liver and kidneys cleansing herbs for 5 days. This helps to slow down released toxins and allows the body to restore balance and strengthen kidneys and liver. You can continue to eat the liver and kidney cleanse diet, though.

The Liver and Kidney Cleanse Drink

The first step in the liver and kidney cleanse, is the detox drink below.

Healthy, easy to make, effective, and safe, it is one of the best home remedies you can make to naturally detox and nourish your liver and kidneys.

Liver and Kidney Cleanse Drink

Based on ayurveda medicine principles as well as modern science. Healthy, easy to make, effective, and safe, it is one of the best home remedies you can make to naturally cleanse, strengthen and flush toxins from your liver and kidneys, while supporting your immune system.
Prep Time2 minutes
Course: Cleanse drink
Cuisine: American, Chinese, Indian
Keyword: Liver and Kidney Cleanse Drink
Servings: 1


  • 1 liter distilled or spring water
  • 1 tbsp organic raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar
  • 1 small organic lemon
  • 1 ml Renaltrex kidney cleansing herbs drops
  • 1 ml Livatrex liver cleansing herbs drops
  • 1 ml Immune support tincture immune system drops (optional)


Drink 2-3 times a day, always on an empty stomach

  • Squeeze the juice of 1 organic lemon.
  • Add to 1 liter of distilled or spring water.
  • Shake the bottle of the apple cider vinegar until the cloudy part ("the mother") is well mixed.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of organic raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.
  • Add 1 dropperful (1 ml) of Renaltrex (kidney cleansing herbs)
  • Add 1 dropperful (1 ml) of Livatrex (liver cleansing herbs)
  • Optional: add organic stevia or monk fruit to sweeten

Update: The recipe below is designed for one serving. With that said, many of our testers prefered to make all the three servings the night before in a one gallon water bottle. This saves time and is also a great way to ensure you actually drink at least one gallon a day. Just make sure to keep the bottle in the refrigerator.

The Ingredients In the Liver and Kidney Cleanse Drink

 Kidney & Liver Cleansing Herbs

For the drink, we like to use Dr. group’s kidney (renaltrex) and liver (livatrex) herbal drops.

The formula (see below) combines traditional organic herbs shown by research to help repair and regenerate the liver, soften liver and gallbladder stones, flush toxins from the kidneys and support the entire urinary tract.

The liquid form makes it very easy to use. You simply add one dropperful to your drink.

Livatrex® Liver Cleansing Herbs

Liver Cleanse Herbs Strengthen Liver and Kidneys Naturally organic milk thistle (seed), wildcrafted chanca piedra (herb), wildcrafted borotutu (root bark), organic reishi mushroom, organic yellow dock (root), organic dandelion (root), organic turmeric (root), organic chicory (root), organic peppermint (leaf).


Ingredients: organic milk thistle (seed), wildcrafted chanca piedra (herb), wildcrafted borotutu (root bark), organic reishi mushroom, organic yellow dock (root), organic dandelion (root), organic turmeric (root), organic chicory (root), organic peppermint (leaf).

See Livatrex product page.

Renaltrex® Kidney Cleansing Herbs

Kidney Cleanse Herbs: Organic Cranberry (fruit), Organic Horsetail, Organic Hydrangea (root), Organic Uva Ursi (leaf), Organic Ginkgo biloba (leaf), Organic Juniper (berry), Organic Marshmallow (root), Shilajit, trace minerals

Ingredients: organic cranberry (fruit), organic horsetail, organic hydrangea (root), organic uva ursi (leaf), organic ginkgo biloba (leaf), organic juniper (berry), organic marshmallow (root), shilajit, trace minerals.

See Renaltrex product page.

Lemon Juice & Apple Cider Vinegar: Liver & Kidneys Support

Lemon juice. 
The research data suggests that the antioxidants in lemon can help to regulate elevated ALT and AST liver enzymes and balance triacylglycerol and lipid peroxidation in the liver.[1] The citric acid content of lemon was also suggested as a natural way that may help prevent kidney stones.[23]

Apple cider vinegar.
Multiple studies found that apple cider vinegar can regulate lipid metabolism in the liver, and protect both the kidneys and liver from an oxidative injury due to high fast diet[4,5].
Many natural health experts recommend to consume apple cider vinegar as a way to promote an alkaline environment in the body. This can help to alter the acidity in the urine, which help the kidneys to better flush toxins.

Liver and Kidney Cleanse Diet

Liver and Kidney Cleanse Diet


  • Focus on the liver & kidney detox foods below.
  • It is best to eat most fruits on their own. Don’t mix different types of fruits, always on a empty stomach. This is essential for optimal digestion. The exception to these is avocado, which you can eat with your meals.
  •  75% of your plate should be veggies and greens.
  • Avoid large meals and overeating, as these can stress your liver and body.

Foods to eat:

  • Healthy fats: avocado, olive oil.
  • Nuts & seeds: fresh raw walnuts, almonds, sprouted pumpkin seeds, sunflowers seeds, hemp seeds.
  • Greens & veggies: especially dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, beetroot, carrots.
  • Clean proteins: for best results, stick with plant based proteins such as sprouted pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, moderate sprouted legumes and beans (as long as you can tolerate them). You can still have high quality animal proteins, that are antibiotic hormones free. Good options include wild caught alaskan salmon, grass fed beef, and bison.
  • Fruits: citrus especially lemon, blueberries, pomegranate and apples.
    Fruits with high water content such as watermelon, melons, cantaloupe, grapefruits, oranges, and grapes are all great choices. Always eat fruits on an empty stomach.
  • Spices: turmeric, garlic, ginger.
  • Condiments: raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.

To educate yourself more about these foods, see our research and summary of evidence: best liver & Kidneys detox foods.

Foods to Avoid

  • Processed foods, processed beverages, artificial sweeteners, fried foods.
  • Sugars, ceralls, bread, pasta.
  • Gluten and dairy (most people have sensitivity to these).
  • Artificial stimulants, watch your energy drinks and supplements.
    One cup of high quality organic black coffee or organic matcha may be ok as long as they agree with you.
  • Alcohol.

Liver and Kidney Cleanse Recipes

Liver and kidneys Cleanse foods

Below are a few our our most popular detox recipes that include many of the liver and kidney cleanse foods.

If you normally do not eat a lot of vegetables or do not drink enough liquids, we highly recommend to include at least one of the juice recipes every day during the liver and kidney cleanse.

Detox Salads:

Detox Meals:

Liver & Kidney Cleanse Smoothies, Juices & Teas:

Related Topics:

What is the Best Drink to Flush Your Kidneys? Kidney Detox Juice Recipe

Best Drink to Flush Your Kidneys

Recipe | Kidney cleansing herbsBeet-coconut drinkFoods | Water

In this recipe, learn how to make the best drink to flush your kidneys, using evidence-based kidney cleansing foods and herbs.

Healthy, easy to make, effective, and safe, this drink represents the best mother nature has to offer to naturally support your kidneys.

With that being said, always speak with your doctor if you have concerns about your kidneys. The following symptoms may be signs that something is wrong with your kidneys:

  • A change in urination you can’t explain
  • Unusual urine (foamy, bloody, discolored)
  • Pain during urination
  • Pain in the mid-back where kidneys are located
  • Swelling or water retention in your ankles, arms, wrists, legs, face, abdomen
  • Puffiness around the eyes
  • Restless legs during sleep
  • Joint or bone pain.

What is the Best Thing to Drink for Your Kidneys?

Update: based on your many requests and our testers comments, we added two options for the kidneys flush drink:

  • A quick under a minute “on the go” option: no juicer is needed.
  • The original recipe with the beets and ginger is still the most popular one. You do need a juicer or a blender (use a nut milk bag or a food strainer), unless you can get fresh beet juice at the store. (See the 30 seconds option of this recipe below)
  • We removed parsley and cilantro from this recipe. While these are powerful kidney cleansing herbs, they do not taste good. So, you may find them in our other kidney cleansing recipes, but not in this one. We wanted to create a good tasting kidney flush drink.
The Kidney Flush Drink
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The Kidney Flush Drink

The best evidence based drink for your kidneys using mother nature's top kidney cleansing foods and herbs
Prep Time2 minutes
Total Time2 minutes
Course: Kidney Flush Drink
Cuisine: American, Chinese, Indian
Keyword: Kidney Flush Drink
Servings: 1
Author: Cleanse Joy


  • 16 ounces purified or spring water
  • 500 ml or coconut water
  • 1 organic lemon
  • 1 teaspoon  raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • 1 ml Renaltrex kidney cleansing herbs drops
  • 1 medium beetroot optional
  • 1 inches fresh raw ginger root optional
  • Organic stevia drops (alcohol free) or monk fruit optional for flavor


  • Squeeze the juice of 1/2 organic lemon.
  • Add to purified/spring water or coconut water (same amount).
  • Shake the bottle of the apple cider vinegar until the cloudy part ("the mother") is well mixed.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of organic raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.
  • Add 1 dropperful (1 ml) of Renaltrex
  • Optional: add the juice of the beetroot and ginger

Kidney Cleansing Herbs

Kidney cleansing herbs

To further support the kidneys, we recommend to mix 1 ml of Dr. Group Renaltrex (kidney cleansing herbs drops).

By far the best kidney cleanse supplements we have tested, the formula combines science proven kidney cleansing herbs that have been used traditionally for many generation to support kidneys health.

Both safe and effective, we find it a quick and easy way to naturally flush your kidneys. Simply add 1 dropperful to this drink or when busy, add to your water. Some of the kidney cleansing herbs in Renaltrex include:

  • Chanca piedra, traditional remedy for kidneys stones.
    The names literally translates to “stone breaker” for its ability to dissolve and soften liver, kidneys and gallbladder stones.[1,2]
  • Horsetail, increases urine flow, flushes the kidneys.
    Long traditional use supported by research to detox the kidneys and increase urine flow.[3]
  • Hydrangea root, supports the entire urinary tract health.
    Natural support for the entire urinary tract including the kidneys and bladder.[4]
  • Uva ursi, flushes the kidneys, UTIs support.
    May also help to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs).[5]
  • Marshmallow root, flushes the kidneys, reduces inflammation  
    Unique ability to flush the kidneys on one hand, and soothe inflammation in the urinary tract.[6]
  • Dandelion leaf, natural diuretic to increase urine flow.
    Natural and safe diuretic shown to increase the frequency of urination.[7]

The Beet-Coconut Kidney Flush Drink

A 30 second drink to flush your kidneys

Beet-Coconut Kidney Flush Drink

A quicker under 30 seconds version of a drink you can make to flush your kidneys. Many of our testers used it successfully before their workouts.
Many stores have 100% pure beet juice which is still a great option. Just read the label. Many beet juices have way too much added sugar.

  • 500 ml coconut water or water bottle
  • 1 shot of 100% beet juice (about 1 oz)
  • 1 dropperful (1 ml) Renaltrex.

The Ingredients in The Kidney Flush Drink: Summary of Evidence

Beets: Increase Blood Flow to the Kidneys

Beet root juice Increases Blood Flow to the Kidneys

Out of the common kidney cleansing foods you often see at your local store, beetroot truly stand out. In particular, it is its ability to increase blood flow to the kidneys, which can augment the kidney cleansing properties of other ingredients.

How does it work? Beets are rich in nitrates. When you drink beet juice, the body converts the nitrates into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, meaning it relaxes the inner muscles of the vessels. As your vessels become wider, your blood flow increases.[8,9]

So when this happens, you may get a better pump at the gym or improve exercise performance. You may also hear the term “natural viagra” as far as the benefits go. All these are linked to the ability to increase Nitric oxide.

In fact, in his post “The Kidney Dysfunction Epidemic”, Dr. Joseph Pizzorno described a study where beetroot juice was able to increase blood flow to the Kidneys, up to 26%. According to Dr. Joseph:[10]

Increasing blood flow to the kidneys has a huge impact on improving detoxification and decreasing oxidative stress.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Flushes Toxins from Kidneys

Apple Cider Vinegar flushes toxins from kidneys

Apple cider vinegar is a very popular natural cleansing ingredient, although the issue is usually that there are not a lot of studies or solid evidence on its effectiveness.

Can apple cider vinegar helps to flush your kidneys? Turns out, it may.

Apple cider vinegar is very acidic. When you drink it however, it actually promote an alkaline environment in the body, which can help to alter the acidity in the urine. This can improve the way the kidneys flush toxins, and may also prevent the formation of kidney stones.

A study that evaluated the connection between the dietary habits of 12,570 adults to kidney stones in china, found that more consumption of tea, legumes, and fermented vinegar was indeed associated with a lesser risk of kidney stone formation.[11]

Lemon Juice: Natural Kidney Stones Protection

Lemon juice protect against kidney stones

Lemon juice is an excellent natural source of citric acid. According to research, drinks that contain citric acid can help to increase urinary citrate excretion, which is a primary focus in the medical management of kidney stones.[12]

Ginger: May Help with Inflammation & Oxidative Stress in Kidneys

Ginger: decrease inflammation and oxidative stress in kidneys

While ginger is a great natural kidney cleansing herb, it does have a very strong and dominant flavor many people do not like.

To address that, we balanced the ginger with beets and lemon in the kidney flush drink recipe. So you get a nice kick, but not too much.

As for the evidence, research suggests that ginger can help improve kidney function and may even protect the kidney from certain toxins. The primary mechanism of protection appears to be ginger’s ability to decrease inflammation and oxidative damage.[13].

Coconut Water: Hydration

Coconut Water Hydration

Coconut water has gained a reputation as a great source of electrolytes and a natural way to hydrate the body. Initial data suggests coconut water can also help protect against impaired kidney function and reduce oxidative stress in the kidneys. In fact, one study showed that treatment with coconut water was able to inhibit crystal deposition in the kidneys, which may help for kidney stones.[14]

To clarify these findings, the researchers didn’t make any claims that coconut water can treat or prevent kidney stones. These are initial results that look very promising.

In the context of natural kidney cleansing, we have here a natural drink (coconut water) we all love that is highly available, with good evidence on its ability to promote kidney health. (Among other benefits).

Kidney Flush with Water

While this goes without saying, you can’t discuss the best drink to flush your kidneys without covering the basics: you need to drink enough water.

The main function of the kidneys is to filter waste products and extra fluids and flush them from the body as urine.

To do so effectively, the kidneys need enough water. The current guideline for total water intake for young men and women (ages 19 to 30 years) is 3.7 L and 2.7 L per day, respectively.[15]

Another way to look at this which we have heard from many physicians, is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water.

In General, you should drink enough so you have a strong urine flow, with clear urine color.

More Drink to Flush Your Kidneys

Kidney Cleanse Protocol: for more kidney cleansing recipes, kidney detox tea, juices, smoothies, diet and supplements.