Protocol | Drink recipe | Herbs | Diet | Foods | Recipes
Since we published our liver and kidney cleanse protocols, we got many requests to combine both. The result is below: a practical, easy to do, 5-day protocol designed to detox and strengthen liver and kidneys naturally and safely.
The protocol is based on some of our most popular detox recipes using potent foods and herbs known to support the liver and kidneys.
The drink and diet are required. Tea, juice and smoothie recipes are optional.
How to Strengthen Liver and Kidneys Naturally
Here’s a quick summary of the liver and kidney cleanse 5-day detox protocol:
- Make the liver and kidney cleanse drink. 2-3 times a day
Traditional recipe with natural ingredients shown in multiple studies to help flush the kidneys and strengthen the liver. Ingredients include apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, and liver and kidneys detox herbs.
See full recipe and details below. - Limit simple sugars and processed foods.
Give your liver and kidneys a vacation from having to process these toxic foods. When you eat processed foods, your liver and kidneys work extra hard in order to filter and eliminate toxins, chemicals, hormones and antibiotics often found in these foods. - Follow the liver and kidney detox diet.
The diet focuses on liver and kidneys cleanse foods known to detox, nourish, and strengthen both organs.
See the full list and recipes below. - Drink enough liquids.
The liver and kidney cleanse can increase the amount of toxins released and filtered through both organs. Make sure to drink enough liquids to support the kidneys ability to filter and eliminate toxins released during the cleanse.
As a rule of thumb, drink half your body weight in ounces of water. You should drink enough so you have a strong urine flow, with clear urine color. - Cycle off your liver and kidney cleanse herbs. 1 week
The 5 days liver and kidneys detox helps to naturally flush out toxins and nourish these organs. After the cleanse, it may be beneficial to “cycle off” liver and kidneys cleansing herbs for 5 days. This helps to slow down released toxins and allows the body to restore balance and strengthen kidneys and liver. You can continue to eat the liver and kidney cleanse diet, though.
The Liver and Kidney Cleanse Drink
The first step in the liver and kidney cleanse, is the detox drink below.
Healthy, easy to make, effective, and safe, it is one of the best home remedies you can make to naturally detox and nourish your liver and kidneys.
Liver and Kidney Cleanse Drink
- 1 liter distilled or spring water
- 1 tbsp organic raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar
- 1 small organic lemon
- 1 ml Renaltrex kidney cleansing herbs drops
- 1 ml Livatrex liver cleansing herbs drops
- 1 ml Immune support tincture immune system drops (optional)
Drink 2-3 times a day, always on an empty stomach
- Squeeze the juice of 1 organic lemon.
- Add to 1 liter of distilled or spring water.
- Shake the bottle of the apple cider vinegar until the cloudy part ("the mother") is well mixed.
- Add 1 tablespoon of organic raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.
- Add 1 dropperful (1 ml) of Renaltrex (kidney cleansing herbs)
- Add 1 dropperful (1 ml) of Livatrex (liver cleansing herbs)
- Optional: add organic stevia or monk fruit to sweeten
Update: The recipe below is designed for one serving. With that said, many of our testers prefered to make all the three servings the night before in a one gallon water bottle. This saves time and is also a great way to ensure you actually drink at least one gallon a day. Just make sure to keep the bottle in the refrigerator.
The Ingredients In the Liver and Kidney Cleanse Drink
Kidney & Liver Cleansing Herbs
For the drink, we like to use Dr. group’s kidney (renaltrex) and liver (livatrex) herbal drops.
The formula (see below) combines traditional organic herbs shown by research to help repair and regenerate the liver, soften liver and gallbladder stones, flush toxins from the kidneys and support the entire urinary tract.
The liquid form makes it very easy to use. You simply add one dropperful to your drink.
Livatrex® Liver Cleansing Herbs
Ingredients: organic milk thistle (seed), wildcrafted chanca piedra (herb), wildcrafted borotutu (root bark), organic reishi mushroom, organic yellow dock (root), organic dandelion (root), organic turmeric (root), organic chicory (root), organic peppermint (leaf).
Renaltrex® Kidney Cleansing Herbs
Ingredients: organic cranberry (fruit), organic horsetail, organic hydrangea (root), organic uva ursi (leaf), organic ginkgo biloba (leaf), organic juniper (berry), organic marshmallow (root), shilajit, trace minerals.
Lemon Juice & Apple Cider Vinegar: Liver & Kidneys Support
Lemon juice.
The research data suggests that the antioxidants in lemon can help to regulate elevated ALT and AST liver enzymes and balance triacylglycerol and lipid peroxidation in the liver.[1]
The citric acid content of lemon was also suggested as a natural way that may help prevent kidney stones.[2, 3]
Apple cider vinegar.
Multiple studies found that apple cider vinegar can regulate lipid metabolism in the liver, and protect both the kidneys and liver from an oxidative injury due to high fast diet[4,5].
Many natural health experts recommend to consume apple cider vinegar as a way to promote an alkaline environment in the body. This can help to alter the acidity in the urine, which help the kidneys to better flush toxins.
Liver and Kidney Cleanse Diet
- Focus on the liver & kidney detox foods below.
- It is best to eat most fruits on their own. Don’t mix different types of fruits, always on a empty stomach. This is essential for optimal digestion. The exception to these is avocado, which you can eat with your meals.
- 75% of your plate should be veggies and greens.
- Avoid large meals and overeating, as these can stress your liver and body.
Foods to eat:
- Healthy fats: avocado, olive oil.
- Nuts & seeds: fresh raw walnuts, almonds, sprouted pumpkin seeds, sunflowers seeds, hemp seeds.
- Greens & veggies: especially dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, beetroot, carrots.
- Clean proteins: for best results, stick with plant based proteins such as sprouted pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, moderate sprouted legumes and beans (as long as you can tolerate them). You can still have high quality animal proteins, that are antibiotic hormones free. Good options include wild caught alaskan salmon, grass fed beef, and bison.
- Fruits: citrus especially lemon, blueberries, pomegranate and apples.
Fruits with high water content such as watermelon, melons, cantaloupe, grapefruits, oranges, and grapes are all great choices. Always eat fruits on an empty stomach. - Spices: turmeric, garlic, ginger.
- Condiments: raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar.
To educate yourself more about these foods, see our research and summary of evidence: best liver & Kidneys detox foods.
Foods to Avoid
- Processed foods, processed beverages, artificial sweeteners, fried foods.
- Sugars, ceralls, bread, pasta.
- Gluten and dairy (most people have sensitivity to these).
- Artificial stimulants, watch your energy drinks and supplements.
One cup of high quality organic black coffee or organic matcha may be ok as long as they agree with you. - Alcohol.
Liver and Kidney Cleanse Recipes
Below are a few our our most popular detox recipes that include many of the liver and kidney cleanse foods.
If you normally do not eat a lot of vegetables or do not drink enough liquids, we highly recommend to include at least one of the juice recipes every day during the liver and kidney cleanse.
Detox Salads:
- The Colon Cleanse Detox Salad. Highly recommended.
- Parasite Cleanse Salad Dressing.
Detox Meals:
- Cauliflower Rice Detox Meal. Highly recommended.
- The Healthy Detox Guacamole.
- Noatmeal Detox Recipe.
Liver & Kidney Cleanse Smoothies, Juices & Teas:
- Kidney Cleanse Juice. Highly recommended.
- Liver Cleanse Juice. Highly recommended.
- Kidney Cleanse Smoothie.
- kidney Cleanse Tea.
- Liver Detox Tea.
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