
How to Detox Your Body: 3 Evidence Based Easy Recipes

How to Detox Your Body

Heidi Moretti Author circleHeidi Moretti, MS, RD
Clinical Registered Dietitian
Detoxification Expert

Apple Cider Vinegar |  Lemon |  Moringa |  Kombucha |  Green Powders | Fiber |  Protein

In this post I will share 3 quick, safe and effective, evidence based recipes to naturally help cleanse and detox your body.

Spoiler alert: as in many natural cleansing topics, we will talk about digestion. Yes, we’ll also mention bowel movements.

All the recipes we’ll discuss are:

  • Natural, safe, effective and gentle
  • Take under one minute to make, ideal for busy people or while on the go
  • Doesn’t require any blender or other equipment.

Is Detox Really Needed?

Why and how to Detox Your Body

Never before in the human history we were exposed to so many potential toxins from our environment.

Our body can naturally eliminate toxins, but we live in a modern world where very often our exposure to chemicals and toxins exceeds the body’s ability to effectively detoxify. Overtime, toxins continue to accumulate in the body, can damage our cells and impact our overall health.

You may experience low energy or “brain fog”, mood swings, skin rashes, find it hard to lose weight, or in some cases just “feel off”.  On the other hand, accumulative toxins build up doesn’t always cause symptoms; it may take years for symptoms to be present.

How To Detox Your Body?

The Top 3 Guidelines

Intermittent Fasting: Everyday, your body cleanses and eliminates toxins, especially during these times when you do not eat of consume food. So just by shortening the time you eat, such as practicing intermittent fasting, can enhance your body’s ability to detox.

Detox & Nourish: For optimal health, both detoxification and nourishment are needed. Removing toxins from your body is one side of it, but so does providing the nutrients your body needs to heal and repair.

Go Low and Slow: It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Rather than going for the quickest way to detox, look for natural ways you can easily incorporate in your life. These are not only easier to do, but you are less likely to experience a “detox reaction” that can occur when too much toxins are released into the bloodstream.

Find Your Detox Staples

Try the detox recipes below, see our your body responds, and incorporate the ones that agree with you in your daily life, as healthy habits to naturally support and help detox your body.

1: Apple Cider Vinegar – Lemon Detox Drink

Apple Cider Vinegar - Lemon Detox Drink

A gold standard of cleansing drinks and one of the best natural ways to detox your body. Start your day right! Drink this wonderful natural tonic in the morning and during the day (up to three times a day), always on an empty stomach.

What to expect: better digestion, reduced bloating, clearer complexion.


  • ½ lemon:
    Drinking warm water with lemon juice is an ancient Ayurvedic practice known to stimulate digestion and detox the body.
    Multiple studies also shown that citric acid and antioxidants in lemon juice can help prevent kidney stones, regulate liver enzymes, and balance triacylglycerol and lipid peroxidation in the liver.[1,2,3]
  • 1 teaspoon raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar:
    (ACV) on its raw unfiltered unpasteurized form, is well known for its natural ability to cleanse, detox and flush toxins from the body. The cloudy part you usually see at the bottom of the bottle (“the mother”), has naturally occurring acids and good bacteria that can promote healthy digestion and gut health.
    According to research, apple cider vinegar can also support kidneys and liver health.[4]
  • 16 ounces distilled or spring water:
    Hydration is very important, especially when you detox to support the kidneys.


  • Shake the apple cider vinegar bottle to mix the cloudy part at the bottom.(“The mother”).
  • Add 1 teaspoon of organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar into 16 ounces of distilled or spring water at room temperature.
  • Squeeze the juice of ½ lemon, and add to the drink.
  • Drink in the morning up to three times per day, always on an empty stomach.
  • Since both lemon and ACV are acidic, use a straw to minimize contact with your teeth or gums. Interestingly enough, when consumed, this detox drink actually has an alkaline effect inside the body.

Optional: to sweeten, add a few drops of organic stevia such as vanilla sweetLeaf.

2: Replace Sugary Drinks & Snacks with Green Detox Juices

sugar detox

Sugars are bad news and are linked to many health issues.
When you consume sugars, the pancreas release insulin. High & frequent insulin spikes can cause many of our body’s systems to get out of control including the body’s ability to effectively detox and cleanse.

Sugar Detox: Instead of consuming sugars, harness the power of greens juices. They are light on digestion, low in calories, and can nourish & detox your body.

What to expect: improved energy, concentration, better mood & digestion, weight loss (in some people).

The average American consumes 150 pounds of sugar in one year.
Can you believe it? This means that every week, we are consuming 3 pounds of sugar.

To put things in perspective, two hundred years ago, the average American ate only 2 pounds of sugar a year.[5]

Ok, so we know sugars are bad for us. Stopping to drink sugary beverage or sodas, however, can be challenging to many people.

It is always easier to stop a bad habit, when you have an alternative. Even better, when you have a better alternative you actually like.
When it comes to green detox juices, making green juices or smoothies at home is ideal, but not always doable or realistic.

For example, you are at work, you just had lunch and you are crashing. Normally, you would have a sugary drink, coffee, or an energy bar. What can you drink instead?

To help you get started, below are a few healthy one minute drinks recipes to nourish and detox your body:

Moringa – Kombucha Drink

moringa detox
What to expect: a refreshing fizzy drink that tastes great and can help promote energy, calmness and healthy digestion.



  • Add 1 dropperful (1 ml) to a cup of kombucha and enjoy. You can also add directly to the kombucha bottle if you prefer to drink throughout the day.
  • Drink between meals, up to two dropperful or moringa a day.

Moringa, the Tree of Life

Moringa Detox
This edible tree is known as “the tree of life” or “the miracle tree” for a reason. With over 90 different vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, moringa is one of the most nutrient-dense plants in the world.[6]

In addition to its superior nutritional profile, moringa is a potent natural detoxifier. In fact, it is studied for its ability to remove heavy metals from the body, and to reduce oxidative stress.[7]

How to use moringa to detox your body:
Always organic, ideally in a liquid extract such as Dr. Group Moringa extract drops. The liquid makes it easier to use on the go. Just place one dropperful (1 ml) in your mouth or add to water, kombucha or other drinks. Unlike moringa powders which have a bitter unpleasant taste, the drops have a mild gentle flavor.

Kombucha: Gut Health in a Bottle

kombucha detox

Kombucha is a fermented tea originated in Asia for centuries prized for its healing properties. Modern science has shown that this traditional drink is loaded with probiotics that can promote gut health as well as antioxidants that may help support our body’s ability to combat oxidative stress.

But there’s more. The healthy bacteria found in kombucha and other fermented foods can bind to toxic metals in the gut helping the body to eliminate these with the stool.

How to use:  Luckily for us, kombucha is very popular and you can easily find many different types in stores. With that said, always go for organic kombucha from a reputable source. Watch for the added ingredients or added sugars.

Green Detox Powders

green powder detox

Another popular option to detox on the go is green powders.

To clarify a common misconception: green powders do not replace whole fresh fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, what should you do when you are stuck in the office on a typical busy day, or on the go, and don’t have time to eat fresh greens and vegetables?

This is where green powders may help. Loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants but still low in calories, a high quality green powder can make a difference. Just mix one or more scoops with your water or protein powder, and you get a quick and easy to digest source of nutrients.

Always look for a certified organic green powder from a reputable source, ideally with a combination of low sugar greens and algae.
Watch for the added sugars. There’s should be none.

A good option is the Hawaiian Medicinal Foods Living Greens.
You will get easy to digest fermented greens and algae such as wheatgrass and chlorella that have proven detoxification abilities, probiotics, live enzymes and medicinal herbs such as green tea extract (antioxidants, energy), milk thistle (liver health) and others.

The powder is very low in sugar (1 gram of sugar) and has a mild naturally pleasant flavor.

How to Detox Your Body Green Detox Powder

3: Fiber: A Potent Detoxifier

Only 5% of the population meets the daily recommendation of fiber, which ranges from 19 grams to 38 grams per day, depending on gender and age.[8]

The science clearly supports that fiber is essential to our health, including its ability to detox your body. Fiber can actually bind and absorb certain fat-soluble toxins and promote digestion, so the toxins are eliminated with the stool.

Getting enough fiber is a common challenge with modern diets, so to help you, here’s healthy easy detox recipe that provides you with about 30% of your daily fiber, along with protein, vitamins and minerals.

Chia – Hemp – Green Pudding

Chia - Hemp - Green Pudding

Nutritional Highlights

  • Fiber – 13 grams (33%)
  • Net carbs: Less than 4 grams, sugars: less than 1 grams.
  • Protein – 16 grams
  • Omega 3 – 8 grams
  • Omega 6 – 9 grams
  • Over 65% of: vitamin K, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese and phosphorus.



  • Mix the living greens in a bowl with 1 cup of almond milk or water. You can also use a shaker bottle or a wide mouth mason jar.
  • Mix with the chia and hemp seeds.
  • Wait for 5 minutes, and mix again.
  • Let sit for 10 more min. You can also place in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Enjoy! If you like the hemp seeds texture, you can also add them right before serving. The soaking is only needed for the chia seeds.

4: Protein, A Forgotten Detox Pillar

protein detox shake

Many people make the mistake of following a juice or vegetable fast for a cleanse for several weeks and as a result, do not eat enough protein.

Your body however, needs enough amino acids to heal and repair. This includes all tissues in the body including your muscles, skin, hair, even your gut.
Specifically to detoxification, certain amino acids such as glutathione play a key role in the body’s ability to detox and cleanse.

Best protein to detox your body while on the go

Finding high quality protein when you eat out or on the go is a common challenge. There are just many important factors, especially with animal proteins. Is the source of the protein free of chemicals, antibiotics or hormones? How fresh is the meat? Does the fish contain mercury? and many more.

Here are a few healthy alternatives:

Protein Green Detox Shake

Mix plant-based protein such as rice protein, pea protein or hemp protein with water or unsweetened nut milk. Add 1 scoop of Hawaiian Medicinal Foods Living Greens.

If you plan to use plant based proteins on an ongoing basis, it is always best to combine a few sources for a more diverse and rich nutritional and amino acids profile. A popular blend is pea, rice and hemp proteins.

Natural Protein Snacks for Detox

Natural Protein Snacks for detox

A discussion about proteins to detox your body will never be complete without mentioning one of the most potent parasite cleansing proteins, pumpkin seeds!

A chinese study used a combination of pumpkin seed and areca nut extract to treat the taeniasis tapeworm infections. The study found that 91 people out of 115 suspected taeniasis cases, were able to release whole tapeworms [9].

Pumpkin seeds are also very nutritious, especially in protein and essential minerals. When you eat just 2 oz of pumpkin seeds, you get your recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of:

  • 17 grams protein.
  • 63% iron.
  • Over 70% of copper, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus.
  • 40% zinc.

Read Next

  • Detox Foods: 8 Most Powerful Options For The Best Body Cleanse.



How to Stop Drinking coffee? The Natural 3 Step Protocol

Coffee Substitute Energy Drink

Heidi Moretti Author circleHeidi Moretti, MS, RD
Clinical Registered Dietitian
Functional Medicine

Benefits | Protocol | Coffee Substitutes | Coffee Break | Ginseng | Tulsi

In this post we’ll cover why and how to stop drinking coffee so you avoid or minimize caffeine withdrawal. Learn what can you drink instead of coffee to help your natural coffee detox. We’ll review the top coffee substitutes that can actually give you both the flavor and feel of coffee including the (caffeine free) energy boost.   

Why Stop Drinking Coffee?

Before we get into the how to properly quit coffee, an important disclaimer about coffee. Coffee is not the bad guy. In fact, according to science, coffee can be very good for our health.

With so many studies on coffee, it is very easy to get lost in all this data. What most experts agree with however, is that if coffee agrees with you, it can benefit your health. The studies show that drinking coffee can boost energy, help to burn more fat, improve brain function and even prevent conditions like type type II diabetes, Alzheimer’s and others.

As you can see, not that bad, right?

Top 3 Reasons To Stop Drinking Coffee

tired coffee

Time to get right into it. Here are the top three reasons why you should consider stop drinking coffee. Which one of these apply to you?

1: Most of us drink way too much coffee

Time to be honest with ourselves. Caffeine is the most commonly abused substance in the world. For many people, drinking coffee is more than a drink. It’s a habit or a daily ritual. And it can be addicting if we are not careful.

Are you being careful with your coffee consumption?

For most healthy adults, consuming less than 400 mg of caffeine is ok. With that said, some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others.

2: “My coffee doesn’t work anymore”

The more we use caffeine, the more the body gets used to it. So it doesn’t have the same effects it once had.

Everyone remembers that feeling the first time they tried coffee or other caffeinated drinks. So giving your system a break from coffee can help to get the most out of your coffee in the future. So it can work better for you again.

3: “Wired & Tired”: The Caffeine Roller Coaster

So many people fall under this one, and may not even be aware of it. And you don’t necessarily need to even like coffee either.

It  may start as a few extra cups of coffee for those days you missed sleep or needed a little more boost to meet your deadlines at work. That end of the month report, or that email you forgot to opened.  Before you notice, you are hooked and can’t function without your morning and/or afternoon coffee.

Then since your body gets used to the coffee, you need to drink more.
This vicious cycle evolves and you constantly have to drink coffee to function.

If you find yourself in this category, you should most definitely consider stop drinking coffee and reset. It’s just important to know how to do it right to avoid caffeine withdrawals, which we’ll cover next.

How to Stop Drinking coffee? The 3 Steps Protocol

Naturally and safely quit coffee while minimizing caffeine withdrawals

How to Stop Drinking coffee The 3 Steps Protocol

1: Calculate Your Daily Caffeine Consumption

It’s amazing how much caffeine is added to popular snacks, foods and beverages. The idea here is to have your caffeine consumption under control. In many cases, it’s not just your coffee.

In addition to coffee, read the label to make sure there is no caffeine. Common “suspects” include: energy drinks, energy bars, powdered drinks, green or black tea, pre-workout and fat loss supplements.

Just to give you an example, we recently tested an antioxidant supplement that had green tea extract as one of the ingredients. A powerful antioxidant, indeed, that is also loaded with caffeine.

2: Reduce Your Caffeine Intake (Gradually)

What happens when you stop drinking coffee cold turkey?
If you have been drinking coffee for awhile, chances are you will face the infamous caffeine withdrawals. And some of these symptoms can be quite horrible; nausea, headaches, “brain fog”, low energy, irritability, and flu-like symptoms are common ones.

So to mimzine these, you want to gradually cut your caffeine consumption. Here are a few helpful guidelines:

  1. If you drink multiple cups of coffee a day, reduce the number of cups by one (or even half a cup) each day.
  2. Replace each cup of coffee with coffee substitutes.
    This does more than just a coffee like flavor. Some of these herbs can boost your energy, mood and brain function without the caffeine.
    See the Replace section below to see which options are the right ones for you.
  3. Wait for two days to see how you feel. If everything is ok, continue to reduce.
    If you notice coffee withdrawals or lack of energy, do not continue to reduce and give your body a chance to cope. This is also where coffee substitutes such as tulsi and ginseng can help (see below).
  4. When you get to one cup of coffee a day, reduce the amount of coffee by 5-10 grams every two days, until you are (finally) caffeine free!
  5. Continue coffee free living for at least 4-8 weeks.

How long does it take to stop drinking coffee? when done gradually, most people may need anywhere between one to two weeks. With that said, if you need more time, give yourself more time.

3: Replace Your Coffee with Herbal Coffee Substitutes (Caffeine Free)

There are two reasons why this step is so important:

  1. The habit of drinking coffee: more than just caffeine:
    Most people miss the habit of drinking coffee. It’s always easier to stop something you like, when you replace it with another enjoyable thing.
    A big reason why so many people get addicted to coffee, is that there’s also a mental link. Your brain associates drinking coffee to pleasure.
    So having a coffee substitute that provides a similar experience may help.
  2. Energy & focus (caffeine free):
    Certain adaptogen herbs and medicinal mushrooms can still give you energy and focus without the

What Can I Drink Instead of Coffee?

With coffee substitutes, the idea is to still get a somewhat similar experience to coffee, taste and feel, only without the caffeine.

Certain medicinal mushrooms and herbs have gained popularity as coffee alternatives, mainly because they have a “feel good effect”.
In other words, you don’t have to take them for weeks to feel something. You can feel the benefits right away.

Below are the top options for you to drink instead of coffee:

1: Hawaiian Medicinal Foods Coffee Break

What can I drink instead of coffee?

Why? Rich, bold coffee like flavor, energy, health benefits (caffeine free)

Coffee Break was developed by the famous Hawaiian medicinal foods company who is known for their natural ayurvedic, amazonian and chinese medicine herbal blends.

This natural energizing coffee substitute is a blend of medicinal mushrooms and herbs shown to support your immune system, help your body cope with stress, reduce inflammation and even have anti-aging benefits.

Directions: Add 1-2 tablespoon of coffee break into hot water.
Iced coffee lovers: mix 1-2 tablespoon with your favorite nut milk.

Coffee Break Ingredients Analysis: Our Notes

Coffee like Flavor:

Roasted chicory root, dandelion root, barley and rye extracts (non-GMO) blend to provide a rich, bold coffee like flavor and consistency (body).

We get a lot of questions about chicory coffee and dandelion coffee. Both chicory and dandelion roots are common ingredients in many coffee substitutes. On their own, however, they do not taste like coffee. In fact, it is very hard for anything natural that is not coffee to taste or feel like coffee, which is why we appreciate the work and research the medicinal foods did on this blend.

“Feel Good” Effect:

  • Chaga medicinal mushroom: immune system, anti-inflammatory support
  • Reishi mushroom: anti-aging, stress support (adaptogen)
  • Maca root: energy, mood support
  • Beet root extract: kidney support.

2. Dr. Group’s Ginseng Fuzion

quit coffee ginseng

Why? Added energy and mood support (caffeine free)

So you reduced or stopped drinking coffee, and now that time after lunch comes. This is where you normally had your second cup of coffee.
You are crashing, have a severe “brain fog”, or just feel completely unmotivated to do anything productive. Is there something you can do (rather than drinking coffee) to help?

Meet Ginseng Fuzion.
Developed by Dr. Edward Group, this certified organic herbal blend uses five of the most studied types of ginseng. The result is a liquid formula designed to naturally promote energy, reduce stress, and boost your physical and mental performance.

We find that the liquid drops of Ginseng Fuzion make it really easy to use anytime you need that lift, even while on the go. If you got used to drinking coffee in the morning or afternoon, try to take Ginseng Fuzion instead. Especially in the first few weeks of your coffee detox process.

Directions: place half a dropperful (1 ml) in your mouth or add to water/other drinks. (Up to three times a day). If you miss the flavor of your cup of coffee, add to your Coffee Break drink.

Ginseng Fuzion Ingredients Analysis: Our Notes

  • Korean Ginseng (Panax ginseng): mental focus and memory, sexual health
  • Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus): stress support (adaptogen)
  • Indian Ginseng/Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): stress support (adaptogen)
  • Peruvian Ginseng/Maca (Lepidium meyenii): energy, sexual health
  • Five Leaf Ginseng/Jiao Gu Lan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum): physical stamina, mental sharpness.

3. Dr. Group’s Tulsi Extract (Holy Basil)

How to Stop Drinking coffee? tulsi

Why? Calm stress and nervous system, support adrenals, balance mood, energy (caffeine free) 

When you drink coffee, the caffeine triggers your adrenal glands to release hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. Also known as the body’s “fight or flight” stress response,  as a part of this response we become more alert and have more energy.

So in the beginning, drinking coffee gives us energy and focus. Overtime however, especially when we drink too much coffee, the adrenals can’t keep up and we end up feeling tired, fatigued, depressed or stressed.

Tulsi (Holy basil) is one of Ayurvedic medicine most studied herb known for its ability to support the adrenal glands, calm stress, balance mood, and naturally boost physical and mental energy.[1]

While drinking tulsi tea is very popular, Dr. Group’s Liquid tulsi extract is a better fit for this purpose. The extract is more potent, and the liquid drops are much easier to use.

Directions: place one dropperful (1 ml) in your mouth or add to water/other drinks. (up to two times a day). If you miss the flavor of your cup of coffee, add to your Coffee Break drink.

Read Next

Herbs for Energy: Natural clean boost without stimulants.

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie: Powerful Recipe For The Best Cleanse

heavy metal detox Smoothie
Heidi Moretti Author circleHeidi Moretti, MS, RD
Clinical Registered Dietitian
Detoxification Expert

Recipe | Nutrition Label | Research

Heavy metals are good if they are rock bands, but they have no place in our bodies!  All kidding aside, I am often surprised at how little the medical community speaks about heavy metals, because over the course of a lifetime, they can take a toll on the cardiovascular system, brain, nervous system, digestive tract, skin health, and liver function.

When I was in graduate school, the idea of mercury was obscure, and we only thought that people who ate swordfish had to worry about it.  Today, the concern for heavy metal toxicity has grown because of pollution in the oceans, in the air, and in the soils has grown exponentially across the globe.

In this article, I will share with you several evidence-based healthy, simple, natural and safe steps we can all take to begin to gently remove heavy metals from our body.

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Recipe

Below is my favorite heavy metal detox smoothie recipe, using a combination of foods and herbs known for their heavy metal detox abilities, such as moringa, chlorella, cilantro, probiotic foods, and selenium-rich foods.

I will also discuss the research behind the ingredients I use including different options to help you tailor the smoothie recipe to your own preferences.

heavy metal detox Smoothie
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Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Recipe

My favorite heavy metal detox smoothie recipe, using a combination of foods and herbs known for their heavy metal detox abilities, such as moringa, chlorella, cilantro, probiotic foods, and selenium-rich foods.
Prep Time5 minutes
Total Time5 minutes
Course: Breakfast, Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
Cuisine: American, Indian
Keyword: Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
Servings: 1 people
Calories: 530kcal
Author: Heidi Moretti, MS, RD


  • ¼ cup wild blueberries
  • 2 cups almond milk unsweetened, plain
  • 1 ml moringa drops
  • 2 nuts brazil nuts
  • ½-2 grams Chlorella around 5-10 capsules, start with the lowest serving size
  • 1 ounce cilantro
  • 2 whole kiwi
  • 1 ounce chia seeds
  • 1 medium banana optional
  • 8 fl oz kombucha optional


  • Soak chia seeds in two cup of almond milk overnight, store in the refrigerator
  • Blend all the ingredients together until smooth.
  • Add 1 ml moringa drops
  • Drink in the morning on an empty stomach


Calories: 530kcal

Other options I often do:

  • Simply mix chlorella into my kombucha drink
  • Add chlorella and cilantro in my other smoothies recipes.

Related Recipes: Overnight colon cleanse
Related Supplements: Organic selenium,  Zeotrex, Moringa extract drops.

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Nutrition Label

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie Nutrition Label

Heavy Metal Detox Ingredients: Summary of Research

Below is a summary of the ingredients used in the recipe, and their main benefits for heavy metal detox.

  • Wild blueberries: (Anthocyanin)
    Are rich in anthocyanin (purple pigment) known to protect the body from heavy metals, including neuroprotective benefits.
  • Moringa:
    Different parts of the moringa plant are reported to have the ability to remove heavy metals from the body, and to reduce their oxidative stress.[1]
    Moringa extract drops make it easier to use in smoothies and juices.
  • Brazil nut:  (Selenium)
    One brazil nut (5 grams) provides over 150% of your daily value of selenium, an important mineral known to bind and detox heavy metals in the body.
  • Chlorella:
    Has the ability to bind to heavy metals, and is also a concentrated source of nutrients, including chlorophyll, another potent natural detoxifier.
  • Cilantro:
    Known ability to bind to heavy metals.
  • Chia seeds: (Fiber)
    Very high in fiber to help eliminate heavy metals and promote healthy bowel movements.
  • Kombucha: (probiotics)
    Probiotic many healing benefits also includes detox heavy metals (see research section below). I know this may sound like a strange combination, but kombucha actually taste good in this smoothie!
  • Almond milk: (Vitamin E)
    Rich in vitamin E, which may help chelate lead.[2]
  • Kiwi: (Vitamin C)
    Rich in vitamin C, which also may chelate lead, by itself or with vitamin E.[3]
  • Banana: (Fiber, taste)
    Added due to its fiber content, and also to improve flavor and creaminess.

Chlorella for Heavy Metal Detox

Chlorella for Heavy Metal Detox

Chlorella is a powerful single-celled algae shown in studies to bind to toxins and heavy metals in water, and also inside our body.

According to research, chlorella acts like a sponge to heavy metals such as mercury and can “soak them up” so they can be eliminated with the stool.

In fact, several studies found that chlorella can bind to heavy metals in people who have silver fillings.  It may even remove mercury from nerve tissue by eliminating this harmful substance through the bowel movements and urine.  The benefits of chlorella aren’t just for mercury either; some evidence suggests it may be helpful in removing other dangerous heavy metals like cadmium from the body.

Not only does chlorella bind with toxic metals, it also provides healthy nutrients for the body like iron, chlorophyll, and protein. As a natural way to improve health, there isn’t much to lose by adding some chlorella into your daily life to gently help the body remove unwanted metals.

I use a daily dose of chlorella, at about 1 -3 tsp per day in my smoothie.  A little bit goes a long way!  Start with ½-1 tsp per day and work your way up.  If you add too much, you may experience some digestive side effects or a healing crisis. Remember, detox is all about restoring balance. It’s not a sprint, but rather a part of an ongoing healthy lifestyle.

Cilantro’s Powerful Effects Against Heavy Metals

Cilantro’s Powerful Effects Against Heavy Metals

Another easy step anyone can do to help the body clear heavy metals is to eat cilantro regularly.  This relative of parsley has the ability to safely remove heavy metals from the body too.

While we only have about a dozen case reports where cilantro has been used for heavy metal toxicity, all these cases showed impressive improvements.  The case reports even visualized a reduction in heavy metal content in the body by observing MRI’s. Animal studies also show that cilantro can safely remove lead from the body.

It is still not clear how exactly cilantro works to detox heavy metals, but since it’s safe and also delicious, this is an easy add-in to your daily meals.  In fact, I’m going to buy some more for dinner tonight!

A great way to have cilantro is to chop it up and add it to salads, add fresh cilantro as a condiment to soups, make a cilantro pesto, and add to your green smoothies.

Zinc & Selenium for Heavy Metal Detox

Zinc & Selenium for Heavy Metal Detox

Both zinc and selenium are essential minerals that can also naturally bind to heavy metals and safely remove them from the body.

Unfortunately, with selenium, our soils content affects how much selenium our food will have.  For example, the region I live in is very low in selenium, so if I am to eat local foods, I better consider taking selenium supplements routinely. People who work in agriculture are very aware of this because their livestock will die without enough selenium. For humans, an average daily dose of selenium is around 100-200 mcg.

The required amount of zinc per day varies, depending on your body size, the form it comes in your diet, and more.  For example, zinc in plant foods is poorly absorbed, while it is well absorbed from fish and meats. Also, many medications make zinc absorption poor, such as stomach medications, blood pressure pills and others.  In these cases, it is important to consider zinc supplementation. On average, a normal daily amount of zinc is around 10-15 mg.

As in many essential minerals, more is not always better. So no need to get overboard with zinc and selenium. Try to get your daily supply from whole foods such as oysters, wild salmon, and brazil nuts, and consider supplementation if needed.

Probiotic Foods & Heavy Metals

Probiotic Foods & Heavy Metals

Did you know that fermented foods like kombucha, sauerkraut, kefir, and kimchi can help remove heavy metals from the body too?

According to research, certain type of bacteria found in these foods have the ability to bind to toxic metals in the gut, so they can be eliminated with the stool.

I love fermented foods and won’t go a day without them in my diet.  I feel that anyone struggling with heavy metal toxicity symptoms should do the same.

While you can supplement probiotics too, the complexity of fermented foods supports many aspects of digestive health and provides healthy polyamines for the body. The only caution I would give here is to people who are sensitive to tyramines or need to avoid tyramines.

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie – How Often?

All the ingredients in this heavy metal detox smoothie support your body in a natural, safe, and gente way. You can drink it regularly, as a part of a healthy lifestyle to promote health and well-being.

Is a Colon Cleanse a Good Idea? How Often Should You Do It?

Is a Colon Cleanse a Good Idea
Dr. Zora DeGrandpre authorDr. Zora DeGrandpre, ND
Naturopathic Doctor
Colon Cleanse Expert

Overview | Benefits | Side effects | When | How often | My detox plan | References

Is a colon cleanse a good idea? and if so, when, how and why? How often should you do a colon cleanse?

There are basically two ways to do a colon cleansing. You can do it on your own, in the comfort of your own home or go to a specialized office that performs a colon irrigation. Also called colonics, this method uses water sometimes combined with enzymes, teas, coffee or various herbs to clear the intestines.

Related topic: Overnight colon cleanse recipe.

The Concept of Autointoxication

The concept of autointoxication originates with ancient Egyptian physicians who believed that waste material that was not regularly excreted by the bowels could produce increases in harmful bacteria and other parasites.
(They didn’t really call them bacteria, though )

According to their belief, this waste could form a sort of “reservoir” for toxins, harmful byproducts and other substances that could then be absorbed into the blood and the body. The “auto’ part in Autointoxication meant that an individual’s body was producing its own toxins simply by not adequately eliminating waste!

Unfortunately, while this does make sense, there is not a whole lot of medical evidence to support this idea. Some—but not as much as you might like to see.  On the other hand, most everyone who has had to deal with constipation or—as some like to call it—irregularity – can tell you, not having regular bowel movements can be one of the more uncomfortable times in anyone’s life!

And there is no denying the fact that regular and comfortable bowel movements are important for overall health and wellness.  It IS waste after all—the sooner it is gone, the better, right?

What is Considered Normal Colon Activity

One question I am often asked…often in a kind of “off-hand” way, is “What IS a healthy bowel movement and how often should it happen?”

Maybe a bit of a surprise, but there is no absolutely normal pattern—there is a range of normal. Some people have a daily bowel movement and that is normal for them.  Others have bowel movements throughout the day—while others have one or more bowel movements every other or even every third day.

You can determine your own “normal”: when you are feeling at your best. Do you have a bowel movement every day or is your pattern different—whatever that pattern is when you are feeling best is your normal.

When Should You Consider a Colon Cleanse?

If you are feeling bloated, have discomfort or pain or are just extremely uncomfortable, then I often recommend that patients do some form of colon cleanse.

I don’t often recommend a full colon irrigation, but I very often recommend some form of an at-home cleansing. I should add here that maintaining a high-fiber diet, at least 50 grams of fiber (soluble +insoluble) every day can help keep you regular.

Life being what it is—eating on the runs, for example, there will be times that a colon cleanse provides very needed relief as well as other benefits.

How Often Should You Do a Colon Cleanse

This question also gives a range of answers.  For most people, eating a high-fiber (and balanced) diet allows them to have regular bowel movements—most of the time.  For many, a cleanse 3-4 times a year is best.  Others, may find that once-a-month cleanse is usually enough.

For some people, a colon cleanse may be beneficial 2-3 times a month and for a few, weekly cleansing works best.  Most of the time, I recommend either 3-4 times a year or the once-a-month cleanses.

Doing more cleanses can start to be problematic—remember, the goal is to achieve YOUR normal—intervening too often, even with all-natural products, can make your colon  “lazy”—it’s called “Lazy Bowel Syndrome”.  It can also be complicated by non-regular eating patterns, eating disorders, some medications and digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or inflammatory digestive conditions like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

So, make sure if you have any of these conditions—or any other medical conditions—to talk to an understanding physician for the best advice on how often you should cleanse.

With that in mind, for most people, the goal is to make sure you have as regular bowel movements as possible. So, you regularly cleanse either 3-4 times a year or to ease discomfort with occasional constipation as needed. You should always talk to your physician, but especially if you find yourself needing  cleanses more than 6 times a year. You want to make sure there is nothing else going on, and, if you are taking medications that are affecting bowel movements, to see if there is a better alternative for you.

The Benefits of a Colon Cleanse

The potential benefits of a colon cleanse can be many. But the first and most important, well, at least as far as I am concerned (!) is that a colon cleanse can relieve that sometimes all-encompassing discomfort. It allows you to get all the things done that you want to do!

Beyond that, a colon cleanse may:

  • Improve digestive functions
  • Increase your energy level
  • Help you maintain a healthy weight.
    Don’t fall for the idea that if you poop, you have lost weight. Technically, the entire digestive system is outside your body, so that weight was never really you. However, since doing a cleanse can help your energy and comfort levels, you should be more able to maintain your level of physical activity
  • Lower the risk of colon cancer.
    We don’t know if there is a direct effect because there have been no studies on this. We do know, however, that colon cleansing before colonoscopies increase the ability to detect colon cancer early—and that is a huge advantage.
  • Help maintain a stable mood.
    This benefit can seem unrelated to a colon cleanse until you realize that 5HTP and serotonin are found at the highest levels in the digestive system. 5HTP is the biochemical precursor of serotonin—and serotonin, while it has many functions, is also known as the “happiness hormone”. It may be that a colon cleanse allows a “rebound” effect with 5HTP and serotonin. Again, there are no studies to prove this, though.
  • Reduce inflammation in the digestive system.
    There is a bit more evidence for this benefit. The essential idea is that clearing the colon of fecal material can improve the function of all the eliminative organs. (Liver, kidneys, lungs and the skin). Thus, can decrease inflammation in the digestive system. In fact, one study on colonic irrigation system showed decreased inflammation in patients with IBS.
  • Improve liver function.
    This is very important because the liver does most of the biochemical detoxification work. The liver dumps the products into the gallbladder which in turn releases those detoxified substances into your colon for elimination

Adverse Effects of a Colon Cleanse

Irrigation-type colon cleanses tend to have more possible adverse effects as compared to the gentler, at-home colon cleanses. But, there are precautions to take with at-home cleanses as well.

The adverse effects can include:

  • Diarrhea.
    In turn, diarrhea can cause dehydration and loss of essential minerals. In those with kidney conditions, this can be serious
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Bowel damage.
    This is a greater concern with irrigation techniques, but theoretically, using harsh laxatives, for example could damage the lining of the bowels.
  • Weakness
  • Mood changes
  • Loss of healthy gut bacteria

If you have a history of digestive, heart, liver or kidney disorders, be sure to consult a trusted healthcare professional for advice before using a colon cleanse.

My Favorite Detox Approach

I like to keep things as simple as possible—for myself and my family as well as for my patients. So, I recommend (and do):

  • A whole-foods diet rich in soluble and insoluble fiber (see below).
  • Eat enough high quality lean meats (mostly poultry, some game meat),
  • Wild fish (3-4 times a week)
  • Lots and lots of fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Along with a raw fruit and vegetable plate, nuts and seeds (which I add to just about everything)
  • I use primarily olive oil in all cooking.

Be active

I always recommend to be physically active. Simply taking a walk can help “massage” the bowels and help you eliminate stool more easily.

Take magnesium

I recommend magnesium to help maintain bowel regularity and to do a gentle cleansing.

For colon cleansing, use ozonated magnesium.

For an ongoing support, it is important to make sure you are not deficient in Magnesium. So, supplement with a very soluble magnesium salt like a citrate or a gluconate. Magnesium is critical for so many functions in the body and with the exception of people with kidney or neuromuscular disease and pregnant women, it can be taken very safely. Just to be on the safe side, always talk to your own physician first.  Oh yes—magnesium can also help you sleep better!

Start with 50mg of magnesium twice a day and slowly increase it as needed.  For some, that’s enough. By the time one gets to 300mg a day (in divided doses) nearly everyone can experience complete and comfortable bowel movements.

Daily Habits that Can Work as a 24-7 Colon Cleanse

Get enough fiber from whole foods

Having an adequate intake of both soluble and insoluble fiber is one of the best things you can do for your colon.

Soluble fiber makes a sort of gel to allow for easier stool passage.
Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, adds bulk for more regular stool passage.

Both help soften and moisten the stool. Soluble fiber can also help maintain normal blood sugar levels and improve both digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Generally speaking, I recommend at least 50 g of combined soluble and insoluble fiber every day:

  • Significant amounts of soluble fiber are in beans, whole grains, apples (with the peel), berries and starchy tubers like potatoes, yams, rutabagas and turnips
  • Significant amounts of insoluble fiber are in whole grains, seeds and the edible skin of fruits and berries

Eat foods that love the liver

I also recommend “foods that love the liver”. The liver is among the most important organs of detoxification we have. Overall, I’d have to say that the liver knows its business!  Our goal therefore, is to support the liver as it is doing that business.

I recommend trying to include at least one of these foods that love the liver into at least one meal every day.

  • Beets and beet juice
  • Wild fish.
    Fish with high levels of omega-3 fats help reduce inflammation and support the liver. These fish include salmon, mackerel, river trout, cod, herring, sardines and anchovies. Oysters are also high in omega-3 fats.
  • Leafy green vegetables.
    True story—while shopping at a local store, I saw a young woman looking frazzled and frantic. Are you OK? I asked. She said that she was trying to find leafy green vegetables because her doctor had recommended that she eat more of them. But, where were they?  WHAT were they?  As It happened, she was standing at the produce section, right in front of bunches of spinach!  I said—you are standing right there!  That’s spinach!  You are right in front of it…and next to the spinach –see—there’s kale, some collard greens, beet greens and there’s some mustard greens over there. I frankly looked around to see if someone was filming this as a joke. Here I was, the only naturopath in town and this lady was asking me about how to identify leafy greens!!
  • Garlic.
    Garlic is one of my favorite all-around beneficial herbs…and it’s not just because we grow our own! Garlic has been shown to reduce the fats in the liver, allowing it to function more optimally.
  • Berries of all kinds and grapes
    Antioxidants found in high levels of berries and grapes can protect the liver
  • Nuts and seeds

Your liver loves coffee too(!)

Coffee can reduce fats in the liver, possibly protecting against fatty liver disease. It also appears to normalize liver enzymes and increases the level of antioxidants.

Green tea appears to also provide similar protective effects according to several animal studies

Foods to avoid

Sometimes it is also important to know what foods to avoid.  I tell my patients—and anyone else willing to listen—to avoid all packaged, processed, fatty, salty and sugary foods.

Not only will avoiding these foods help keep your colon functioning optimally but avoiding these foods can help you maintain normal blood pressure, blood sugar levels and blood fat levels. AND avoiding these foods can help you avoid energy crashes too. The high sugar content in many processed foods may boost your apparent energy levels. But, later…later is when the crash comes and you end up feeling…well, pretty poopy!

A Colon Cleanse Story

A few years ago, I had a patient come in who had a medical history that was among the most complicated I had ever seen. Simply put, if it ended in “itis” this 50- year old man had it. (The suffix “itis” means inflammation).

We worked to change his diet (see below), and his daily exercise habits (well—to create daily exercise habits would be more accurate). The goal was to use these natural lifestyle alternatives and see if  we can slowly decrease his need for medications.

He also had chronic constipation, so along with a healthier diet, we started to use magnesium (in the form of magnesium citrate) to encourage easier and more frequent bowel movements.  I used only diet and magnesium (in slowly increasing doses) because he was taking so many different medications it was important to minimize any potentially harmful interactions. We started at 50 mg of magnesium citrate twice a day (morning and evening) and increased it by 50 mg every other day. He started having easier and more regular bowel movements at 300mg a day, and when he hit 400mg, that continued to be the daily dose.

One year later…

Over a period of about 1 year, this patient improved his diet, had regular (daily) bowel movements and lost about 10 pounds.  He also started walking every day—just a few blocks at first, but eventually walking about 1.5-2 miles most days. He was also able to decrease his blood pressure medication as well as his diabetes medications AND able to decrease his use of all his other medications.

Was it the colon cleanse, the change in lifestyle habits or maybe just that someone took the time with him?  I don’t honestly know. But, I do know that without the mild daily “lift” from the magnesium, the road would have been more difficult for him. THAT would have made it more difficult for him to be successful!


  1. Impact of colonic cleansing on quality and diagnostic yield of colonoscopy: the European Panel of Appropriateness of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy European multicenter study.
  2. Colon Cleansing: A Popular, but Misunderstood Natural Therapy.
  3. The Colon Revisited or the Key to Wellness, Health and Disease.
  4. Treatment of irritable bowel syndrome with a novel colonic irrigation system: a pilot study.
  5. Effect of garlic powder consumption on body composition in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
  6. Review of natural products with hepatoprotective effects.
  7. Coffee and Liver Health.
  8. Green Tea Extract Rich in Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Prevents Fatty Liver by AMPK Activation via LKB1 in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet.

Is Mold Toxicity Making You Sick? Symptoms, Testing & Treatment

Limit exposure to common toxins in your home
Dr Eric Wood, ND, MA AuthorDr Eric Wood, ND, MA
Naturopathic Doctor
Mold Toxicity Expert

Reviewed by:
CleanseJoy Editorial Team.

Symptoms | Diagnosis | Treatment | Mold in homes

Did you read one of the many mold toxicity stories, and wondered if it’s possible that your symptoms may be caused by mold exposure?

I can assure you that mold toxicity is real. In fact, mold toxicity is much more common than many people realize. Yet, it doesn’t always get the proper attention by medical professionals who are not specialized in mold related illnesses.

In this article, I will review some of the most commonly asked questions about mold toxicity. We’ll look into health issues that can arise due to mold exposure, how to know if mold is making you sick, treatment considerations and more.

Related posts: How to Detox Your Body from Mold

Water damaged buildings: An unrecognized epidemic

To many individuals’ surprise, it is estimated that close to 50 percent of buildings in the US have water damage. This means there are literally millions of buildings across the country with the potential for harboring and growing mold within their spaces.  And this is not just homes or apartment buildings. Think about churches, workplaces, malls, theaters, and other public places people often spend time in every day.

Despite the statistics, most Americans are unaware they are exposed to mold. Mold growth in homes is not always visible or has a musty smell. Moreover, building owners are not always aware of the threats that mold may pose to both themselves as well as any tenants. As a result, they may not take the issue of mold seriously and properly address it.

Symptoms of Mold Toxicity

There are multiple ways mold can affect an individual. It is very important therefore, to know the differences between them, as each may require a different treatment approach.

Mold Allergy

Mold exposure can can cause a mild to severe allergic reaction, and can be tested by an allergist using a standard mold allergy panel.

With mold allergy, there are usually symptoms of an allergic reaction after the exposure such as:

  • A runny nose
  • Stuffiness and congestion
  • Itchy eyes and throat
  • Sneezing

Mold allergies are common.  However, they are very different from mold toxicity, which typically cause many other symptoms that may affect the entire body.

Mold Toxicity

Some species of mold can induce what we term as ‘mold toxicity’.  This is where individuals get sick by the poisons certain types of mold produce, also called mycotoxins.

Some of the most common culprit molds that are known biotoxin producers include Stachybotrys (commonly known as ‘black mold’), Aspergillus, and Penicillium.

Unlike mold allergy that causes respiratory symptoms, mold toxicity may affect the entire body with symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue
  • “Brain fog”
  • Increased urinary frequency
  • Muscle twitching
  • Anxiety
  • Pain
  • Sleep issues
  • Visual and aural disturbances
  • Dizziness
  • Nosebleeds
  • Sinus problems
  • Heightened inflammation
  • Digestive issues

Mold Toxicity Risk Factors

Risk factors for mold toxicity include:

  • Individuals who have a high toxic burden due to other exposures. (Heavy metals, pesticides, etc.)
  • Certain genetic profiles that do not filter mycotoxins as readily
  • People over 65 or young children are generally at risk for more severe reactions to toxic mold exposure.

Mold Toxicity Diagnosis & Testing

There are a number of tests that can help identify potential adverse reactions to mold and mold poisoning, and guide the treatment. Some of the common tests may include:

  • Mold allergy test. A complete mold allergen panel
  • Urine tests for mycotoxins.
  • HLA genetic haplotype. about 25 percent of the population is genetically susceptible to mold toxicity. These individuals do not metabolize mycotoxins very effectively and usually experience severe reactions when exposed to mold.
  • Indirect markers of mold exposure. Can help determine other imbalances in the body that mold toxicity can cause. As these can get very specific, it is best to see a practitioner specializes in mold toxicity and biotoxin illness.
    Just to give you an idea, some of these tests look into antidiuretic hormone, TGF Beta-1, Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone, VEGF, C3a, and others.

Treatment Considerations for Mold Toxicity

Since mold toxicity affect people differently, the treatment may vary from one person to another. Thus, more advanced functional medicine testing that look at toxicity levels, nutritional stores, genetics and other factors more may help to personalize the ideal plan for each patient.

Some of the key components of mold toxicity treatment include:

Stop mold exposure

In order to effectively recover from mold toxicity, its essential to identify and stop the source of mold exposure. You may need to address the mold issue in your home, or avoid being in the building if possible.

Support Detoxification Pathways

There are several ways that can help support the organs and pathways of elimination such as the liver, kidneys, and bowels.

  • Glutathione, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC). Play a key role in the body’s ability to detox. Can help to eliminate more mycotoxins.
  • Milk thistle. Support normal liver function.
  • Burdock root. Support normal kidney function.
  • Activated charcoal, charged clay. Bind to mycotoxins in the gut so the body can eliminate them with the stool.
  • Physical strategies. Coffee enemas, epsom salt baths, infrared saunas.
  • IV therapy can help accelerate treatment progress in certain cases.

Diet for Mold Toxicity

There is no one diet that works for everyone, although some of the things you can do for mold toxicity include:

  • Remove inflammatory triggers. May help to quell some of the inflammatory driven symptoms associated with mycotoxin exposure. Main foods to avoid include: refined sugars, gluten, and dairy.
  • Eat more cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli , broccoli sprouts and kale can help to naturally support detoxification.

Manage stress

Ongoing biotoxin and mold exposure typically upregulates the stress response. As a result, many individuals develop chronic sleep issues, anxiety, mood swings, emotional lability, and more.

Stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing and others can help calm down neurological and endocrine changes.

Personalize the Treatment

Depending on the individual, there can be considerable variation in symptoms and the way the mold exposure affects each person. So, the treatment should carefully be tailored to the individual and consider the whole person.

Testing Mold in Homes

To properly inspect buildings for potential mold, it is always best to work with professionals specialize in mold, who are well educated in the medical and building biology research.

For instance, when a building has had water damage, humidity levels, moisture readings in walls, ceilings, floorings and everywhere must be done. It is essential to screen for surreptitious sources of water infiltration that could fuel mold blooms.

Mold is incredibly stealthy, and can grow under and around caulking, A/C vents and ducts, under flooring, behind walls and showers/tubs, and under leaking roofs. Even faulty dishwashers and washing machines can be affected. Thus, it is not enough that you know you have a mold problem, you must find out where the problem(s) are!

So mold in a building requires much more expertise than standard repair tasks. Just to give you an idea, some of the tests and tools these companies use include:

  • Infrared camera. Assess non-obvious potential growth points.
  • Test levels of mycotoxins. These account not just spore counts but rather spore counts AND mycotoxin levels. Many companies only test for spores, which will not tell you if your building is harboring substantial levels of mycotoxins. Keep in mind, mycotoxins are the toxins that actually make someone ill.

Mold remediation

The goal of mold remediation is to:

  • Fix any structural issues of the dwelling to stop water intrusion and mold growth
  • Eliminate and rid the building of mycotoxin and spore residues, which provoke the allergies and toxicity responses.

Also here, mold remediation requires a high level of expertise and specialized equipment and procedures. Ultra-fine vacuuming via an ULPA filter, surface and aerosolized treatment of the entire space, cleaning and treatment of all venting, ductwork, and furnace/AC units and more.

After mold remediation

Post-testing is essential to ensure that mycotoxin and spores counts have dropped to negligible levels. While this is not something many companies do, it is an absolute must. You have to ensure successful remediation. Otherwise all the treatment efforts may be in vain if the space hasn’t been fully remediated. As a result, individuals in that space may continue to get and/or stay ill and affected.

The bottom line: find a highly qualified and well trained mold company to deal with your remediation issues. You do not want to leave this to chance or inexperienced individuals.

In Conclusion

Mold toxicity can severely affect your quality of life and even lead to potentially life-threatening symptoms.

If you or a loved one suspect your symptoms may be related to mold exposure, do not wait. Connect with a doctor specializes in mold illness. An experienced physician can guide you through the many challenges in the diagnosis and treatment, and help you recover and claim back your health.

Read Next

How to Detox Your Body from Mold. A step by step protocol to help your body naturally eliminate mold using diet and supplements.

Gallbladder Cleanse: Complete 6 Days Flush Plan, Diet & Supplements

Gallbladder Cleanse
Cleanse Joy Research TeamResearch analysis:
CleanseJoy Editorial Team
Main references:
Dr. Frank O. McGehee, Jr, MD
Dr. Alan R. Gaby, MD

Common issuesRecipe | Diet | Benefits | Side Effects | Directions for the first time

The gallbladder cleanse (also called a liver or gallbladder flush) is one of the most common home remedies for gallstones. While you may see different versions and recipes, they all claim to dissolve and remove gallstones naturally in less than 24 hours.

To summarize, the liver and gallbladder cleanse is not an easy protocol. But, it is one of the most popular body cleanse.
For best results, and to avoid side effects, educate yourself as much as possible. So, you know the warnings, risks, safety guidelines, and steps you can take.

In this overview, our editorial team breaks down the research, including a step by step flush recipe, diet & supplements, and common problems of the flush and how to prevent/solve them.

The gallbladder cleanse protocol takes a total of six days:

  • Day 1-4: you switch to the gallbladder diet with liver cleansing herbs
  • Day 5: you drink the olive oil – citrus drink
  • Day 6: also known as the flush day, where you start eliminate gallstones.

3 Common Gallbladder Cleanse Problems & How to Fix them

Before we get to the gallbladder cleanse protocol, a quick review of three of the most common problems people run into, and how to solve them.

1: You experience detox symptoms after the gallbladder flush

Hands down, a healing crisis after the flush is the most common side effect, yet, you can easily prevent or minimize it with proper care.

When the flush releases gallstones and other toxins from the liver and gallbladder, the body eliminates them through bowel movements.

If your colon is congested or constipated, however, the toxins and stones my stay in your body longer. Even worse, some of the toxins may re-absorbed back into the circulation.

Dr. Hulda Clark and Andreas Moritz  (both known for their liver cleanse protocols) described this exact problem. The intestines are the primary organ of elimination. Thus, it is essential that you regulate your bowels before the gallbladder cleanse.

Solution: Cleanse your colon before & after the flush

Oxy-Powder (Ozonated Magnesium Oxides).
Take: 4 capsules before bedtime on Day 1-4.
6 capsules the morning after the flush.

Oxy-Powder releases natural oxygen in your colon to dissolve colon waste buildup, which is then flushed out through normal bowel movements. As a result, your body can eliminate the gallstones and other toxins quicker after the gallbladder cleanse. Thus, minimize or prevent detox symptoms.

2: You can’t tolerate the apple juice

Earlier gallbladder cleanse protocols advised people to drink 1 liter (32oz) of apple juice every day, for five days before the actual flush. The idea behind this recommendation, is that the malic acid in the apple juice can soften the gallstones, and therefore, help make their passage through the bile ducts easier.

The problem, however, is that apple juice has a strong cleansing effect. Not to mention, one liter of apple juice contains 96 grams of sugars. As a result, many people experienced nausea, bloating, diarrhea and other digestive issues. Even more, the evidence on apple juice effectiveness to dissolve gallstones is very limited.

Solution: Don’t drink apple juice. Use liver & gallbladder cleansing herbs instead.

5ml x 3 times a day for day 1-4 prior the flush.

Livatrex is a blend of organic and wild grown medicinal herbs known for their ability to detoxify and cleanse the liver, dissolve and soften gallbladder stones, and support the repair and regeneration of the liver.[1,2,3,4,5]

Ingredients: milk thistle, chanca piedra (stone breaker), borututu, reishi, yellow dock, dandelion, turmeric, chicory, peppermint.

3: Gallbladder cleanse didn’t work

Certainly, the most exciting part of the gallbladder cleanse is the “flush”.
You drink the famous olive oil – grapefruit drink (see exact recipe below), and go to sleep. If everything works according to plan, you get up in the morning and start to eliminate gallstones. But, what if you get up in the morning and there are no stones? What could possibly went wrong?

Solution: The gallbladder cleanse diet

Surprisingly, many liver cleanse recipes overlook a key step, the gallbladder cleanse diet. What you eat in the four days prior to the flush, and most importantly, what you should not eat, can significantly affect the outcome.

In addition to the obvious processed foods, high sugars, alcohol and other unhealthy foods to avoid (see the complete list below), you also want to limit your protein and fat intake.

Fat and protein trigger the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty. So, when you keep these low,  you allow the bile to build up and develop more pressure in the liver, thus, help to eliminate more toxins after you drink the olive oil.

So, for best results, keep your fats and proteins as low as possible the night before and during the day you plan to drink the olive oil. With that said, there’s no need to go to the extreme and be on a zero fat and protein diet. Just eat light, and avoid high protein and high fat foods.

Gallbladder flush/liver cleanse recipe

Below is a summary of the protocol’s main steps. Keep in mind, there’s no exact recipe that works best for everyone. So, for best results, listen to your body and common sense, and educate yourself as much as possible.

DIY vs. Liver cleanse kit

Some people enjoy to explore all the technical details and steps of the protocol. Others, however, may struggle a bit. For example, serving size, exact timing are common questions we get every day. Especially from people who do the cleanse for the first time.

So, if you are one of the many people who find the typical gallbladder flush protocol a bit too much, you may want to check Dr. Edward Group’s Liver Cleanse Program. Essentially, Dr. Group simplified the approach into a step by steps guide and already pre-packaged the flush ingredients.

Gallbladder flush/liver cleanse recipe
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Gallbladder flush/liver cleanse recipe

The gallbladder flush (also called a liver flush), is one of the most popular home remedies for gallstones. While you may see multiple recipes, they all claim to dissolve and remove gallstones naturally in less than 24 hours.
Prep Time10 minutes
Keyword: gallbladder cleanse, gallbladder flush, liver cleanse recipe
Servings: 1 People
Author: Cleanse Joy Editorial Team


  • 1 bottle Oxy-Powder Colon cleanse
  • 1 bottle Livatrex Liver & gallbladder herbs
  • 1 tbsp epsom salt (15 grams) (Magnesium sulfate)
  • 6 oz olive oil (about ¾ a cup) extra virgin cold pressed
  • 4 oz freshly squeezed grapefruit or orange juice


The Night Before

  • Limit fat and protein intake.

The Pre-Flush Day

  • Eat light during the day. Focus on whole vegetables and fresh fruits. Keep fat and protein intake as low as possible to help build pressure in the liver.
  • 12PM: Eat your last meal with only sips of water after.
  • 8PM: Mix 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt in 8 ounces of warm water and drink immediately.
  • 10PM: Combine 4 ounces of fresh grapefruit juice or orange juice with 6 oz olive oil. Shake well.
  • Stand next to your bed (do not sit down) and drink.
  • Immediately after you drink the olive oil-citrus mix, lie on your right side with your knees drawn up to your stomach for 30 minutes. Do not talk. Focus on your breathing and try to sleep.

The Day After

  • Morning: take 6 capsules of Oxy-Powder immediately upon waking to help your body flush the toxins that were released during the night. Do not eat for two hours after taking Oxy-Powder.
  • Expect to have a series of bowel movements. This is the point where people report eliminating stones.
  • Eat light during the day. A good first meal for most people is "hard" fruits such as apples to further stimulate digestion.

Gallbladder Cleanse Side Effects

You should expect diarrhea the day after the olive-citrus drink, a direct result of the epsom salt.  Other common side effects may include:

  • Difficulty to sleep after the olive oil – citrus drink (very common)
  • Pain, especially, abdominal pain and lower back pain
  • Headache
  • Weakness
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Digestive issues, in particular: bloating, excess gas
  • Irritability

Most of these are detox symptoms you can minimize or prevent by cleansing your colon before.

Your First Gallbladder Cleanse

The gallbladder flush is not a simple cleanse. There are several steps you must carefully execute, with timing, serving size and other factors you should consider. Furthermore, since the liver breaks down toxins and chemicals we are exposed to, the flush can release many of these toxic substances in a relatively short time. So, you have to make sure your intestines, the primary organ of elimination, are working properly.

For these reasons, the gallbladder flush is not a good option as a first body cleanse. Most natural health practitioners that practice the gallbladder cleanse, recommend to optimize the bowels, switch to a healthier diet, and in general, gain experience with other more simple cleanses first.

So, if you have never done the  gallbladder cleanse, here is a simple protocol to help you transition into it:

How to Safely Start Gallbladder Cleanse in 3 Steps:

Follow the 3 steps:

1: Support your gallbladder and liver

Take 5 ml Livatrex three times a day, on an empty stomach. For example, first thing in the morning, and between meals.

2: Cleanse your colon

  1. Take 4 capsules of Oxy-Powder before bedtime on an empty stomach.
  2. Expect the next day to have three to five bowel movements. First time users usually report eliminating large amounts of waste.
  3. If you had less than three bowel movements, increase by two capsules the next day. The serving size that works for most people is 4-8 capsules.
  4. Continue for up to five days. By this time, your colon should be completely cleansed, thus, you will no longer purge large amount of waste.
  5. Proceed to step three.

3: Start with “mini” gallbladder flushes

In her liver cleanse protocol, Dr. Hulda Clark recommend to experiment with low dosage of some of the key ingredients of the flush. In particular, the epsom salt and olive oil. This can help to tailor the ideal serving size you may need. As importantly, this can also give you confidence and peace of mind.

Simply put, go low and slow.
For best results, try to keep the timing of these “mini flushes” as close as possible to the gallbladder flush.

  1. Switch to a gallbladder cleanse diet. Eat light, and do not eat after 6PM. Even better, try to have your last meal by 4PM.
  2. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of epsom salt in ¾ cup warm water.
  3. 8PM: Drink on an empty stomach, at least two hours after your last meal.
  4. Increase daily, by no more than 1 teaspoon until you reach 3 teaspoons. This is the amount you take during the gallbladder flush.
  5. 10PM: Similarly, follow the same protocol for the olive oil with the citrus juice.
    Start with 1 tbsp. of oil and 1 tbsp. of juice, right before bedtime. Then, increase daily, by no more than 1 tbsp of each oil and juice, until you reach 4 tbsp. of oil and 4 tbsp. of juice.
  6. Take 6 capsules of Oxy-Powder immediately after you wake up.
    Do not eat for two hours after taking Oxy-Powder.

Gallbladder Cleanse Diet

Gallbladder Cleanse Diet

As we mentioned, what you eat in the four days prior to the flush, and most importantly, the foods you avoid, can significantly affect the outcome.

So, while there’s no diet that works best for everyone, follow these basic guidelines:

Avoid processed & inflammatory foods, especially:

  • Refined sugars such as high-fructose corn syrup
  • Fried foods
  • Dairy, soy, gluten and wheat
  • Stimulants
  • Alcohol
  • Artificial sweeteners

Limit high protein and fat foods, in particular:

  • High protein foods such as meat and eggs and dairy products
  • High fat foods such as oils and butter

As a reminder, fat and protein trigger the gallbladder to empty itself. So, when you keep these low,  you allow the bile to build up and develop more pressure in the liver, thus, help to eliminate more toxins after you drink the olive oil.

Also, try to eat light and avoid large meals and overeating. Keep in mind, the gallbladder cleanse diet is a short term eating plan to support the cleanse, not a plan you should follow long term.

Eat the following foods:

  • Fruits. In particular, apples, lemon and other citrus, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and raspberries. (Always on an empty stomach).
  • Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, kale, garden cress, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts.
  • Other liver cleansing veggies include beetroot, asparagus, and carrots.
  • Greens such as spinach and all leafy greens. Especially, dark leafy greens.
  • Plant based fats & protein in moderation.  Stop to eat the night before the pre-flush day. Good sources of fats include avocado, and fresh raw sprouted raw nuts & seeds. Beans, legumes (soak or sprout them before) and also pumpkin seeds and hemp seeds are great sources of protein.
  • Spices such as turmeric, garlic, ginger, cinnamon.
  • Vinegar. (if you like), raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.

Example of recipes you can make for the liver and gallbladder cleanse:

  • Liver cleansing juice with celery, spinach, carrots, beetroot, ginger root, lemon, apple, cucumbers, stevia, cinnamon.
  • Liver detox tea with ginger, lemon, clove, cinnamon, stevia and honey.

To learn more about additional tips for the gallbladder cleanse diet, including are famous liver cleanse salad dressing recipe, see: Liver cleanse recipes.

Does The Gallbladder Cleanse Work?

Most people typically pass multiple semi solid green or brown stones. But, are these gallstones? The majority of the evidence on the gallbladder flush comes from anecdotal reports. Thus, the data is limited, with very few cases where medical professionals actually tested the “stones” and the patients.

So, what evidence do we have?

  • Chemical analysis of the stones. A few medical professionals that analyzed the stones, concluded they were “soap stones”. In other words, the stones were created by the interaction of digestive enzymes with certain components of olive oil and lemon juice.
  • Ultrasound. On the other hand, using an ultrasound, a few practitioners reported that they saw a reduction in the number of gallstones after their patients ingested the olive oil and citrus drink.
  • Benefits. Most people report that they feel much better after the flush. In particular, more energy, better digestion, and improved clarity.

Keep in mind, most natural health experts that promote the gallbladder flush also recommend to do multiple flushes. After all, we are trying to eliminate decades of toxins. So, one flush may be just “scratching the surface”.


  1. Liver immunology and herbal treatment
  2. Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum) for the Therapy of Liver Disease
  3. The Use of Silymarin in the Treatment of Liver Diseases
  4. Milk Thistle Extract and Silymarin Inhibit Lipopolysaccharide Induced Lamellar Separation of Hoof Explants in Vitro
  5. Phyllanthus Niruri Standardized Extract Alleviates the Progression of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Decreases Atherosclerotic Risk in Sprague–Dawley Rats
  6. Nutritional Approaches to Prevention and Treatment of Gallstones, Dr. Alan R. Gaby, MD
  7. The Amazing Liver Cleanse – a Powerful Tool to Improve Your Health, Dr. Frank O. McGehee, Jr, MD, CCN

Cleanse Herbs: Complete Guide For Best Natural Herbal Cleanse

3 Day Juice Cleanse - Cleansing Herbs

Liver | Gallbladder | Kidneys, urinary tract & bladder | LungsParasites | Candida | Heavy metals | Energy

Cleanse herbs or herbal cleanse treatment is the mother of modern medicine. The ancient habit to treat diseases with plants has evolved and reshaped many of the modern treatment options.

In this review, we gathered the list of the most common cleanse herbs you can safely use to enhance the results of your different body cleanse protocols.

We also include links to the full body cleanse protocols, scientific evidence and published studies when available.

Know Your Cleanse Herbs

Choosing the right cleanse herbs can significantly enhance your cleanse results. Natural herbal cleanse, however, is not always safe.

To make sure you get the most out of your herbs and in order to avoid potential side effects, here is a quick checklist of the most important facts you should consider before you add cleanse herbs to your cleanse.

How To Choose Cleanse Herbs Checklist

  1. Medication:
    Since herbs may interact with medication, always consult with your doctor before.
  2. Use common herbs:
    The list of cleanse herbs include thousands of different herbs from different species. Not all herbs are safe or have enough evidence on their benefits. For this reason, always choose common herbs. These usually have a long history of safe traditional use, that is also supported by science. A good example is all the cleanse herbs that we include in this review.
  3. Trusted source:
    The source of the herbs matter and can significantly impact both the effectiveness and side effects. The freshness, the time of the year and way the herbs were harvested can affect their potency. In addition, location, growing condition play a key role in the purity of the herbs. This is very important as you want to avoid additional toxins often found in poor quality herbs from heavily polluted areas.
  4. Cleanse protocol with cleanse herbs:
    Cleanse herbs shine when they are combined with the proper cleansing protocol. In many cases this also means certain dietary changes.
  5. Read the reviews, ask the questions:
    When it comes to any food, medicine, or cleanse herb, always read the reviews of other people. It is always best to learn from the wisdom of the crowd. If there are no reviews, it is safe to assume that there may be better options. That’s the beauty of modern times. Unlike past times where we had to follow what the guru or healer said, these days we have enough data to educate ourselves.

Cleanse Herbs – Summary Of Evidence

The list below summarizes the most common cleanse herbs that have a long history of safe traditional use that is also validated by science.

Most of the herbs below have additional health benefits in addition to their cleansing and detoxifying properties. To make this review useful, however, we focused on the benefits that are more related to body cleansing.

Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse Herbs

liver cleanse herbs

Liver cleanse herbs products we use: livatrex.

There are a number of known liver and gallbladder cleanse herbs with unique properties that can detox the liver and gallbladder and may also help to repair and regenerate the liver.

  • Milk thistle (Silybum marianum):
    Milk thistle has a long traditional use for diseases of the liver and biliary tract. According to the evidence, the active component in milk thistle may help to detox the liver, protect against liver injury, and support the natural repair and regeneration of the liver [1,2,3,4].
    Due to these exceptional properties, most herbal cleanse formulas for the liver include milk thistle as one of the key ingredients.
  • Chanca piedra (Phyllanthus niruri):
    Chanca piedra is known as stonebreaker, due to its ability to dissolve and soften liver, kidneys and gallbladder stones (gallstones) [5].
  • Turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa rhizome):
    Curcumin, the main active compound of turmeric, can help to protect the liver from oxidative stress which may promote better liver health [6].
  • Dandelion root and leaves (Taraxacum officinale):
    Dandelion can protect the liver from toxicity, and enhance the liver’s ability to naturally regenerate [7,8].
  • Yellow dock (Rumex patientia):
    Due to its antioxidant properties, yellow dock can help protect the liver from oxidative stress [9].
  • Chicory root (Cichorium intybus):
    Chicory root may support normal liver function, improve oxidative stress and protect the liver against injury in certain cases [10,11].

To learn more, see our liver cleanse protocol.

Kidney Cleanse Herbs

Also for: urinary tract & bladder cleanse.

herbs for kidneys cleanse

Kidney cleanse herbs products we use: Renaltrex.

  • Chanca piedra (Phyllanthus niruri):
    In addition to its ability to dissolve and soften liver, kidneys and gallbladder stones (gallstones), chanca piedra can also help to prevent kidney stones. According to research, chanca piedra and its active components interfere with many stages of kidney stone formation, reduce the stone crystals aggregation and modify the kidney stone structure and composition [12,13].
  • Horsetail (Equisetum arvense):
    Horsetail is well known for its ability to safely detox and cleanse the kidneys. In addition, it has a natural and safe diuretic effect, that helps to increase urine flow [14].
  • Hydrangea root (Hydrangea paniculata):
    Hydrangea root is an excellent overall kidney cleanse herb, known for its ability to promote overall kidney, bladder, and the entire urinary tract health. In addition, it can also help to dissolve kidney stones [15].
  • Uva ursi (arctostaphylos, bearberry, bear’s grape):
    Uva ursi detoxes and cleanses the entire urinary tract and may also help to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) [16].
  • Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis):
    Marshmallow root is a very popular kidney cleanse herb due to a combination of unique abilities to flush the kidneys on one hand, as well as to relieve and soothe inflammation in the urinary tract [17].
  • Dandelion leaf (Taraxacum officinale):
    Dandelion leaf is well known as a natural and safe diuretic, that can increase the frequency of urination [18].

To learn more, see our kidney cleanse protocol.

Parasite Cleanse Herbs

Parasite Cleanse Herbs

Parasite cleanse herbs products we use: ParatrexMediterranean oregano oil.

There’s a good reason most natural parasite cleanse protocols include antiparasitic herbs. Some herbs have a natural ability to kill different types of parasites in the body and help to significantly reduce the parasitic load.

A single antiparasitic herb, however, is not going to work against all parasitic infections. Since different parasite cleanse herbs use different mechanism to kill parasites, it is common to include multiple herbs as a part of the parasite cleanse.

The most common parasite cleanse herbs and herbal cleanse combinations include:

  • Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) with Black walnut (Juglans nigra):
    Most parasite herbal cleanse formulas combine both herbs, due to their ability to kill different types of worms , parasites, bacteria and fungus [19,20].
  • Clove (Syzygium aromaticum):
    Clove is well known for its ability to inhibit parasite eggs and larvae in the body, which is essential in order to disrupt the parasite life cycle. For this reason, you often see clove together with the wormwood and black walnut combination.
  • Diatomaceous earth (food-grade):
    Diatomaceous earth is a commonly used home remedy shown effective against different types of parasitic worms [21].
  • Epazote (Dysphania ambrosioides):
    Epazote has a long traditional use in latin america for intestinal parasites, that is also validated by modern research. A few studies found that epazote has antiamoebic activity against Entamoeba histolytica, a parasitic infection of the colon [22].
  • Mediterranean oregano oil (Oreganum vulgare):
    Multiple studies found that carvacrol, the major active component in oregano oil, have antiparasitic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties [23,2425].

To learn more, see our parasite cleanse protocol.

Vaginal Yeast Infections & Candida Cleanse Herbs

Candida Cleanse Herbs

Candida cleanse herbs products we use: Mycozil.

The main reasons natural candida cleanse herbs and natural antifungals are so common, are due to:

  1. High occurrences of candida and yeast infections:
    According to the medical literature, vaginal yeast infections (vulvovaginal candidiasis) and candida issues affect 3 out of 4 women. More than 40% of affected women will have 2 or more episodes. Men can have candida and yeast infections as well [26].
  2. Resistance to antifungal drugs:
    Resistance to antifungal drugs is common and therefore, many studies look for new natural antifungal ingredients to help address candida issues [27].
  • Pau D’Arco, Red lapacho (Tabebuia impetiginosa):
    Pau D’Arco is a well known traditional remedy for fungal, vaginal yeast infections and candida issues (candidiasis), that is also validated by multiple studies [28,29,30].
  • Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra):
    The major licorice compounds showed potent antifungal activity against Candida albicans in multiple studies, with the ability to inhibit the growth of C. albicans and the candida biofilm formation [31,32].
  • Jatoba (Hymenaea courbaril):
    Jatoba showed potential against fungal infections and different candida species in multiple studies [33,34].
  • Anise seeds (Pimpinella anisum):
    Anise seeds demonstrated antifungal activity against Candida albicans and other candida species such as C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. pseudotropicalis, and C. krusei [35].
  • Beta Glucanase, Hemicellulase enzymes:
    Both systemic enzymes are commonly used as a natural alternative to break down candida cell wall and biofilm [36].

To learn more, see our candida cleanse and yeast infection protocol.

Lung Cleanse Herbs

lung cleanse herbs

Lung cleanse products we use: Allertrex.

Certain lung cleanse herbs are well known for their ability to detox and support the natural repair and regeneration process of the lungs. Traditional medicine use and modern research data indicate that these herbs may have the potential to relieve respiratory discomfort, reduce airway inflammation, clear and flush excess mucus, phlegm, and toxins from the lungs.

  • Peppermint essential oil (Mentha piperita):
    A few studies suggest that peppermint essential oil can improve respiratory function, increase brain oxygen concentration, and may also help to relax the airway and bronchial smooth muscle tonicity [37,38].
  • Plantain leaf (Plantago major):
    Research data suggests that plantain leaf may have an effective anti-inflammatory effect against different upper respiratory tract infections [39,40].
  • Chaparral, Greasewood, Creosote bush (Larrea tridentata):
    A few studies found that nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), the main metabolite of chaparral, has the ability to protect the lungs, and even suppress lung cancer cell growth [41].
  • Lovage (Levisticum officinale):
    According to research, eucalyptol, the active chemical compound in lovage and eucalyptus oil may help to dissolve mucus and has anti inflammatory effect in bronchial asthma patients [42].
  • Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus):
    Eucalyptus has been shown to have anti inflammatory, antiseptic and decongestant properties, and is traditionally used to treat asthma, nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, sore throat and sinusitis [43].

To learn more, see our lung cleanse protocol.

Heavy Metal Cleanse Herbs

Heavy metal cleanse herbs products: Zeotrex, Organic Selenium.

More and more studies suggest the health risks of exposure to toxic heavy metals. According to the research data, some natural ingredients may have promising chelation properties that can bind to toxic heavy metals and safely remove them from the body [44].

  • Cilantro, chinese parsley, coriander leaf (Coriandrum sativum):
    Cilantro is well known for its ability to accelerate the excretion of toxic heavy metals from the body through the urine [45].
  • Selenium:
    According to research, selenium helps to increase mercury excretion and decrease oxidative stress caused by exposure to mercury [46].
  • Iodine:
    According to some evidence, iodine can detoxify and remove the toxic heavy metals fluoride and bromide through the urine [47].
  • Zeolite (clinoptilolite):
    Zeolites are naturally occurring minerals, typically found in rocks and clay. For centuries, many of the uses of zeolites were due to their ability to bind to different metals. Several studies found that clinoptilolite, a naturally occurring zeolite, has the ability to remove toxic heavy metals from the body through increased urinary excretion [48,49,50].
  • Chlorella (Parachlorella beijerinckii, Chlorella vulgaris)
    Multiple studies that evaluated cholera’s natural chelation properties, found that chlorella can enhance the elimination of toxic heavy metals from the body [51,52].

Heal with Knowledge

We hope you find this herbal cleanse guide useful and wish you a safe and effective cleansing.

Herbal Cleanse

Rope Worm Parasite: Health Concern or Pseudoscience Term?

Rope Worm
Cleanse Joy Research TeamResearch analysis:
CleanseJoy Editorial Team
Main references:
Dr. Alex A. Volinsky, Ph.D
Dr. Nikolai V. Gubarev, Ph.D
Dr. Elena Marchenko, M.D.

Research | Symptoms | Protocol | References

Did you find out that you have parasites? Or did you see something in your stool that looked like a rope worm?

In this article, we’ll address the rope worms controversy, once and for all.
Learn what exactly are rope worms, how to know if you have them, and natural safe home remedies to get these critters out of your body.
Will also review some risky enema recipes you should never do, and other parasite cleanse mistakes to avoid.

Are Rope Worms Real?

Let’s start with a quick disclaimer. We are an evidence-based community.
As such, we stick to proven facts, and try the best we can to stay away from controversial topics.

The research on rope worms is new (2013). It is entirely based on the work of a few researchers that discovered rope worms. This doesn’t mean, however, that rope worms are not real. But, when we look at the evidence, we must ask ourselves if there’s enough data to suggest that rope worms pose a threat.

The question of parasites in human is another story, however. With hundreds of million Americans infected with parasites, even the CDC (US centers for disease control) released an official statement about parasites.
Dr. Tom Frieden, M.D., CDC Director stated that:

“Parasitic infections affect millions around the world…they’re more common in the US than people realize and yet there is so much we don’t know about them. We need research to learn more about these infections and action to better prevent and treat them.”[1]

So, parasites in humans are real, and there’s enough evidence to suggest we should all take them seriously. But what about rope worms? Are we going to wait a few more decades for more studies to appear, or are there a few things we can do now to address the rope worm concern.

Time to look at the evidence.

What Are Rope Worms?

According to Dr. Alex Volinsky and Dr. Nikolai Gubarev, the two researchers that discovered rope worms, rope worms are human intestinal parasites that affect most humans, cause many health issues, yet, they are often overlooked.[2]

Here are their main claims.

Rope worm appearance

Rope worms (also known as: funis vermis, helminths), look like twisted fibers of a rope with irregular cylindrical shape. In its early stages a rope worm resembles slimy viscous mucus. In its adult stage, it can be over one meter long.

Rope worm diagnosis

Rope worm looks like human feces and intestinal lining. For this reason, they are often are overlooked or mistaken for the remains of other parasites. For example, roundworms.

DNA analysis results of rope worms were inconclusive. In their published paper, Dr. Volinsky and Dr. Gubarev mentioned that “further research is required to identify what the rope worms are.”

Simply put, they could not prove that what they discovered was indeed parasites.

Rope worm inside the body

Rope worm parasites can attach to the intestinal walls using suction cup-like bubbles. Once an adult parasite attaches itself to the intestinal wall, the human body does not have mechanisms to get rid of it.

Rope worms feed on semi-digested food remains in the intestines,  and move by utilizing jet propulsion by releasing gas bubbles.

Rope worm symptoms may include

  • Digestive issues such as bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea, indigestion.
  • Food allergies.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Skin rashes.
  • Headaches.
  • Weight gain or weight loss.
  • Increased common colds.
  • Coughing.
  • Hair loss.
  • Back pain.

Dr. Gubarev Rope worm enema recipe

In their research, Dr. Volinsky and Dr. Gubarev reported that they were able to eliminate rope worms in multiple pateints by using a very specific protocol of a back to back enemas. In fact, this is how they initially discovered rope worms to begin with (cleansing enemas).

Dr. Gubarev rope worm enema recipe include a series of enemas right after another:

  1. Start with water enema to cleanse the colon.
  2. Proceed with enema with baking soda and eucalyptus oil
  3. Continue with lemon juice enema
  4. Complete the process with milk enema with salt.

We do not think the evidence on rope worm justifies doing such an aggressive extreme protocol. Furthermore, essential oil enemas or enemas with the other substances they used can cause side effects and harm your intestines.

Even more, while enemas are very common in the natural health world, practitioners rarely use these ingredients in enemas. Water enemas, coffee enemas, in comparison, are much more common. So at least you can read anecdotal reports from thousands of people and practitioners who use them daily.

How to Remove Rope Worms

For your consideration, below is a safer approach that holistically and naturally supports your body’s ability to eliminate parasites.

This protocol specifically addresses parasites that attach themselves to the intestinal wall.

Many people that have parasites usually report seeing them in their stool in the first week. With that said, It is important to continue the plan for six weeks to stop the parasite life cycle.

Step 1: Intestinal cleanse

Oxy-Powder (Ozonated Magnesium Oxides).
Take 4 capsules before bedtime, on an empty stomach for 5 days (and when needed).

Many intestinal parasites and candida yeast have the ability to attach themselves to the intestinal wall. Nothing new about the rope worm ability to do so, btw, as this is a known mechanism of parasites.[3]

Oxy-Powder releases natural oxygen in the colon that can help to loosen the parasites attachments as well as colon waste buildup that serves as their food source.

Many people report eliminating large amounts of waste often with dead candida and parasites. So be prepared to see these critters in the toilet. As disturbing as it may be, it is much better to have them out of your body.

Keep in mind, when you detox or deal with parasites or other harmful organisms, it is essential to to clear the colon as a first step, so your body can eliminate the dying parasites, candida (and their toxins) quicker.
This can prevent or minimize what is commonly known as a healing crisis or die off symptoms.

2: Take antiparasitic herbs

Take 3 capsules twice a day, before your biggest meals for 4-6 weeks.

Paratrex is a blend of organic and wild grown antiparasitic herbs known for their ability to kill different types of worms, parasites, bacteria and fungus.
The formula also helps to eliminate parasite eggs and larvae in the body, which is essential to stop the reproduction and the parasite life cycle.[4,5]

Due to the combination of antiparasitic herbs in paratrex, the parasite cleanse may work against a large number of parasites in humans. This includes: intestinal worms, tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, and candida.

3: Parasite cleanse diet

With the parasite cleanse diet you:
(see link for the complete plan)

  • Avoid foods known to feed parasites such as processed foods, high in carbs, fried foods, sugars, gluten, wheat, dairy, and alcohol.
  • Eat antiparasitic foods that kill parasites such as pumpkin seeds, garlic, papaya seeds (mix in smoothies), turmeric, ginger, coconut oil.
  • Eat foods that supports detoxification and organs of elimination such as cruciferous vegetables, and broccoli sprouts In particular.
  • Intermittent fasting and a lower carb approach may help to augment your results.

4: Tailor your cleanse

Some people may need to further support their body during the parasite cleanse. For example, parasites often cause nutritional deficiencies or other imbalances.

So, if you suspect that you have had parasites for a while, we highly recommend to read our parasite cleanse protocol overview. This way, you can educate yourself about these different steps, the reason behind them, to tailor your plan with the options that you may find relevant.

To learn more, see: parasite cleanse protocol.

Is it Rope Worm or Something Else?

So, you are on your third day of the parasite cleanse. You just had a bowel movement and see weird looking long green-brownish rope-rubbery fibrous strands with mucus in your stool. Is it rope worm or something else?

Many natural health experts believe that rope worm is nothing but accumulated waste buildup in the colon. Here you may read about another controversial term, mucoid plaque, which appears to be another term for intesential waste.

And both, rope worm and mucoid plaque have one thing in common. They tend to stick to the colon wall to a point the body may not effectively eliminate them. Thus, they can cause more waste to accumulate.

To sum up, (and save you some precious time before you go into this rabbit hole of looking into rope worms pictures online), a few things to keep in mind.

  • Dr. Gubarev research DNA analysis did not prove that “rope worm” is actually a parasite.
  • The goal of natural cleansing is to improve our health and wellness, not to be consumed by it.

Therefore, continue with the plan and rather than counting how many parasites or waste you eliminate, focus on healthy eating, and avoid those foods that feed parasites. More importantly, be consistent and see how you feel.

Rope Worm Stages

One more thing. According to Dr. Gubarev, rope worms can develop into five different stages. Thus, they may look completely different.

  1. The first stage starts as mucus, almost anywhere in the human body.
  2. The second stage looks like slimy viscous mucus, and start to emit bubbles.
  3. The third stage looks like branched jellyfish.
  4. The fourth stage start to look like the 5th adult rope stage, but has a softer slimier body.
  5. The fully developed human rope worm looks like twisted fibers of a rope and resemble human feces.

Moreover, rope worms color depends on the food a person eats, and varies from white to black. In other words, rope worms in stool may look like mucus, waste buildup, or other parasites.


  1. US centers for disease control and prevention (CDC). Parasitic Infections also occur in the United States. Millions of people infected.
  2. Development stages of the “rope” human intestinal parasite
  3. Disruption of the intestinal mucosal barrier in Candida albicans infections
  4. Therapeutic efficacy of Artemisia absinthium against Hymenolepis nana: in vitro and in vivo studies in comparison with the anthelmintic praziquantel.
  5. Antioxidant potential of Juglans nigra, black walnut, husks extracted using supercritical carbon dioxide with an ethanol modifier.

What is Mucoid Plaque & How to Remove It: 5-Day Cleanse

What is Mucoid Plaque & How to Remove It 5-Day Cleanse
Cleanse Joy Research TeamResearch analysis:
CleanseJoy Editorial Team
Main references:
Dr. Richard Anderson, ND,
Dr. Bernard Jensen, ND, PhD

Causes | Symptoms | Cleanse | Diet | Case Studies | References

In this article, we’ll address mucoid plaque FAQ, especially what is mucoid plaque, potential causes, and how to safely cleanse and remove mucoid plaque using natural foods and herbs.

Is Mucoid Plaque Real?

Let’s start with a quick disclaimer. We are an evidence-based community. As such, we stick to proven facts, and try the best we can to stay away from controversial topics. There are no published studies or medical research that suggest mucoid plaque is real.

This doesn’t mean however, that mucoid plaque is a myth or hoax.
Although there is no clear definition of mucoid plaque, it is common in the alternative medicine world. In fact, to many practitioners that are experts in cleansing, colonic irrigation, colon hydrotherapy, enemas and fasting protocols, there’s nothing special about mucoid plaque. It is something they see everyday.

What is Mucoid Plaque?

While there are different theories aim to explain what mucoid plaque is and how to get rid of it, they are all based on the idea that mucoid plaque is just another term that describes accumulated waste buildup in the colon.

Plenty of anecdotal evidence here, with people and natural health practitioners report passing long green-brownish rope-rubbery fibrous strands after doing colon cleansing, enemas or colonics.

To properly remove mucoid plaque and prevent it from becoming a chronic problem that keeps coming back, it is important to address its root cause. In other words, the reason(s) that may cause it to accumulate.

Mucoid Plaque Causes

Mucoid Plaque is Colon Waste Buildup

The main cause of mucoid plaque has to do with modern diets. We have stepped away from eating natural whole foods like our ancestors did.

Modern diet is high in processed foods, lab created chemicals and at the same time, very little fiber, vitamins and minerals. Multiple studies have clearly shown that processed foods, artificial food additives, antibiotics and other medication can disrupt gut microbiome and lead to major imbalances in our gut and digestive health.[1]

  • The body can’t properly digest or even recognize these unnatural substances. As a result, the foods may stay in the digestive tract for a long time, begin to rot and start to accumulate.[2]
  • The intestines produce mucus to support normal digestion. But, with this unnatural environment in the intestines, the mucus accumulates as well.
  • This creates a heavy mucus coating in the colon that thickens, becomes drier and harder and sticks to the colon wall to a point the body can’t eliminate it through normal bowel movements.

“The unnatural accumulations on the bowel wall become a breeding ground for parasites and unhealthy bacterial life forms…
blood capillaries to the colon begin to pick up the toxins, poisons and noxious debris as it seeps through the bowel wall. All tissues and organs of the body are now taking on toxic substances.”

– Dr. Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.D.

We have seen this time after time in our colon cleanse, gut health and parasite cleanse protocols. First time users usually report passing large amount of waste. Often with very long rubber like material, mucus, dead parasites and candida yeast. Yikes! Some people lose over 10 pounds in three days. Their stomach look flatter. Digestive issues become much better. This is obviously not fat loss or just a typical water weight.

Mucoid Plaque Symptoms

What may start as occasional digestive issues such as gas, bloating after eating and constipation may develop into chronic digestive issues due to the accumulated waste buildup in the intestines.

This creates a vicious cycle: the colon waste buildup make it even harder for food to pass in the insteines at a normal healthy pace. The food stay longer than it should, start to ferment, can feed parasites, candida and other pathogens leading to more digestive issues.

Symptoms of mucoid plaque may include:

  • Digestive issues such as constipation, diarrhea, excess gas, bloated stomach, abdominal pain and cramping,
  • Skin breakouts and acne.
  • Body odor.
  • Low energy and fatigue.
  • Low cognitive function, “Brain fog”, difficulty to concentrate, memory issues.

This may give an interesting perspective to the prevalence of digestive disorders in the US, which is reaching alarming numbers of 60-70 million people.[3

In fact, a study that had 71,812 individuals complete a survey about their digestive health, found that 61% had one or more GI symptom in the week prior to filling the survey.[4]

The most commonly reported symptoms were heartburn/reflux (30.9%), abdominal pain (24.8%), bloating (20.6%), diarrhea (20.2%), and constipation (19.7%).

How To Remove Mucoid Plaque Naturally

The 5-day protocol below is designed to:

  • Flush out your entire digestive system. You may notice mucoid plaque in stool after day 3.
  • Support your natural elimination organs and detoxification pathways.
  • Promote healthy gut flora.

The protocol uses safe and gentle natural foods and herbs.

Notice that certain colon cleansing herbs and over the counter laxatives work by forcing your body to make a bowel movement. This action may be too aggressive and may lead to laxative dependency. This means that you won’t be able to make regular bowel movements without these products.
Safety should always come first. Especially when self-cleansing at home.

Mucoid Plaque Cleanse

  1. Cleanse your intestines.
    Oxy-powder®: Take 4 capsules before bedtime, for 3-5 days.
    Oxy-powder® uses natural ozonated magnesium oxides to release oxygen into the intestines. The oxygen gently loosens accumulated waste buildup which allows the body to flush it out through normal bowel movements.
    A popular recipe that uses Oxy-powder: overnight colon cleanse.
  2. Expect the next day to have 3-5 bowel movements.
    First time users usually eliminate a large amount of stored waste.
    You may notice mucoid plaque in stool after day 3.
  3. Follow the digestive cleanse diet. (See complete plan below).
  4. Eat colon cleanse detox salad daily.
    Ideas for detox salad recipes:  colon cleanse recipe, Aunt Mary’s recipe.
  5. Take herbs that kill parasites. (Optional)
    Since accumulated waste buildup can feed different pathogens, you may see dead parasites and candida yeast in stool during the mucoid plaque cleanse. To support the process, you may want to supplement the plan with antiparasitic herbs.
    Paratrex: Take 3 capsules twice a day, before your biggest meals.
    Paratrex is a blend of organic and wild grown antiparasitic herbs known for their ability to kill different types of worms, parasites, bacteria and fungus.
    The formula also helps to eliminate parasite eggs and larvae in the body, which is essential to stop the reproduction and the parasite life cycle.[5,6]
  6. Support gut health with probiotics & prebioitcs.
    Floratrex: Take 2 capsules daily, 20 minutes before your first meal.
    When you remove waste buildup from the colon, you create an ideal environment in your gut that can encourage friendly probiotic growth, hence making probiotic supplements much more effective.
    Floratrex is a professional strength complex of 75 billion CFUs 25-Strain Probiotic & Prebiotics, designed to promote healthy bacteria in the gut. Prebiotics serve as a food source for probiotics that supports the good bacteria growth in your gut.

Diet To Remove Mucoid Plaque

Mucoid Plaque Diet

During the mucoid plaque cleanse, it is important to avoid problematic foods that are hard to digest or that are known to cause digestive issues. At the same time, you eat more natural raw whole foods to help cleanse the digestive tract and promote healthy bowel movements.

Most people do very well by eating a lighter diet with fresh whole fruits, vegetables and easy to digest foods during the cleanse. Remember, this is not a plan you should do long term, but for a very limited time to help flush out and reset your digestive system.

Raw non-starchy vegetables in particular are a good option for the mucoid plaque diet due to their insoluble fiber content. Insoluble fiber doesn’t dissolve in water, and typically passes through the gut largely intact. Think about insoluble fiber as rough brooms inside your colon that grabs accumulated waste buildup and toxins on their way out.

Mucoid Plaque Cleanse Diet
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Mucoid Plaque Cleanse Diet

During the mucoid plaque cleanse, it is important to avoid problematic foods that are hard to digest or that are known to cause digestive issues. At the same time, you eat more natural raw whole foods to help cleanse the digestive tract and promote healthy bowel movements.
Prep Time10 minutes
Course: Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch, Snacks
Cuisine: American, Mediterranean
Servings: 1 day
Author: Cleanse Joy Editorial Team


Raw vegetables

  • beetroot
  • asparagus
  • carrots

Dark leafy greens

  • kale
  • spinach
  • lettuce

Cruciferous vegetables

  • cauliflower
  • cabbage
  • garden cress
  • bok choy
  • broccoli
  • brussels sprouts

Low glycemic fruits

  • apples
  • lemon
  • citrus fruits
  • blueberries
  • blackberries
  • strawberries

Raw nuts and seeds

  • sprouted almonds
  • pumpkin seeds
  • sunflower seeds
  • hemp seeds

Healthy fats & oils

  • avocado
  • olive oil extra virgin
  • coconut oil extra virgin

Natural spices

  • turmeric
  • garlic
  • ginger
  • cinnamon


  • raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar

Intestinal Cleanse (Before bedtime)

  • 4 capsules Oxy-powder® Ozonated Magnesium Oxides, Natural Citric Acid

Foods to Avoid

  • Processed foods.
  • Fried foods.
  • Refined oils and sugars.
  • Alcohol.
  • Hard to digest foods such as beans and legumes.
  • GMOs.
  • Dairy.
  • Meat.

Psyllium Husk & Bentonite Clay May Cause Mucoid Plaque

Many natural health experts believe that not only psyllium husk and bentonite clay do not remove mucoid plaque, they may be the cause of mucoid plaque.

When psyllium husk and bentonite clay get wet, they form a thick, gooey, sticky gel like material. The idea is that as this gel passes through the digestive tract, it can absorb toxins and therefore, help to cleanse your intestines.

The issue is that it is not very easy for the body to eliminate psyllium husk. In fact, both psyllium husk and clay can slow your digestion and may lead to constipation and other digestive issues.

Eventually, when you pass the gell, you may see a long, stringy rubbery substance in your stool. This is nothing but fecal matter combined with mucilage from the psyllium.

Mucoid Plaque or Rope Worm?

Some researchers believe that mucoid plaque is actually an intestinal parasite called rope worm. Rope worms were first reported in a paper published by two researchers, Dr. Alex A. Volinsky and Dr. Nikolai V. Gubarev as a result of cleansing protocols involving:[7]

  • Fasting.
  • Enemas with eucalyptus decoction and several drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Enemas with freshly squeezed lemon juice enema.

Rope worms look like twisted fibers of a rope in stool. In its early stages it resembles slimy viscous mucus. In its adult stage, it can be over one meter long. The researchers claim that since the appearance of rope worm looks like human feces and intestinal lining, medical professionals often miss it.

In the natural alternative medicine world, many people who practice prolong water fasting report passing rope worms, with or without enemas. It’s much easier to see rope worms and parasites when you cleanse your colon, as there is barely any waste and stool left after a few days.

The bottom line

We do not think the evidence on rope worm justifies doing such an aggressive protocol the includes essential oil enemas. These can cause side effects and harm your intestines.

To see our complete review on rope worm, see:
Rope Worm Parasite: Health Concern or Pseudoscience Term?

We do find that combining safe antiparasitic herbs as a part of the mucoid plaque cleanse as shown above, may help to eliminate parasites and candida yeast. If during the cleanse you pass parasites or fungus, you may want to continue with parasite cleanse or candida cleanse as next steps.

Mucoid Plaque History & Case Studies

The following section summarizes some of the key data on mucoid plaque and the relevant references we have found in our research.

The term mucoid plaque was coined by Dr. Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D. to describe “an unhealthy accumulation of abnormal mucous matter on the walls of the intestines.”[8]

In his book, Cleanse And Purify Thyself, Dr. Anderson claimed that autopsies revealed cases of 40 pounds of mucoid plaque in the intestines.
From his book:

Mucoid plaque autopsy

“Some intestines, when autopsied, have weighed up to 40 pounds and were distended to a diameter of 12 inches with only a pencil-thin channel through which the feces could move…That 40 pounds was due to caked layers of encrusted mucus mixed with fecal matter, bizarrely resembling hardened blackish-green truck tire rubber or an old piece of dried rawhide.”

Mucoid plaque case studies

Dr. Anderson also reported case studies of patients that passed a single
length of mucoid plaque 15 feet long; and 11 pounds of mucoid plaque during a cleanse. According to Dr. Anderson: “It is not unusual to pass a total of 35 to 45 feet of plaque, often in the last week.”


  1. The influence of antibiotics and dietary components on gut microbiota.
  2. Tissue cleansing through bowel management, Dr. Bernard Jensen, DC, ND, Ph.D.
  3. NIDDK, Digestive Diseases Statistics for the United States.
  4. Burden of Gastrointestinal Symptoms in the United States: Results of a Nationally Representative Survey of Over 71,000 Americans.
  5. Therapeutic efficacy of Artemisia absinthium against Hymenolepis nana: in vitro and in vivo studies in comparison with the anthelmintic praziquantel.
  6. Antioxidant potential of Juglans nigra, black walnut, husks extracted using supercritical carbon dioxide with an ethanol modifier.
  7. Human anaerobic intestinal “rope” parasites.
  8. Cleanse And Purify Thyself, Dr. Richard Anderson, N.D., N.M.D.